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November 19, 2022
Shocking Charts Are Clear Signs The Worst Is Yet To Come - Ready To See Eggs Rationed By Stores? Winter Blackouts For Tens Of Millions? It Is All On The Way
Over the past few years we have maintained that by watching what is happening in other countries, we could "see" what was coming to America. From lock downs to specific food shortages to culture wars, many times what happens around the globe, like a contagion, starts happening elsewhere.
Granted that does not happen with everything with different laws in different nations, but when it comes to things like supply chain issues, or how a nation deals with a pandemic, we see world leaders mimic what others do, even when those actions were proven to be detrimental to the nation.
Example: Covid, which originated in Wuhan, China, saw Chinese leadership locking people down, in some cases, locking them in their own buildings, refusing to the let them go shopping, or leave at all.
On 23 January 2020, the central government of China imposed a lockdown in Wuhan and other cities in Hubei in an effort to quarantine the center of an outbreak of COVID-19; this action was commonly referred to as the Wuhan lockdown. The World Health Organization (WHO), although stating that it was beyond its own guidelines, commended the move, calling it "unprecedented in public health history".
That started a chain reaction of overreach and panic, from Asia, Australia and New Zealand nations, to European countries, to Countries in the Americas, to sub-Sarahan countries in Africa. (See: Charts and how most the world went into lockdown)
Supply chain issues are another example, when one nation started seeing shortages, whether food or hand sanitizer or toilet paper, other nations followed because the
As an aside: Preppers, at least those in America, attempt to be prepared for as many SHTF scenarios, weather events, terrorist attacks, grid down scenarios, as possible by stocking up on foods, medications, water and other basic necessities.
As a nation we have not learned the lessons preppers learned even before prepping was acknowledged, and long before preppers were treated as anything but "doomsday nuts," which is to prepare to live either "off the grid" or simply to be self-sufficient in the case of a societal breakdown and civil unrest. We have allowed ourselves as a nation to be dependent on other nations to survive.
Keeping in mind that when a food shortages happens in one place, like dominoes other places start seeing the same shortages, because it is no longer just "America's food supply," but an interconnected global chain where if just one link breaks, the chain no longer functions as it is supped to.
Which brings us to eggs and dairy.
Over the past year we have seen eggs increase in price as avian flu, labor shortages and fuel costs, have caused a spike, which is truly unbelievable when you see it reported, but is shocking when you see a visual of prices from 2019 to October 2022.
Price spike as shortages increase, and looking to the UK, we see a snapshot of what is coming to America, because the causes are conditions that are the same across the globe.
Via Breitbart we see the following headline: "UK Supermarkets Begin Rationing Eggs as Bird Flu and Inflation Ravage Supply."
Rampant inflation and the ongoing bird flu epidemic have reportedly drastically impacted the supply of eggs in Britain, with multiple businesses in the country now reportedly rationing the food item as a result of a lack of availability.
The shortage could end up being a serious blow to many struggling households in the country that are already having to cut back on the likes of meat and fish in order to survive the ongoing cost of living crisis.
How long before we are in the same situation? We are also seeing massive inflation. Bird flu and fuel costs have affected egg production all around the world, including in America.
NASHVILLE, N.C. The demand for eggs remains high as consumers search for an affordable protein source.
However, avian flu outbreaks across the country have stunted the supply of eggs.
Egg farmers have also faced rising costs for fuel, labor, materials and feed for their hens.
The warnings have been coming in for over a year that the egg situation, something many are using more of as a proteins sources to help offset the rising costs of other consumables, especially meat.
Proteins Powders:
One of the least talked about source of protein in prepping pieces are powders. Protein powder drinks can provide supplemental protein to mitigate the lack of meats, eggs and other sources, that have become too expensive for many households to have in their daily diet.
Notice the fish has no link? A search for freeze dried fish brought up animal treats, and while technically humans are animals, I don't think we really want to eat animal treats.
During a time of systematic, 'big tech' censorship and widespread institutional corruption, truth-seeking media and alternative views are crucial, and EVERY little bit helps more than you could know!)
The Daily Mail explains that U.S. household debt has jumpedto "$16.5 trillion - an increase of 8.3% in the fastest rise since 2008 - as inflation pushes Americans to tap lines of credit to afford rising prices."
On November 18th CNBC reported that "60% of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck heading into the peak shopping season."
The GOP Ways and Means website has a list of issues Americans are suffering from, starting with: "Prices Outpace Wages Under Biden-Flation, Creating Hidden Tax."
Inflation is everywhere, and firms on Main Street, where most of us spend our money, are raising prices, writes William Dunkelberg, Chief Economist for the National Federation of Independent Business in a new article for Forbes. Earlier this year (March and May), 71 percent of small businesses reported raising their average selling prices, a tie with July 1974, the record high. Nearly 20 percent raised prices by 10 percent or more! Thats inflation!
Inflation remains the number one problem for small businesses as theyre forced to pass these costs onto consumers.
An inflation jump to 4% is often temporary, but when inflation crosses 8%, it proceeds to higher levels over 70% of the time, write Arnott and his co-author, analyst Omid Shakernia.
This means us. The official U.S. inflation rate broke above 8% in March and stayed there till September, peaking at 9.1% in June. (And thats the annual rate, meaning the change in prices from 12 months earlier. The month-over-month change in prices, while much more volatile than the annual figure, has actually shown even faster inflation at points this yearand actually just rose, rather than fell, in October).
Reverting to 3% inflation, which we view as the upper bound for benign sustained inflation, is easy from 4%, hard from 6%, and very hard from 8% or more, warn Arnott and Shakernia.
Once inflation breaks above 8%, they find, reverting to 3% usually takes 6 to 20 years, with a median of over 10 years.
The biggest sign of the worst is yet to come, is shown in the next chart, which again, is an astounding visual and harsh verdict of the Biden regime's policies, showing.
What happened in 2021 to cause such a dramatic spike of inflation? 2021 is when Joe Biden started occupying the White House and had a democrat controlled congress that allowed him to spend, spend, spend some more, driving Americans into poverty.
If the cost of fuel, natural gas and the electricity was enough of a challenge for Americans just trying to survive Biden-Flation, we are now seeing warnings of blackout risks and grid emergencies in the coming winter months.
Large swaths of North America could face blackouts or other emergencies during extreme cold during the 202223 winter due to fewer natural gas and coal supplies, said the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC).
A report from NERC, a U.S. regulatory body that manages grid stability, said that power grids in Texas, the Carolinas, New England, and the Midwest, are at the most risk of power supply shortfalls during periods of elevated demand.
According to the NERC report (pdf), a large portion of the North American [bulk-power system] is at risk of insufficient electricity supplies during peak winter conditions. It added that higher peak-demand projections, inadequate generator weatherization, fuel supply risks, and natural gas infrastructure are contributing to risks seen in the aforementioned U.S. regions.
The trend is we see more areas at risk, we see more retirements of critical generation, fuel challenges and we are doing everything we can, John Moura, NERCs director of reliability assessment, told Bloomberg News. These challenges dont kind of appear out of nowhere.
Moura and other operators told Bloomberg that during extreme weather or cold periods during the upcoming winter, a quarter of all Americans could face blackout risks.
A quarter of Americans.
Tens of millions of people could be left with prolonged electricity outages during the coldest months of the year.
One must also remember that with the supply issues, restoring power could take longer than ever before, leaving Americans in the dark and cold..
For instance, the demand for diesel is rising, but East Coast supplies are at record lows for this time of year. Shortage of fuel used to power the economy, from heating to trucking, has about 25 days left of supplies in storage. Any supply disruption could leave power generation plants with supply gaps this winter.
Jim Matheson, chief executive officer of the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association, told Bloomberg that electricity demand is set to outpace "available supply during peak winter conditions, consumers face an inconceivable but real threat of rolling blackouts."
We have written and discussed the need to keep warm as cheaply as possible during the upcoming winter, but during a blackout or a grid emergency, it isn't a matter of saving money, but surviving for an indefinite amount of time with no electricity.
If you have been putting off on a generator, warm clothes, space heaters or other methods of staying warm, these warnings, coming from multiple sources, shows why that could be a deadly choice.
For those that have been putting it off because they simply cannot afford high ticket items like generators, there are cheap DIY heating methods that require few materials and can help keep a room warm and cozy enough to live in if needed.
Solar generators are also a good investment because gas prices are expected to rise again by winter, so a gas generator may end up costing a small fortune to use for a prolonged amount of time. Remember to test them before winter. The last thing you want to do is lose electricity, open your brand new solar generator and remember it has no charge.
Are you ready for eggs rationed by stores again? Winter blackouts? if not, prepare. If so, and you have family completely unprepared, talk to them, show them the warnings, the reports, and if you have the ability and desire, help them get ready.
The worst is yet to come, but if you are prepared for it, you have nothing to fear or worry about.
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