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November 10, 2015

With Dollar's Execution Event On Horizon, One CEO Prepares For Economic Apocalypse - Dr. Ron Paul Interviews 'Most Hated Man On Wall Street'


By Stefan Stanford - All News Pipeline - Live Free Or Die

Every once in a while, someone or something comes along that helps to restore our faith in business doing right for humanity and in the new video below from RonPaulLibertyReport, we witness such a moment and meet such a man.

While countless global megacorporations suffocate their work force and care only about profit margin, along comes a man and a company that are looking out for their employees, and in one of the most important ways possible, they're preparing their employees for surviving a financial apocalypse.


Once called 'the most hated man on Wall Street', Patrick Byrne, the founder and CEO of, joins Dr. Ron Paul in the outstanding video below to talk about the new America we are living in, freedom, and doing the right thing for his employees. Byrne warns that back in 2008 we were on the 'edge of the precipice' and asks 'what happens if there is a bank holiday now' after reminding us that back in the Great Depression, many Americans starved to death.

Byrne is making sure they are prepared for survival situations by purchasing up to 3 months worth of long-term survival food for each employee and stocking up on gold and silver to the tune of 10.9 million dollars to pay them when the dollar meets its' inevitable end or some other kind of life changing, 'financial armageddon' event arriving.

With this latest Bloomberg Business report helping to confirm that the US dollar's 'execution event' is on the horizon, we can only ask how long it will be until the trucks stop delivering and the system collapses. Although Byrne says in this video there may be only a 10% chance of a 'financial armageddon'-style event happening, 10% is plenty enough for us, especially knowing that no nation nor system goes on forever and the direction this system is heading.

prepforcollapse.jpeg has also just taken a major hit on Google search engines, dropping their stock 18% based upon the lastest earning report. Google's search engine changes have hit many other websites hard as well, especially some alternative media outlets.

Did Google intentionally go after Overstock due to their stocking up on precious metals and survival needs for their employees and going against the 'new world order'? Listen to Byrne beginning near the start of the video while at approx the 4 minute mark, this eye-opening, excellent video turns to collapse preparation. More below video.

According to Seeking Alpha, Overstock is seeking to build a loyal customer base that will likely include patriotic Americans, Survivalists, Libertarians and anyone else who appreciates and wants to support a company who is looking out for their employees.

We personally think it's great business and when we run across businesses who go out of their way to serve their customers and employees, we'll go out of our way to give props were props are due and having the opportunity to listen to Dr. Paul and Dr. Byrne in this video was a rare treat.

Is doing it the right way? Please let us know what you think in the comments below and please visit their website to show your support if you're in the position to do so.


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