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October 19, 2015

Sickening Social Media Frenzy On 'How To Stab A Jew' - Social Media Removes Images Of Muhammed But Allows Incitement To Murder Jews


By Susan Duclos - All News PipeLine

With Facebook, YouTube and other social media sites are  showing a propensity to censor criticism of Islamic extremism or images of Muhammed it is sickening to see that a new media frenzy is occurring to which those same social media sites are much slower to react to.

"How to Stab A Jew"  complete with an instructional guide and video.

ADL has highlighted a number of Arabic language posts over the last week, including a video fea­tur­ing two masked men demon­strat­ing sev­eral stab­bing tech­niques which was made available on several YouTube channels. It was originally posted on October 5, 2015 and the ADL article was written on October 15th, so it was allowed not only on YouTube for ten days, but has also been allowed to circulate on Facebook and Twitter.

Double standard much?

Attack Jews or Christians,  and those running the social sites are very slow to act, yet even the mildest form of criticism against Islamic Extremism is immediately addressed and even removed, and considered an incitement to violence or hatred? Below we show that actual incitement to violence is running rampant.



Multiple Twitter messages have been left which described exactly what type of kife is considered correct to use in the stabbing attacks in Israel. One offered a graphic of a knife with the message "Cir­cu­late: Regard­ing the Youth in the occu­pied lands, they must use ser­rated knives in stab­bing so the air can enter the body of the tar­get, which leads to imme­di­ate death, and the destruc­tion of organs when the knife is pulled."

Image below of the tweet as proof of its existence:


Via ADL:

Other Twit­ter users using an Ara­bic hash­tag “Slaugh­ter­ing the Jews” posted a mes­sage that reads: “Don’t hes­i­tate in using this qual­ity (veg­etable knife) as it’s the strongest in caus­ing pain #Slaugh­ter­ingth­e­Jews.”

Sev­eral Twit­ter users rec­om­mend attach­ing a cam­era to the knife to record the stab­bing in HD. For exam­ple, the tweet below from Octo­ber 5 includes an image of a GoPro cam­era attached to a knife and hash­tags that trans­late to  “West Bank is upris­ing” “Stab a sol­dier with a knife to lib­er­ate Pales­tine” and  “Intifada started.”


Facebook also allowed an Arabic hastag of "stab" where an image of a cir­cu­la­tory sys­tem with sug­ges­tions of areas to stab and Instagram allowed the instructional guide of "When you stab, put poi­son on the knife or soak the knife in vine­gar. Stab with a screw dri­ver and insert it in the neck….stabber stab­ber stab correctly," with another image.


It was reported in January 2015 that Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg had begun to censor images of the Prophet Muhammed just two weeks weeks after Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg posted #JeSuisCharlie and vowed not to let extremists dictate the content on the social media site.

So it is find and dandy to allow instructional guides on how to stab a Jew on Facebook but not to allow a picture of Muhammed?

Note from ADL - ADL con­tin­ues to encour­age the pub­lic to report such con­tent. ADL Cyber-Safety Action Guide pro­vides quick and easy access to com­pany poli­cies and com­plaint forms.

According to a Breitbart report dated December 29, 2014, nearly a year ago, the "how to stab a Jew" video had been "widely circulated in Palestinian social media networks," in order to teach "jihadists how to stab a Jewish person in a manner that ensures their speedy death."

The image at the top of this article is of Danny Danon, Israel's new ambassador to the United Nations, holding up the image of the circulartory system with the words "how to stab a Jew" and asserted to the UN that "The picture is being taught in middle schools, in high schools, in elementary schools," as he ureged the Security Council to make a statement against what he described as "the incitement that fuels terror."

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