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July 8, 2017
'This Is Not Normal' - Another Rogue Planet 'Detected' May Be Within Our Solar System As 2013 'Meteor Strikes Moon' Story Is 'Recycled' In 2017 - Predictive Programming?
In the new story over at The UK Express that the Drudge Report linked to Friday morning, readers can be forgiven if they readily dismissed the story as 'fake news' due to it's headline alone: "END OF WORLD WARNING: Watch biggest explosion EVER on Moon as NASA warns we could be next!"What the UK Express story DIDN'T report is the meteor strike on the moon they're reporting onactually happened back in 2013. "Predictive programming from 'our handlers'?" asked one commenter on the 1st video below.
As the Express reported, a meteor with the explosive powers of 10 cruise missiles had struck the moon, creating a massive explosion that was visible to the naked eye.While the 56,000 mile per hour collision was caused by a space rock weighing about 88 lbs, "the impact damage was colossal and the explosion shone with the brightness of a magnitude 4 star".
Also reporting that a similar strike upon the planet Earth would create a crater about 65' deep while creating a 'kill zone' equivalent to 10 Tomahawk cruise missiles striking in the same place, they report the death toll would likely be in the thousands due to its small size and it might just have burned up in our atmosphere if it were headed towards Earth.
That's right, according to astronomers, ANOTHER new 'Kuiper Belt' object has been detected that is apparently playing havoc with planets gravitational fields and their angles. Claiming that 'Planet 9' is too far away to have these effects, they tell us:"so, there is almost certainly another mass out there". Sounding almost like a science fiction disaster movie, the theories they bring up within this story about this latest 'rogue planet' are fascinating and eye opening.
It turns out that Planet 9 is not the only massive object out there warping the orbits of the KBOs. According to soon-to-be-published research by Kat Volk and Renu Malhotra of the University of Arizona, theres another one. Its called . . . well, it doesnt have a name yet, but we can make a good guess.
The researchers tell us that these unseen planets are rogues. At some point they wandered into the solar system, and are captured by the gravity of Sol, our puny little sun. Now theyre stuck in orbit, messing with our calculations.
Heres the thing to remember about rogue planets: Theyre not just wanderers; they can be destroyers, too. Simulations tell us that some 60 percent of rogue planets that enter the solar system would bounce out again. But in 10 percent of cases, the rogue will take another planet along as it departs.
And theres something else for the sci-fi paranoiac to chew on along with the popcorn. The sequence. In early 2016, astronomers find a disturbance in the Kuiper Belt Objects and think planet. Fine, natural phenomenon. Then this year, they find another disturbance and think another planet. Fine, natural phenomenon. Then how is it that we never noticed before? Maybe the disturbances are . . . recent. So if by chance were soon told of a third disturbance, then by the James Bond theory of conspiracy its enemy action.
Whitmire and his colleague, John Matese, first published research on the connection between Planet X and mass extinctions in the journal Nature in 1985 while working as astrophysicists at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette. Their work was featured in a 1985 Time magazine cover story titled, "Did Comets Kill the Dinosaurs? A Bold New Theory About Mass Extinctions."
At the time there were three explanations proposed to explain the regular comet showers: Planet X, the existence of a sister star to the sun, and vertical oscillations of the sun as it orbits the galaxy. The last two ideas have subsequently been ruled out as inconsistent with the paleontological record. Only Planet X remained as a viable theory, and it is now gaining renewed attention.
Whitemire and Matese's theory is that as Planet X orbits the sun, its tilted orbit slowly rotates and Planet X passes through the Kuiper belt of comets every 27 million years, knocking comets into the inner solar system. The dislodged comets not only smash into the Earth, they also disintegrate in the inner solar system as they get nearer to the sun, reducing the amount of sunlight that reaches the Earth.
Found in the vicinity of the Constellation of 'Orion' according to the Washington Post story, is it just a coincidence that the search for 'Planet 9' is also taking place in the Constellation of 'Orion'? Nicknamed 'the perturber' by the Cal Tech astronomers who 'discovered' it, we believe it's probably NOT a coincidence that the NY Times story reported:
SOMETHING out there beyond the farthest reaches of the known solar system seems to be tugging at Uranus and Neptune. Some gravitational force keeps perturbing the two giant planets, causing irregularities in their orbits. The force suggests a presence far away and unseen, a large object that may be the long-sought Planet X.
As NASA itself reports in this story, 'Planet Nine' may be responsible for tilt of sun/solar systemwith a great question being asked within it: how can one rogue planet be responsible for the tilt of the sun? How does it have such a powerful effect and if its responsible for the tilt of the sun, what effects could it have upon our own planet Earth?
From Astronomy.com: How could Planet Nine have that much influence on our entire solar system when its so far out?
Heres why: Planet Nine is only 10 Earth masses as compared to Jupiters 300 Earth masses, but its orbit is huge. So its an argument that is basically like an asymmetrical see-saw or a dolly. Planet Nine has a really long orbit so it can assert quite a bit of torque on the inner planets without having to apply so much force. Planet Nine has as much angular momentum as the entire solar system combined, because its orbit is so big.
With even 'Planet 9' yet to be officially discovered, the 2nd video below takes a look at what some are already calling 'Planet 10' for lack of a better name and while astronomers claim that 'Planet 10' and 'Planet 9' are not the same the same beast, how have suddenly two such anomalies been detected in such a short period of time when the study of our solar system has been ongoing for thousands of years? It may be time to break out the popcorn.