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November 12, 2018

This Shows The HUGE Difference Between Barack Obama's DHS, Which Targeted Survivalists As Potential Terrorists, And President Trump's DHS, Which Is Urging Americans To BECOME Preppers!

- November Declared National Critical Infrastructure Security And Resilience Month 

By Stefan Stanford - All News Pipeline - Live Free Or Die

While not a single story turned up about this recent announcement by President Donald Trump within the mainstream media and only a few within the independent media, President Trump has declared the month of November to be the 'National Critical Infrastructure Security and Resilience Month'.

As Department of Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen M. Nielsen mentions in her recent statement about this pronouncement, "there are 16 critical infrastructure sectors that provide the essential services that support and underpin American society" and without them, the ability of Americans to access secure and "safe food, reliable electricity, transportation, clean water, and instant communications" would come to a sudden and complete end.

While Nielsen also commended President Trump for recognizing the very real threat to America should suddenly and without warning, the 16 critical infrastructure sectors be somehow taken down, the Department of Homeland Security's website page on critical infrastructure security warns that the biggest threats to those sectors will come if somehow the electrical power grid is taken down.

Whether via a massive cyber attack, a 'Carrington-event-style' solar flare from the sun or via an EMP should war break out with a nuclear-armed country or a global terrorist group becomes capable of carrying out such an attack, it's great to see President Trump's DHS focusing upon the very real existential threat that will be delivered to America should the grid go down long term, rather than targeting survivalists, patriots, preppers, Conservatives and 'Constitutionalists' as a threat to America as Barack Obama's DHS did.

And while ANP and many other independent media outlets highly criticized Obama's DHS for actually targeting 72 different kinds of law-abiding American citizens as potential threats in official US govt documents, we'll give credit where credit is due to this DHS which recognizes that should any one of our 16 critical infrastructure sectors go down, America is in trouble, much less all 16 at once. 


Each of the 16 critical infrastructure sectors in America is detailed below and it's easy to see many of these sectors are directly tied to other sectors, showing how interconnected, and potentially fragile, our critical infrastructure is here in America. From the DHS website

There are 16 critical infrastructure sectors whose assets, systems, and networks, whether physical or virtual, are considered so vital to the United States that their incapacitation or destruction would have a debilitating effect on security, national economic security, national public health or safety, or any combination thereof. 

Chemical SectorThe Chemical Sector is an integral component of the U.S. economy that manufactures, stores, uses, and transports potentially dangerous chemicals upon which a wide range of other critical infrastructure sectors rely. Securing these chemicals against growing and evolving threats requires vigilance from both the private and public sector.

Commercial Facilities Sector: The Department of Homeland Security is designated as the Sector-Specific Agency for the Commercial Facilities Sector, which includes a diverse range of sites that draw large crowds of people for shopping, business, entertainment, or lodging.

Communications Sector: The Communications Sector is an integral component of the U.S. economy, underlying the operations of all businesses, public safety organizations, and government. The Department of Homeland Security is the Sector-Specific Agency for the Communications Sector.

Critical Manufacturing Sector: The Critical Manufacturing Sector is crucial to the economic prosperity and continuity of the United States. A direct attack on or disruption of certain elements of the manufacturing industry could disrupt essential functions at the national level and across multiple critical infrastructure sectors.

Dams Sector: The Department of Homeland Security is designated as the Sector-Specific Agency for the Dams Sector. The Dams Sector comprises dam projects, navigation locks, levees, hurricane barriers, mine tailings impoundments, and other similar water retention and/or control facilities.

Defense Industrial Base Sector: The U.S. Department of Defense is the Sector-Specific Agency for the Defense Industrial Base Sector. The Defense Industrial Base Sector enables research, development, design, production, delivery, and maintenance of military weapons systems, subsystems, and components or parts to meet U.S. military requirements.

Emergency Services Sector: The Department of Homeland Security is designated as the Sector-Specific Agency for the Emergency Services Sector. The sector provides a wide range of prevention, preparedness, response, and recovery services during both day-to-day operations and incident response.


Energy Sector: The U.S. energy infrastructure fuels the economy of the 21st century. The Department of Energy is the Sector-Specific Agency for the Energy Sector

Financial Services Sector: The Financial Services Sector represents a vital component of our nation's critical infrastructure. Large-scale power outages, recent natural disasters, and an increase in the number and sophistication of cyberattacks demonstrate the wide range of potential risks facing the sector.

Food and Agriculture Sector: The Food and Agriculture Sector is almost entirely under private ownership and is composed of an estimated 2.1 million farms, 935,000 restaurants, and more than 200,000 registered food manufacturing, processing, and storage facilities. This sector accounts for roughly one-fifth of the nation's economic activity.

Government Facilities Sector: The Government Facilities Sector includes a wide variety of buildings, located in the United States and overseas, that are owned or leased by federal, state, local, and tribal governments. Many government facilities are open to the public for business activities, commercial transactions, or recreational activities while others that are not open to the public contain highly sensitive information, materials, processes, and equipment.

Healthcare and Public Health Sector: The Healthcare and Public Health Sector protects all sectors of the economy from hazards such as terrorism, infectious disease outbreaks, and natural disasters. Because the vast majority of the sector's assets are privately owned and operated, collaboration and information sharing between the public and private sectors is essential to increasing resilience of the nation's Healthcare and Public Health critical infrastructure. Operating in all U.S. states, territories, and tribal areas, the sector plays a significant role in response and recovery across all other sectors in the event of a natural or manmade disaster. 

Information Technology Sector: The Information Technology Sector is central to the nation's security, economy, and public health and safety as businesses, governments, academia, and private citizens are increasingly dependent upon Information Technology Sector functions. These virtual and distributed functions produce and provide hardware, software, and information technology systems and services, and—in collaboration with the Communications Sector—the Internet. The sector's complex and dynamic environment makes identifying threats and assessing vulnerabilities difficult and requires that these tasks be addressed in a collaborative and creative fashion.

Nuclear Reactors, Materials, and Waste Sector: From the power reactors that provide electricity to millions of Americans, to the medical isotopes used to treat cancer patients, the Nuclear Reactors, Materials, and Waste Sector covers most aspects of America’s civilian nuclear infrastructure. The Nuclear Sector-Specific Agency within the Department of Homeland Security is responsible for coordinating the security and resilience of the Nuclear Sector.

Transportation Systems Sector: The Department of Homeland Security and the Department of Transportation are designated as the Co-Sector-Specific Agencies for the Transportation Systems Sector. The nation's transportation system quickly, safely, and securely moves people and goods through the country and overseas.

Water and Wastewater Systems Sector: Safe drinking water is a prerequisite for protecting public health and all human activity. Properly treated wastewater is vital for preventing disease and protecting the environment. Thus, ensuring the supply of drinking water and wastewater treatment and service is essential to modern life and the Nation’s economy.


In both of the videos below, videographer Canadian Prepper takes a look at President Trump's declaration of November as national critical infrastructure security and resilience month and gives his analysis of how the 16 sectors of critical infrastructure as identified by the DHS will be impacted by a disaster of national scope such as another 'Carrington event' happening in 2018.

As one of the top comments on a video points out, "People in poor, underdeveloped countries won't notice much difference. They get by without electricity or gas just fine. Kind of ironic that the exploited poor countries will survive while the rich exploiters will die."

Another eye opening comment from a grocery store employee shows just how quickly the food supply can dry out in a SHTF scenario: "For someone who works at night (3rd shift) at a grocery store. We get food goods every 2-3 days (2 days when Holidays are around the corner) from the trucks. Now think: a whole aisle of the cereal section can be gone within a 1½ days. We have over stock in the back but if we stop getting shipping. It's gonna be like Black Friday within 2 weeks. Not just food, even your medicine. Helpful tips: Have (at least) $300 in small cash when you can't go to the bank, have a water key (look it up), have a map of your city, learn how to bath with a bucket & washing clothes. Get in shape (Don't wait when SHTF! DO IT NOW). Walk around your area to have a good view on your 'get out plan'. Never forget about your pets (they gotta live too), baby wipes will be your best friend, & most wonderful tip of them all, BE THE GRAY MAN (Your own family can turn on you. Please be careful who you trust)". 

Another eye opening comment from a trucker who understands SHTF: "I worked as a truck driver (the big ones) for an year and as a busdriver for 5 years. I am sure no sane truck driver will drive food or other goods to maintain other people parasitic lifestyle while his life will be everyday in serious danger. Even childless young naive truckers will not do it because hungry and desperate people will rob the trucks like in some russian countysides, the trucker will be shot if he doesn t stop. The other thing is public transportation, busdriving: old people, sick people, orphaned and abadoned children, mentally ill people or even homeless immigrants have to take the bus to some places where they get everything they need. I don t think any sane bus driver will expose his life to such amount of risk. I don t think truck and busdrivers in SHTF situations are into rockstar altruistic lifestyles while cruelty rules...."

And finally, we'll close with some wisdom from a commenter who has quoted Selco, a man who actually has survived SHTF during the Balkan war during the 1990's in Bosnia, his 'year in hell'. 

Everyone really needs to go read up on Selco's one year in hell. He survived a SHTF in Bosnia in 1990's Balkan war. I read all of his blogs, it was the most incredible, disturbing, unreal story's. His perspective is foreign to 99% of the average person because this was a civil war...not many can say they survived a situation like this. I think most will die from lack of food/water, access to medical facilities. Even a simple infection will kill you without anti-biotics. Imagine no hospitals, you break a bone or any medical problems that require surgery, you're screwed. Some of the most powerful message I got from his story's was.

"When SHTF, good people turn bad, bad people turn into monsters."

"After about 1 month of the start of SHTF all the Rambo types were dead."

"Bullets do strange things to human beings. I saw one man take down two men with a rifle. He ran at them and didn't shoot, he was screaming and the shots were missing him. He killed both of them with the butt of this rifle."

"Most people died of hunger, disease, sedentary of unclean water not combat, hospitals were shut down, no medical help. War is not romantic or heroic like in movies, in real life people die"

"A friend told me how a few months after SHTF, police showed up to his building at night, they shone their lights on the building. People quickly went down stairs to greet them. Everyone thought the war was over. My friend found this strange and hid on his balcony, when the people got close the police open fire killing everyone. My friend was in shock, he got a few things and left through the back of the building. He could hear gunfire in the dark night sky." 

So with President Donald Trump and his Department of Homeland Security urging Americans to prepare for potential disaster rather than targeting Americans who are preparing for disaster as Barack Obama's administration did, we see more steps being taken in the right direction. And while Dr. Peter Vincent Pry of the Congressional EMP Commission had hammered Obama's administration for its lackadaisical approach to protecting the electrical grid, as we see in the SCRIBD document from the DHS that we've embedded below these two videos, President Trump's administration sees the dangers and is addressing them. 

Titled "STRATEGY FOR PROTECTING AND PREPARING THE HOMELAND AGAINST THREATS OF ELECTROMAGNETIC PULSE AND GEOMAGNETIC DISTURBANCES", we thank this administration for at least looking at the very real existential threat that America faces should our electrical grid go down nationwide. A prospect that experts such as Dr. Pry have warned could eventually lead to the deaths of 90% of us or more from mass starvation and the chaos that would be unleashed should the system come crashing down. And as others have warned, once the nuclear power plants across America start to melt down should the grid not return online, that 90% of Americans dead would be on the low end of the estimated scale. 

US Department of Homeland S... by on Scribd

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