With this map proving to us that most of 'America' clearly saw what was going on and voted out a failing ideology in favor of giving America a very real chance despite the myriad problems that we face, we also see that America's big cities, which will instantly become 'death traps' in an economic collapse, overwhelmingly voted Clinton thus seemingly 'skewing' the final voting numbers which showed Hillary ended up winning the popular vote.
With countless cupcakes shouting 'not my president' and burning 'orange-haired effigies' of our next president we have to ask, are we about to witness insane violence on US streets from people who don't even realize that their lives may about to get much, much better under a President Trump? Do they not even understand we'll now get someone in charge of America who'll bring jobs back to our country and focus on America first rather than further sinking America into globalist tyranny?
If the younger generations in America really believe that America and the world would be a better place under a president Hillary Clinton, all they need to do is take a look at the mess SHE helped to create in the Middle East, with Syria a fallen nation due to HER policies, certainly not Donald Trump's.
Just like a clueless social justice warrior special snowflake, Lehrich either couldn't hold back his pure and total ignorance or has proven to America he's just another warmonger intent upon death and destruction for the world.:
Unlike her, who voted for the warI would not have had people in Iraq because Iraq was a disaster, Trump said, referring to Clintons vote in support of the war. So he would be alive today.
Lehrich fired back on Twitter: hey, @realDonaldTrump regarding your claim that Captain Khan would be alive if you were president: go fk yourself.
Are Americas younger generations so ignorant now of the US Constitution that protects our God-given rights that they don't even realize that they're simply tools of George Soros and our satanic globalists overlords intent upon ending all human rights and enslaving us all?
Ed Klein said that Hillary Clinton called an old friend this morning and was crying inconsolably. She was blaming FBI Director James Comey for her loss.
Its not Comeys fault she treated national secrets like the household grocery list. She also is said to have blamed Barack Obama for not doing enough. What more could he have done? Put her in office with an executive order? Hillary felt he should have stopped Comey.
Its not Comeys fault or Obamas fault she lied 50 million times.
This was her whole life from the time she married Bill. She wanted to be president and she sacrificed everything for it. Her entire lifes ambition was in her grasp and it was snatched away from her, but its her fault.
With Trump's election proving to us that 'America' does indeed still have a chance despite all of the globalists powers now aligning against us, attempting to sabotage Trump's presidency and bring war to US soil, we take a look below at several new videosof some of these 'fake protests', paid for by terrorist supporter George Soros. We also look at new warnings that have come out that the globalists will continue to try to take down America despite the fact that an America-first president has just been voted into office.
And while we've criticized Obama relentlessly, and unlike the MSM with Clinton, we'll be sure to report on issues we don't like about a Trump presidency including violations of the rights of American citizens that his administration might carry out, America should all stand strongly against the kind of violence that we're now witnessing in protests across America. Once peaceful protest becomes unlawful and violent, those protesting against Trump are playing right into the hands of the satanic globalists intent upon enslaving us all.
As we're told in the 2nd video below, Soros' zombies have been unleashed upon America, just as the alternative news had warned would likely happen if somehow, through the Grace of God, Trump was able to beat Hillary. Now that Trump has been able to dispose of Clinton, America will need to get it together, and quickly, before the masses play right into the globalists hands.