What do the NYT, Huffington Post, ESPN, Guardian, NBC, Vocativ, Time, and NBC have in common? Two things actually: 1) They are liberal publications, and; 2) They are all laying off workers, offering buy-outs or "restructuring" or moving assets from print copy to digital, or whatever "excuse" they are offering for the "bloodbath" being seen across the board.
The one thing absolutely none of them are even considering is that their declaration of war against half of America and outright "fake news" they have been caught publishing of late, could have anything to do with the fact that publications like Breitbart are expanding their operations (which caused many in the MSM to meltdown back in January), and sites like Inforwars is hiring new employees, yet all the aforementioned liberal outlets are bleeding money and forced to "restructure."
On June 14, 2017, Michael Calderone, the senior media reporter for Huffpo, tweeted the following message saying that 39 WGAE (Union) members were laid off as part of a corporate-wide layoff, which they blamed on the Verizon acquisition of Yahoo.
The Daily Caller reports that Time announced "it will be laying off about 300 employees through a series of buyouts and layoffs," eliminating "4 percent of its workforce as it looks to cut costs in the midst of lagging sales."
Newsroom cuts have long been a fixture among publicly traded newspaper companies, particularly Gannett, which announced in October 2016 that it would trim 2 percent of its total workforceequivalent to more than 300 employees. But the corporation has foregone such transparency with its latest round of cutbacks, which come a week after a quarterly earnings report in which publishing revenues fell more than 10 percent compared to the same period last year, excluding acquisitions.
ESPN, previously known as a "sports" channel, has suffered severe criticism of late for their foray into liberal politics, pushing stories about transgender athletes, LGBT rights, race and attacks on President Donald Trump, as documented by NewsBusters, laid off 100 on-air personalities in April, calling it a "bloodletting," with the company describing those lay offs as "navigating changes in technology."
Today we see that the "bloodbath" at the New York Times, as the NY Post explains, may now start hitting more than the previous 109 copy editors that had their jobs eliminated (That explains so much about their recent sloppiness!), but now reporters themselves have their necks on the chopping block.
When the downsizing was first revealed in late May, a memo from Baquet and Managing Editor Joe Kahn portrayed the cuts as a "streamlining" of the editing process and indicated that some of the savings would be used to hire up to 100 more journalists.
But in a mid-June meeting with department heads, Baquet admitted that journalists could be targeted in a new round of layoffs once the editing ranks are culled.
"I just attended a department head meeting with Dean and the rest of the staff," Metro Editor Wendell Jamieson said in a June 15 memo to his own staff. "While much of the buyout discussions have focused on editors, the buyouts are also available to reporters. Dean made it clear that, should the Times find itself in a layoff situation, reporters will also be vulnerable." The memo eventually made its way to the NewsGuild, where it triggered a new uproar.
The NewsGuild blasted the decision by Times management to do away with copy editors and potentially expand its layoffs to reporters. "This proves what we have suspected all along," said Glickson. "The Times restructuring of the newsroom is really about the bottom line and not about making the editing process more efficient, as they claim."
As a side-note, but it really brings home the amount of disconnect that journalists have with the rest of America, CNN Opinion contributor Frida Ghitis, took issue with the severance packages offered by Huffington Post to their employees, tweeting "Math: If you worked there 10 years of your life, severance is 18 weeks, little more than 4 months." In response to someone else she called that severance "paltry."
News Flash to Frida - According to the national averages, severance is generally a week's pay for every year or service or a flat amount based on six weeks pay, or any other amount determined by the employer.
If severance payments are not specified in the current collective bargaining agreement, a company is under no obligation to provide severance benefits to employees represented by a labor union. When negotiated, a typical severance benefit for an hourly (union represented) employee is one week of pay for each year of service to a maximum of 26 weeks.
If Frida would leave her media bubble for a second and go out and talk to every day, oridinary Americans that suffered greatly after being laid off over the last decade, she might find some room to be "outraged" that people not in the media field did not receive any compensation at all, such as the June 2017 lay offs reported by the Oregonian:
Dismissed workers could be seen Thursday leaving the company's headquarters just north of Highway 26, carrying boxes of personal belongings and escorted by human resources personnel. One laid-off worker said the company brought a group of 60 into an auditorium to make the notifications, took their office badges and then walked them to the door.
SureID human resources vice president Seth Holverson declined to make a statement; he said one would come later in the day, but it never arrived. Earlier, the company did confirm the names of several executives who lost their jobs Wednesday.
SureID is not paying laid-off workers customary severance, according to termination papers received by employees and reviewed by The Oregonian/OregonLive. Discharged workers will receive health insurance through the end of the month, and will be paid for unused vacation time.
Multiple employees and former employees say SureID did not pay severance in earlier layoffs in April, either...
A look back through Frida's Twitter feed shows that since the date that was reported, she never once took time out of her Trump and Republican bashing to express her outrage over Americans receiving no compensation, but she could take time out to whine about media members only getting 18 weeks??
These media people have absolutely no connection to Americans other than the militant left and they wonder why they are suffering through a bloodbath right now in their industry?
The media declared war on anyone that did not allow them to control them during the presidential campaign, they have labeled anyone that voted for President Trump everything from misogynists to racists, Xenophobes, sexists, and they have also declared war against the President as evidenced by the latest rhetoric from MSNBC president saying Trump is like a "suicide bomber." They have given up any type of objective journalism, but worse than that they have refused to report actual news, while consistently publishing articles that have been called "dead wrong" by former members of the intelligence community.
The point is, we all have our bias, but knowingly publishing false information just to make Trump look bad, but deliberately sitting on blockbuster information that makes their side of the political aisle look bad, is why they are suffering this "bloodbath."
Until they can take a good hard look at themselves, provide all the information to their audience, with links so their audience can see and judge for themselves, rather than just their interpretation of the information, they will continue to fall further and further until they become extinct.
If they cannot do that, then good riddance to bad rubbish. Their epitaph will read "They lied themselves to death"