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March 16, 2016

21st Century Church - Asleep At The Wheel - Troy Anderson


Submitted to All News PipeLine by A Minute To Midnite

Episode 029 of A Minute To Midnite sees the return of Troy Anderson. Troy, along with co-author Paul McGuire recently published a Book call the Babylon Code. In this show Tony and Troy delve into the possibility of whether or not America could be The Mystery Babylon spoken of in the Book Of Revelation.

One of the main focuses in this show is the role of the Church in the run-up to what are potentially End Time Events of catastrophic proportions. It begs the question: Why is the church so silent on subjects like the Return Of Jesus Christ. Why is the Book Of Revelation largely ignored? Could it be that the church is asleep at the wheel in the 21st century? Is it possible that America could be destroyed in one hour, as the Late David Wilkerson predicted? Is everything controlled by secret societies hell-bent on destruction of the nation? Is there hope for the church? Is there hope for America? If so, where is that hope found?

Find out why Troy believes there is hope, and where that hope lies!

Troy begins by talking about a film that he and Paul McGuire are working towards making, that deals with uncovering Mystery Babylon. It sounds like a very interesting and exciting project. Tony then asks Troy where he thinks America fits into the Babylonian system. Troy's answer is very interesting. Many people have wondered why America is not mentioned in the bible. Much of the teaching on bible prophecy in recent years has spoken of America disappearing from prominence before the Great Tribulation occurs. Troy goes on to outline why this is not necessarily so, and out lays out a case for an alternative view on prophecy that may show America is in fact mentioned in the bible.

The conversation turns to global events and deals with subjects like climate change, Agenda 2030, geo-engineering. Tony brings up the fact there are calls to prosecute climate change deniers, and argues that this is a step towards totalitarian government where free speech on this subject is outlawed if it doesn't fit the "States" picture and position.

About 16 minutes into the interview the conversation turns to the church. Is the church asleep at the wheel? Why are churches silent on what is happening in the world as End Time Events are unfolding? Much of the rest of the interview deals with discussion on how sleeping Christians need to be awakened. Tony and Troy talk about David Wilkerson's books "The Vision" and "Set The Trumpet To Thy Mouth", and discuss how Wilkerson warned that American cities like New York would be destroyed in "One Hour". David Wilkerson's death shocked many people people a few years ago. He fell asleep at the wheel while driving his car and was killed in the ensuing accident. Troy explains how even his death was prophetic.

The interview ends with message of hope. It's not all doom and gloom for Christians however. Great End Time awakening is also ahead for many. Hope in Jesus will certainly sustain us who believe, and God will move mightily on our behalf.

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