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October 16, 2014

CDC Busted Changing Vital Information On Website - Are They Covering Up A Bioweapon Attack In The US?

By Susan Duclos

The CDC has made changes to the information on it's website recently where archive versions show that not only are they manipulating numbers, but are blatantly changing the history of a deadly virus that has spread to 46 states and Washington DC, killing seven in the United States and infecting hundreds of children and in some cases causing paralysis in those children.

EV-D68 has been detected in specimens from seven* patients who died and had samples submitted for testing. CDC is reporting test results to state health departments as we obtain them.

The virus is Enterovirus D68 aka EV-D68 and according to the archive version of their overview page, captured in the video below by Scott Anthony, the virus was "rarely reported in the United States for the last 40 years." The website NOW reads "Small numbers of EV-D68 have been reported regularly to CDC since 1987."


As Anthony points out, "rarely" and "regularly" have two far different meanings and a change like this is a blatant attempt to make this deadly virus attacking the nation's children more common than it actually is. (The hyperlinks on the two words take you to's definitions)

Those aren't the only changes or outright lies on the CDC website either, as mentioned at ANP recently, the CDC also highlights the "time of year" that is most commonly associated with seeing EV-D68, which they have listed as "summer and fall," but omits the fact that in January and February, definitely NOT summer and fall, multiple cases were reported, with paralysis associated, in California, as reported by both National Geographic and Boston Globe.

What the CDC also does not address is how this "non-polio" EV-D68 is causing paralysis, yet they do not mention anywhere that the virus has "mutated," leading some to wonder if it is a mutation at all, but instead theorizing that this could very well be a designed version of this enterovirus, deliberately engineered and set loose on the US as a bio weapon.

Evidence is building towards that theory.

Consider the fact that the CDC states children are most likely to contract this virus, but the state "Almost all the confirmed cases this year of EV-D68 infection have been among children."

Almost, does not mean all, meaning there are cases of adults being infected.

Now consider the multitude of documented experiments of viruses and pathogens created to target just one specific group of people. For example: "Ethnic bioweapons" and "genetic bioweapons," where biological pathogens are deliberately engineered to target either a specific ethnic group (as Ebola has done in west Africa) or a subset of individuals, (as EV-D68 is doing in the US).

In late August, a "laptop of doom" was recovered from tthe terrorist group ISIS, showing documents on "the laptop's owner was teaching himself about the use of biological weaponry, in preparation for a potential attack that would have shocked the world."

Via Foreign Policy:

The information on the laptop makes clear that its owner is a Tunisian national named Muhammed S. who joined ISIS in Syria and who studied chemistry and physics at two universities in Tunisia's northeast. Even more disturbing is how he planned to use that education: The ISIS laptop contains a 19-page document in Arabic on how to develop biological weapons and how to weaponize the bubonic plague from infected animals.

Whether one believes it is the US government, multiples governments, or even terrorists, it is clear that some type of attack is happening right now in the US and the CDC is complicit in covering up information, even going so far as to change the history of the virus that has infected over 780 people to date, all across the US.

Anthony speaks to other changes and anomalies on the CDC website in the video below.


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