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April 5, 2015

DNA Proof Of Nephilim Discovered? "Ape Woman" Was "Not Human" According To DNA Tests

By Susan Duclos - All News PipeLine

Via a very interesting piece at The Daily Mail we see DNA testing on family members of a 19th century woman named Zana, who was described by witnesses as an "ape woman" measured at 6 foot, 6 inches tall, had all the characteristics of a wild animal, appeared to be "half human, half ape," and was covered in thick auburn hair and could outrun a horse, concludes that she was "not human."

(Artist representation of Zana)

Some have argued that she was a runaway Ottoman slave but Professor Sykes says her 'unparalleled DNA' refutes that theory.

He believes her ancestors came out of Africa over 100,000 years ago and lived in the remote Caucasus for many generations.

Zana was eventually 'tamed' by the nobleman who bought her as a servant and kept her on his estate in Tkhina in the Republic of Abkhazia.

According to the article, DNA testing was done on six of her descendants.

ViaGenesis 6:4we see "There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown."

Looking to the reconstructed texts of Dead Sea Scrolls - The Book Of The Giants we see that "angels" performed "unnatural acts" with a variety of animals, producing giants and monsters. (Reference1Q23 Frag. 1 + 6, 4Q531 Frag. 2 and 4Q532 Col. 2 Frags. 1 - 6)

The two hundred angels choose animals on which to perform unnatural acts, including, presumably, humans.

1Q23 Frag. 1 + 6 [ . . . two hundred] 2donkeys, two hundred asses, two hundred . . . rams of the] 3flock, two hundred goats, two hundred [ . . . beast of the] 4field from every animal, from every [bird . . . ] 5[ . . . ] for miscegenation [ . . . ]

The outcome of the demonic corruption was violence, perversion, and a brood of monstrous beings. Compare Genesis 6:4.

4Q531 Frag. 2 [ . . . ] they defiled [ . . . ] 2[ . . . they begot] giants and monsters [ . . . ] 3[ . . . ] they begot, and, behold, all [the earth was corrupted . . . ] 4[ . . . ] with its blood and by the hand of [ . . . ] 5[giant's] which did not suffice for them and [ . . . ] 6[ . . . ] and they were seeking to devour many [ . . . ] 7[ . . . ] 8[ . . . ] the monsters attacked it.

4Q532 Col. 2 Frags. 1 - 6 2[ . . . ] flesh [ . . . ] 3al[l . . . ] monsters [ . . . ] will be [ . . . ] 4[ . . . ] they would arise [ . . . ] lacking in true knowledge [ . . . ] because [ . . . ] 5[ . . . ] the earth [grew corrupt . . . ] mighty [ . . . ] 6[ . . . ] they were considering [ . . . ] 7[ . . . ] from the angels upon [ . . . ] 8[ . . . ] in the end it will perish and die [ . . . ] 9[ . . . ] they caused great corruption in the [earth . . . ] [ . . . this did not] suffice to [ . . . ] "they will be [ . . . ]

The Book of Enoch, Chapter 7, also references this topic: (Recommended reading -The Book of EnochandGenesis 6 Giants, Volume 2)

1 And all the others together with them took unto themselves wives, and each chose for himself one, and they began to go in unto them and to defile themselves with them, and they taught them charms 2 and enchantments, and the cutting of roots, and made them acquainted with plants. And they 3 became pregnant, and they bare great giants, whose height was three thousand ells: Who consumed 4 all the acquisitions of men. And when men could no longer sustain them, the giants turned against 5 them and devoured mankind. And they began to sin against birds, and beasts, and reptiles, and 6 fish, and to devour one another's flesh, and drink the blood. Then the earth laid accusation against the lawless ones.

Granted some "bigfoot" sightings are obvious hoaxes, but those aside, throughout history there have been legends, myths, carvings, art and much more that show that creatures big and small, exist.... as well as specific biblical references.... too many to wave them all away. With recent advances in DNA testing, there undoubtedly will be more and more evidence surfacing, such as this example that shows there are those walking this earth that are not totally "human."

Is this more proof of the biblical references to theNephilim? Are ancestors of those like Zana responsible for the Yeti/Bigfoot sightings that have been so prevalent throughout history?


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