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October 2, 2022

China Pre-Positioned To Take Over America From Within - From Secret Chinese Police Stations To Hundreds Of Thousands Of Acres Of American Farmland China Has Stealthily Invaded America

By Susan Duclos - All News PipeLine

Once again we find ourselves learning of worrisome events happening on American soil, yet each report regarding said event ignores other previous stories and issues that are directly related, turning a worrisome event into something far more disturbing when all of them are seen together.

The new event: China has secret police stations in a large numbers of countries, which they use to" monitor" Chinese dissidents, and also to carry out "policing operations on foreign soil." 

One of those secret police facilities is right here in America, in New York to be specific

The report that exposed this is titled "110 Overseas: Chinese Transnational Policing Gone Wild," by Safeguard Defenders, a human rights watchdog, and the entire 21 page PDF report is embedded at the bottom of this article.

 We've embedded the article because this piece is more about showing a "bigger picture," which shows a number of different ways the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has breached America, from secret police stations to hundreds of thousands of acres of American farmland, to the infiltration of our educational system.

One more note about these Chinese secret police stations, which explains the importance of what is happening, as well as how long this stealth invasion has been occurring.

Via Washington Free Beacon:

The stations are affiliated with the United Front Work Department, a Communist Party organization that has deep ties to the Biden administration. The think tank founded by Biden energy czar John Podesta, for example, has worked extensively with a United Front organization. The president's son, Hunter Biden, helped a United Front Work Department group gain a foothold in the United States, the Washington Free Beacon reported.


CCP-owned entities donated more than $315 million to U.S. universities between 2014 and 2019. 

According to The American Spectator in January 2021, that included  $88 million from Chinese contractors and universities that assist the Chinese military in defense research. About 1,000 donations were recorded in a Department of Education (DOE) database which showed that 200 CCP-affiliated donors gave to “dozens” of American universities, the Beacon found.

This follows discoveries in December of Columbia University accepting $1 million to set up a Confucius Institute, and in August of University of Pennsylvania accepting a $3 million donation from a shell company in Hong Kong, owned by Shanghai businessman Xu Xeuqing, who has close business ties with the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

Some of the most alarming findings by the Washington Free Beacon include the following:

• The University of California Irvine and Northwestern University accepted a combined $4 million donation for research from a company controlled by a Chinese defense contractor that reverse-engineered Chinese military planes from stolen designs of the F-35.

• The University of Michigan accepted a $1.3 million donation from Harbin Engineering University, dubbed “China’s MIT,” which the U.S. Department of Treasury had put on its ban list last year.

• Duke University partners with Wuhan University to run a campus in China. Wuhan University has assisted the Chinese military in conducting cyberattacks.

The part of that quote in bold, the Confucius Institute, is yet another type of infiltration into America's educational system, dubbed by The Heritage Foundation as "China's Trojan Horse."

"That the Confucius Institutes are instruments of propaganda was confirmed by Li Changchun, the head of propaganda for the CCP."

What are Confucius Institutes? The Heritage Foundation explains they were "Founded in 2004, the Confucius Institutes are a global phenomenon, enrolling more than nine million students at 525 institutes in 146 countries and regions. More than 100 institutes have opened in the United States, including at prestigious universities such as Columbia and Stanford. They are mostly staffed and funded by an agency of the Chinese government’s Ministry of Education—the Office of Chinese Languages Council International, or Hanban. The Hanban also operates Confucius Classrooms in an estimated 500 primary and secondary schools in the United States."

Because of the controversy surrounding these Confucius Institutes, many of the Institutes were shut supposedly shut down, but in their place was a rebranded version to bypass U.S. policy.

Via The Hawaii Free Press:

Confucius Institutes Rebrand to Circumvent U.S. Policy, Report Finds

National Association of Scholars Press_Release, June 21, 2022

New York, NY; June 21, 2022 — Colleges and universities continue to host Chinese-funded programs, similar to Confucius Institutes, under new names even after public and legislative scrutiny, concludes a new report from the National Association of Scholars.

After Confucius Institutes: China’s Enduring Influence on American Higher Education finds that Chinese government-funded Confucius Institutes rapidly closed after state and federal officials found them to be sources of censorship, propaganda, and espionage. Of 118 Confucius Institutes in the United States, 104 have closed or are in the process of closing. But at least 64 colleges and universities have reopened a Confucius Institute-like program under a different name or maintained close relationships with the Chinese entities that cosponsored Confucius Institutes.

As that article indicates, China managed an end-run around U.S. policy, and they have been allowed to get away with it.

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It might surprise some to know that out of all foreign entities China has become the largest buyer of U.S. real estate and farmland.

"It was revealed that just last year alone, China spent $6.1 billion dollars on housing in the U.S. making it America's top foreign buyer. The buying gorge went from April 2021 to March 2022 and lawmakers are noticing," according to multiple reports.

A Q&A done with U.S. Senator Chuck Grassley revealed an estimated number of how much land China has acquired in the U.S. The report said that China's ownership of U.S. land was around 192,000 acres at the turn of the century. Foreign ownership of U.S. land, in general, is over 35.2 million acres. China's main concern seems to be food supply given the farmland it has acquired.

Given the issues America is already facing with increasing costs and food shortages, it is extremely concerning that China controls so much farmland in America, giving them significant leverage as our food supply chain continues to worsen.

The most recent reports show that while the previous acquisitions are concerning, especially with our volatile food supply chain issues, the latest is causing national security concerns.

House Republicans warned top Biden Cabinet secretaries about the “alarming” effort by a Chinese government -linked company to buy a large plot of land miles from a crucial military drone base in North Dakota.

Fufeng Group, a huge agricultural company with significant links to China’s government, purchased 370 acres as a location for its new wet corn mill in the agribusiness park just a short distance from Grand Forks Air Force Base. Republicans have slammed the land grab as an "alarming development" for national security.

Key Quotes from Washington Examiner:

•  The Republicans added that “acquisitions of this magnitude pose a threat not only to our national security but also to our food security” and advocated adding the Department of Agriculture to the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States, an interagency group that reviews the national security implications of foreign investments.

• The Grand Forks base is one of the key locations for the RQ-4 Global Hawk drone , a “remotely piloted aircraft with intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance capabilities” used by the United States around the world.


Republicans are sounding the alarm, but Democrats are avoiding the issue, while the Biden regime doesn't appear to care very much that China has infiltrated America, via K-12 schools, universities,  CCP secret police operating on American soil, as they buy up all sorts of real estate, specifically farmland, and now purchasing land which poses a direct national security threat.

Not only is the Biden regime ignoring the threat and allowing the continued Chinese acquisitions of American land, but  recent reports show that a "green" group that is influencing the Biden regime, also has ties to China.

The Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), a major U.S. green group that has influenced Biden administration policymaking, has deep ties to the Chinese government.

The NRDC, a non-profit organization based in New York City with total assets exceeding $450 million, has worked on climate issues extensively in China since the mid-1990s and several of its top officials have worked for the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) or government-sponsored institutions. 

The NRDC maintains a close working relationship with President Biden's administration. The NRDC's former president, Gina McCarthy, served as Biden's climate czar up from January 2021 until earlier this month. Current president, Manish Bapna, has attended at least two White House meetings, visitor logs reviewed by Fox News Digital show. 

It is not only Joe Biden's ties and acceptance of China's infiltration and stealth invasion of America, but his son Hunter has a long history of business ties with China, going back to 2009, based on information obtained from his "laptop from hell," and interviews.

NYP headlines with "Hunter Biden and China: A timeline of his business ties to the Far East." I highly recommend the entire article be read.


China owns significant portions of America, and after information has been revealed about Hunter Biden's China ties and his father's involvement, some believe that China also owns Joe Biden himself.

Whether from past business dealings, blackmail material involving his son and Joe Biden's prior knowledge of his son's activities, or Biden's own activities after 50 years in American politics, the disturbingly worrisome equation is: Bidens + China = National Security Threat.

While the MSM is focused on more demonization of Russia over the Ukraine war, China has stealthily invaded America and now we have pre-positioned infiltrators that may just be waiting to be activated. 

Report "110 OVERSEAS Chinese Transnational Policing Gone Wild" below:

110 Overseas uploaded by All News Pipeline on Scribd

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