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October 7, 2014

8 Soldiers Die From Ebola So, Why Is Obama Sending In US Troops?

By Live Free or Die

With Barack Obama preparing to send thousands of soldiers to Western Africa in an attempt to fight off the Ebola disease at its source, we learn in this brand new story excerpted from this linked Liberian Daily Observer story that AT LEAST 8 soldiers have succumbed to the deadly disease.

Will US soldiers soon fall victim to the same fate? At 30 seconds into the 1st video below, DOD news gives us an update on these soldiers now in Africa while the 2nd video below from TheAlexJonesChannel tells us more about what Alex calls created destabilization brought on by Ebola. Could Ebola REALLY lead to the collapse of America?

At least eight soldiers, among them two commissioned officers and two medical staff, have reportedly lost their lives to the deadly Ebola virus disease (EVD), the Daily Observer has reliably learnt.

The deceased, according to our source, contracted Ebola recently at the Edward Binyan Kesseley (EBK) Barracks when a lady unsuspected of carrying the disease, visited one of the victims

This latest setback among the rank and file of the already sparse number of soldiers has reportedly created panic among them, to the extent that some of them have begun to desert the various barracks across the country.

Based on this information, the Daily Observer yesterday contacted Defense Assistant Minister for Public Affairs, David K. Dahn, who neither confirmed nor denied the report.

He, however, told this newspaper via mobile phone, The whole West Africa is being threatened by Ebola, of which the AFL is no exception, because they are among other Liberians being afflicted by the EVD.


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