All of the above is happening.... right now, right here..... in America.
Countless Independent Media outlets have been warning people to "be prepared," for years as they saw the writing on the wall of what was happening now, and more importantly, what is coming.
The MSM is finally reporting those same warnings, from some very big names, the latest of which is billionaireJohann Rupert, who issues a dire warning of his own about technological advances leading to job losses, which in turn will lead to social unrest.
Were in for a huge change in society, he said Monday. Get used to it. And be prepared.
I heard something the other day, cannot remember which interview it was, but one statement stuck in my head, to paraphrase...... the military trains for the war it is going to fight.
The discussion was military training on US soil, whether it is operation Raider Focus or the scheduled Jade Helm 15 exercises from July to September where multiple states in the US are listed as "hostile," and which the US military claims is preparation for operations overseas.
They are not conducting these "unprecedented and dangerous" drills and exercises overseas, they are conducting them in America.... the point being, they are preparing for the war they are going to fight right here in America.
People assume those reporting on Jade Helm, those tracking the military movement where assets are being positioned all across the country, are all anti-military, but nothing could be further from the truth.
These are not people that are "against" the military, these are veterans concerned that they are watching military training for war against its own people as the country is systematically brought to the point where implementing martial law will be framed as "protecting" America and her citizens.
There are a series of videos below, showing the rising food prices, the riots, the crop failures, robots about to replace human workers which will cause huge amounts of minimum wage workers to become unemployed and finally, one of the best compilations of massive military movements happening inside American borders.
As I asked at the beginning of this article... if you saw this all happening on the news, in another country, would you not assume the government was preparing for something huge to happen?