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June 20, 2019
These Maps Show America In Great Despair As Our Nation Turns Away From God: Russian Orthodox Church Patriarch Had Warned The Turning Away From God Would Lead To 'End Times'
According to this incredibly sad June 12th story over at NBC News, death rates in America from suicides, drug overdoses and alcohol related causes have reached an all-time high here, with this new report released by the Commonwealth Fund examining data from all 50 US states finding the states of Ohio, West Virginia and Pennsylvania particularly hard hit.
Reporting that these so-called 'deaths of despair' are exploding across the country with the rate of overdose deaths from drugs in West Virginia called 'mind boggling', the NBC News story contained 3 different maps which we've put into this story, maps which show just how many people are dying from these preventable deaths and hinting that there are very few possible long lasting solutions to all of the different crisis our nation now faces: America's return to God. Or the Return of Jesus.
As we had reported on ANP back in January of 2018, America has been suffering a huge spiritual vacuum as the masses turn away from God and have instead embraced evil and as the Head of the Russian Orthodox Church, Patriarch Kirill, has warned numerous times that if the world continued upon the path that it is now on, the world was approaching 'end times'. First, from NBC news.
"When we look at whats going on in mid-Atlantic states West Virginia, Ohio, Pennsylvania those are the states that have the highest rates of drug overdose deaths in the country," David Radley, a senior scientist for the Commonwealth Fund, said.
Rates in those states are at least double the national average of fatal drug overdose rates. West Virginia had the highest drug overdose death rates, fueled mostly by the opioid epidemic. What's more, those rates rose by 450 percent from 2005 to 2017, according to the report.
"The rate of growth in drug overdose deaths in West Virginia is absolutely mind-boggling," Radley told NBC News.
It's not just prescription painkillers and heroin that are driving these death rates. The study authors also point to fentanyl and other potent synthetic opioids that are creeping into illicit drugs such as cocaine. Fentanylis similar to morphine, but 50 to 100 times more potent, according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse.
Following West Virginia, the District of Columbia, Kentucky, Delaware and New Hampshire had the next highest drug overdose death rates in the country, according to the report.
Death rates from suicide and alcohol also showed regional disparities. People died at higher rates by suicide or from alcohol than from drugs in Montana, Nebraska, the Dakotas, Oregon and Wyoming.
Just a few months ago, I received one of those phone calls that one never wants to receive.
My mother was calling to let me know that a friend I had grown up with during the early 1980's had passed away.
While I'll always remember a huge number of us sitting around with 'Ed', watching every Clint Eastwood movie ever created as Eastwood's characters were the embodiment of who 'Ed' wanted to be, Iwas further saddened to learn in the phone call with my mom that 'Ed' had committed suicide, taken his own life at a time in America where our nation was suffering from record numbers of suicide all across the country. None of us would have ever seen it in 'Ed'.
Yet as Mac Slavo also reports in this new story over at SHTFPlan, America is now witnessing a massive surge in 'deaths of despair'; suicides, deaths from drugs and deaths due to alcohol, and as we'll see in the excerpt below taken from his new story, all of this is happening at a time when the government had abandoned America, funnelling money away from the American people to themselves and putting trillions of dollars and great time and energy into creating their 'globalnew world order'. They've left the American people behind and this is what tens of millions have gotten in return.
In the United States, which is obviously not the happiest nation on Earth, Americans are committing suicide or deaths of despair in record numbers. There are many issues that can rightly take the blame, but lack of personal freedom and the manipulated economy are creating generations of hopelessness.
Feelings of hopelessness and despair are overwhelming many in the U.S. So much so, that people are turning to alcohol, drugs, and suicide to numb the pain of their lives. Government enslavement and the stranglehold on the economy are making life even more difficult on those already struggling to get by. And this is seen in new death numbers released.
According to a report by RT, the suicide rates among teens and young adults aged 15 to 24 (the older end of Generation Z) spiked in 2017, reaching their highest point since 2000, according to a study published Tuesday in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA). Deaths of despair have risen 51 percent in the past 10 years, buoyed by rising rates of anxiety and depression that comes along with social media use. Drug use, hopelessnesses, and a lack of free will are taking their toll on people. And the statistical figures may be even higher since some intentional drug overdoses are not counted as suicides.
The rise of millennial and Gen Z deaths of despair can be traced to the gap between reality and expectations. Raised on the myths of the American Dream and Freedom, these are the first Americans to experience a markedly lower standard of living than their parents and an increase in the authoritarian control on their lives. The Baby Boomers who grew prosperous on the fruits of the postwar economic boom had far more freedom and paid a loss in taxes that the newer generations, who have effectively sold their children and grandchildren into slavery.
Young people arent the only ones afflicted by suicide. Life expectancy nationwide is down for the third year in a row, and a report from Trust for Americas Health published last year projects that this epidemic which they define as drug and alcohol deaths plus suicide is on track to kill more than 1.6 million people by 2025 if it continues to grow at its current rate.
None of this will change until people are free to make their own decisions including the bad ones and the economy is no longer manipulated by the elitists who funnel money to themselves away from the masses.
As Fox News had reported back in April of 2017, America's up and coming generation the Millennials are far less likely to hold religious beliefs than any other generation, with over 60% of that generation believing Christianity is too 'judgemental' while 64% of Millennials claim that 'anti-gay' was the best way to describe most churches in America today.
Our nations moral compass is spinning out of control, and it will only get worse as we continue to turn away from True North.
A recent survey from the Pew Research Center shows a stunning 77 percent of Americans are at least fairly worried about the countrys morals, with 43 percent describing themselves as very worried. But despite their concern, 50 percent of everyone surveyed said religion the source of absolute truth and morality will be less important in 30 years. Forty-three percent said faith will be equally important in 2050 as it is today.
The survey also showed 56 percent of Americans believe faith in God is not necessary to have good values and to be moral.
Interestingly, I think that number reveals something quite incredible: Gods general revelation and His imprint on humanity is so strong, we dont even need to believe in Him to see His impact on the world. The problem, though, is the longer we separate truth the absolute morality of right and wrong from the source of all truth, the sooner our moral compass will come apart completely.
Patriarch Kirill warned back then that evil was driving away the good from society and while warning that the world was on a very dangerous path towards self-annihilation, he also said its the church's duty to warn of what they see unfolding.
As Patriarch Kirill stated, never before have evil and righteousness been put upon the same level as we are witnessing now and the Patriarch issues this firm warning, "if evil prevails, the end times will be upon us."
When asked about the apocalypse and if 'the end is near' and what would bring about such a scenario, Patriarch Kirill tells us "In the case when the human society stops to be viable, when the resources to exist will be exhausted which would happen in the case when we have absolute dominance of evil". Warning us that evil is not viable and in cases where systems are taken over by evil, those systems will fall, Kirill continues "If evil drives away good from human society, then the end will come".
When asked by the interviewer "why do we have to talk about this today?", Patriarch Kirill replies "Because we are now living through a special period in history. Never before did human society put good and evil on the same level. There were attempts to justify evil but never to say that good and evil are relative and not absolute truths. People's perception of good and evil was that they were absolute truth. But today they are relative. When can evil unrestrainedly grow in human society? EXACTLY when this point of view that good and evil are the same triumphs globally. And we are currently not at the beginning of this process but a certain amount of time has passed. History as we know it is exhausted, so how can the church keep silent? How can it avoid sending up an alarm? How can it avoid warning that we are on a very dangerous path of self-annihilation? If the church will not say this than who will?"
Yet, should we really even be surprised about all of these 'deaths of despair' coming at a time when Western Civilization is itself committing 'suicide' as we hear in the final video at the bottom of this story from Infowars? It's clear that a huge spiritual vacuum has struck America and only America returning to God will get our nation out of the mess we're in.
And with the mainstream media helping to push America into mass insanitywith their lies and fake news triggering 'Trump derangement syndrome' and great panic among many Democrats, should they be held responsible for the mass explosion of 'deaths of despair' across America? Those who are still getting their news from the mainstream media, and believing their never-ending lies, are setting themselves up for a major fall ahead as truth finally comes to light.
In the first video below, videographer Martin Brodel talks with us about the soaring 'deaths of despair' amongst 'Generation Z' and the Millennials while the 2nd video below from the Wall Street Journal originally published back in February of 2018 warned that the growing number of 'deaths of despair' were a very loud and clear warning sign for America, a warning we now see coming true before our eyes: America is on the edge of disaster.
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