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December 24, 2014

Another Police Shooting In Missouri! All Hell Is Breaking Loose In America

By Susan Duclos

With tensions already high and protests still being held over the deaths of Michael Brown and Eric Garner, then the execution of two New York policemen, the last thing needed is yet another match to be lit to the flame, yet reports of another incident where an armed black man was shot and killed by police in Missouri are coming out fast and furiously as all hell broke loose at aMobil gas station in the suburb of Berkeley, St. Louis at about 11:15 pm local time, according to RT.

The officer saw two male suspects and approached them. One man pulled a handgun and pointed it at the police officer.

The officer then fired several shots and wounded one of the suspects fatally. The second man managed to escape the scene.

As of the last update on the RT article, the police had not named the victim, but the mother of the deceased claims it was her son, 18 yr-old Antonio Martin.

According to Dahboo7, in the second video below, as well as Twitter reports with photos, also shown below, protesters then clashed with police as explosive devices were thrown at the police with "loud bangs" and smoke reported.


Police in NY are already being told to patrol in pairs, some told to not wear their uniforms, another cop in Florida was recently shot and run over, and a Chiago man has been arrested for a Facebook post about putting "wings on a pig," which is exactly what the NY cop killer put on his instagram before executing the NYPD cops.

The race war is here already as could be seen in videos on YouTube talking about "killing cracker babies," (video has since been removed due to violation of YouTube policies) which shows the mindset of some of those protesting. It only takes a few provacteurs to turn a peaceful protest into a bloody confrontation, as evidenced by one group calling for cops to be killed during a NY protest.

Tensions have gotten so high that police are on alert all throughout the country and some being told not to make arrests unless "absolutely necessary, " as we see this race war start to spiral out of control.

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