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January 11, 2019
Antifa 'No-Go Zones' Just The Latest Attempt By These Thugs To Become 'ISIS Terrorists Of America' - They Look Like Them, Act Like Them, And Use The Same Playbook
Antifa groups not only are similar to ISIS terrorists in appearance, wearing black and cowardly covering their faces while conducting terror activities, but they are also eerily similar in the manner they go after those they have decided are the "enemy," as evidenced bytheir latest stunt of doxxing (revealing home addresses) the entire staff, including the advertising staff, of The Daily Caller.
The note associated with the post which revealed the home addresses of the Daily Caller staff, stated "Tucker Carlson is a scum bag. We are targetting[sic] the Daily Caller because of its promotion of white supremacist hate speech targetted at POC, immigrants, and the Left, as well as its own history of doxxing. Founded by the notorious white supremacist Tucker Carlson, the Daily Caller promoted Jason Kesslers Unite the Right demontrationp[sic] in Charlottesville, VA, which infamously culminated with the death of Heather Heyer, as well scarring thousands of onlookers. The Daily Caller staff are all complicit in promoting racist propaganda. We know where you sleep at night. We know youre all a bunch of shit head rich kids with no moral fiber. We want you out of politics and out of the way." (Copied with spelling errors included, with [sic] added in)
The very detailed dox includes personal information including home addresses and phone numbers for Editor in Chief Geoff Ingersoll, Editorial Director Vince Coglianese, Executive Editor Paul Conner, Ginni Thomas, Audrey Conklin, Derek Draplin, Virginia Kruta, Eric Lieberman, Eric Owens, Mike Piccione, David Sivak, Amber Athey, Saagar Enjeti, David Hookstead, Derek Hunter, Heather Hunter, Richie McGinniss, Guillaume Pierre-Louis, Stephanie Hamill, Benny Johnson, Betsy Rothstein, Jena Greene, Mike Brest, Will Ricciardella, John Wellington, Andrew Kerr, Brian Danza, Margaret Crilley, Neil Stevens, Patrick Kuo, Chad Ryan Brady, Krista Staley, Jack Kocsis, Ford Springer, and many more.
Prior to that Antifa had done the same to 37 U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) employees and their families, as detailed by Far Left Watch in October 2018. As that article highlighted, not only did Twitter allow ICE employees to be doxxed, but despite the post that did so being flagged and reported multiple times, it was still live, Twitter refused to remove it.
Via Far Left Watch in October:
One of the best examples of this double standard is Twitters inaction regarding the violent Seattle Antifa cell, Greater Seattle GDC. On June 21st of this year, this Anitfa cell used their Twitter account to distribute a blog post from the Puget Sound Anarchists that included the names and home addresses of 37 Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents and even included the personal contact information for their spouses. This violates multiple Twitter Terms of Service and this has been brought to Twitters attention on numerous occasions throughout the last two months. Despite being reported multiple times, the account is still active and the tweet that targets and endangers ICE agents and their families is still live.
The website then goes on to document the many times they personally reported the account to Twitter, who did nothing.
Checking now, in January 2019, we find the post is still up on Twitter.
Hey [Twitter Support], I thought doxing [sic] wasnt allowed or is it just fine when a ghostskin [sic] does it from an official police account? Huffington Post contributor Jesse Benn responded to the tweet detailing Gonzalezs arrest.
When another Twitter user said that individuals not convicted of crimes will have their innocence reflected on public record, Benn replied do you think the Berkeley pigs will tweet about that as well, dickhead?
This is very disturbing, former Berkeley police review commissioner and current University of California law professor Veena Dubal told The Guardian. It seems like a public-shaming exercise, which is not the role of the police department they are making it really accessible for folks who might wish these people harm to locate them.
Looks like they don't appreciate when the shoe is on the other foot, despite the fact that when someone breaks the law and is arrested, that is publicly available information unless sealed by a court.
Antifa not only dresses like members of the terror organization ISIS, but the tactics they are using by doxxing people they do not like, by slapping the label "fascist," on anyone that disagrees with their radical ideology, are the very same tactics that have been used by ISIS.
Flashback to 2015:ISIS Group Posts Personal Details of 100 U.S. Military Service Members
Not only do they look like ISIS members and use the same playbook with doxxing as ISIS uses, but the two groups also have other things in common. Apparently Antifa favors "no-go zones," as we have seen radical Islamic extremists create throughout Europe.
A look at their Facebook page shows they also have created a five page PDF, each page showing their new "Antifa Zone," flyers, including one of a child flipping a bird. No Racism Zone, No Nazi Zone and one that just says "Zona Antifa" with an image of their flag.
Remember, anyone that disagrees with their socialist ideologies is considered "fascist," "racists," or a "Nazi."
Over on their Twitter feed we see plenty of "Antifa Zone" graffiti that they vandalized property with, then proudly displayed. One has to wonder why the law enforcement in Nashville has not visited them for this open display of lawlessness.
Last but definitely not least, the main similarity between ISIS terrorists and Antifa thugs is their constant acts of violence and threats against those they disagree with. For years we have been seeing event after event turn violent only after Antifa rushes to the scene to protest a free speech event, or "counter-protest" is a conservative group is rallying.
So many compilation videos to choose from , but I chose one with some commentary while the montage of images and videos clips are shown, rather than some of the loud music some videographers add in.
Watch the multiple examples of mindless violence on the part of Antifa, because they are fast becoming "ISIS terrorists of America."
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