According to this interesting new story from the Herald Review, studies that were completed upon sedimentary rock in Antarctica have given us undeniable and conclusive evidence that palm trees once grew therein that land long covered by ice as also heard in the 1st video below. As the author of the Herald story asks,how is that possible when nothing other than primitive vegetation grows there today? As we hear in the 3rd and final video below featuring Clif High of the Web Bot project, the data that he mines every day tells him that something very, very strange is going on in Antarctica, and each day he's getting more and more indications that something huge is ramping up down there.
Sharing with us evidence he's gotten through his internet word-monitoring project that, beyond many visits made by the elite to Antarctica, including Newt Gingrich himself in February of 2017as seen in the Twitter screenshot below, he also sees a big ramping up of jobs in Antarctica including highly elite globalist corporations, (one with long ties to the UFO coverup!), and the numbers of military passes there indicate to him a major operation is being prepared for.
Between large tracts of land in Australia and New Zealand being dedicated to something new and still mysterious, he also tells us of the creations of new cargo routes from the areas closest to the land of ice, where it is now winter. High tells us he expects we may see something huge during the Antarctic spring while telling us one of the biggest indicators of what might be happening there now are the huge number of high tech companies becoming involved. He also tells us that whatever it is, the American people may never hear anything about it with the companies now involved.
According to Steve Quayle's book "Empire Beneath The Ice", the truth about history has been hidden. In 'Empire Beneath' Quayle persuasively argues that most of what we have learned about World War II and the defeat of Nazi Germany is wrong, and the truth is something not only sinister but are at the root of some of the biggest secrets of our age.
Interestingly, Quayle's book aligns greatly with much that we're hearing from Clif High now via his Web Bot project and High tells us he believes that what's happening down there might somehow be UFO/alien related. He also claims that with most jobs in the Antarctic being seasonal and short term, there's a mathematical certainty that more and more information will be leaking out about what's really going on down there that he'll be able to data mine through his project.
Why the suppressed evidence proves Adolf Hitler didnt die before Germany surrendered during WWII, and how he eluded capture.
How Nazi SS members, scientists, and soldiers escaped with Hitler to create colonies in other parts of the world to continue their monstrous research.
Why in 1947 Admiral Richard E. Byrd warned that the US should adopt measures to protect against an invasion by hi-tech aircraft coming from the polar regions, adding, The time has ended when we were able to take refuge in our isolation and rely on the certainty that the distances, the oceans, and the poles were a guarantee of safety.
How, using advanced technology, Nazi saucers defeated the US military long after WWII was supposedly over.
Why the US space program was mostly a sham, and why the UFOs that started appearing around the world in the late 1940s were (and still are) most likely flown by Nazi pilots.
How key government, manufacturing, pharmaceutical, financial leaders, and institutions helped Hitler come into power, and facilitated the preservation of Nazi wealth and power after WWII.
Why todays world is secretly controlled by a malevolent shadow government and entire populations are being surreptitiously brainwashed.
How ancient stargates have been duplicated to open portals into spiritual and demonic universes.
Why those controlling our planet have laid the groundwork for a takeover by a dictator who could best be described as the Antichrist of the Bible. Empire Beneath the Icecarefully documents these and many more astounding facts, divulging the truth about what is happening today. It gives you the insights to help prevent this diabolical takeover or, if it occurs, reveals the details and essential actions you and your loved ones must take. Empire Beneath the Ice exposes the dangers our world faces, and will arm you with the tools you need to counter these unspeakable, secret evils.
While High makes sure to reaffirm that we still don't know exactly what's going on down there, he claims that based on the few clues we do have that things are definitely ramping up. The fact that LEIDOS/SAIC refocused a core science group on Antarctica, which did part of their past work in 'reverse engineering', tells him that, while we're now living invery exciting times, a major inflection point is ahead. As he continues, with the old system dying and a new one being born, there are great opportunities along with great risks.
In the 2nd video below our videographer talks with us about the massive military build-up going on down in the Antarctic region including many defense contractors and mercenaries. Also discussed in the eye-opening final video below featuring Clif High are Bitcoin and other digital currencies and the potential for financial unrest ahead. The conversation turns towards Antarctica at the 24 minute mark.For those new to the Web Bot project, Cliff High's cutting edge technologyis a set of algorithms used to process variations in the language that can offer insight into the mood of the collective unconscious through predictive linguistics.