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March 31, 2018

DOJ Lowers The Boom On The Deep State - The Rats Are Scurrying As Andrew McCabe Throws James Comey Under The Bus

- U.S. Attorney Huber has been investigating deep state members, under the radar, for over five months.


By Susan Duclos - All News PipeLine

When Attorney General (AG) Jeff Sessions issued a responsive letter to Senator Charles Grassley, Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, Rep. Robert Goodlatte Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, and Rep. Trey Gowdy, Chairman of the Government Oversight and Reform Committee, in regards to their request for a second special counsel, the MSM and pundits across the board highlighted certain aspects of the letter, while ignoring the much bigger picture.

The media focused on the fact that at this time the AG was not assigning a second special counsel to investigate the FISA court abuses that were revealed during the multiple congressional investigations, and the MSM highlighted previously unknown name of the United States Attorney that was assigned the task of investigating numerous issues relating to misconduct and possible criminal actions on the part of officials within the intelligence community.


While Sessions has been criticized for not assigning a second special counsel, a look at the surrounding circumstances, along with the new mandated review by the DOJ's Office of Inspector General, and the timing of the two announcements, makes a persuasive case that the DOJ just lowered the boom on deep state members of the intelligence community.

In Sessions' response letter he revealed the name of the U.S. Attorney that has been tasked with investigating the numerous issues of misconduct and possible criminal actions of senior level intelligence community members from a variety of different agencies, often referred to as deep state members. That U.S. Attorney is John W. Huber out of Utah. Huber is a career prosecutor, first nominated by Barack Obama, and resigned in March 2017, per standard procedure when an opposing party wins and election, then re-nominated by President Trump in June 2017, andunanimously confirmed by the United States Senate to an additional four-year term.


What has been downplayed, or even ignored by some, is that Huber was not just assigned to this issue, but according toDepartment of Justice spokesperson Sarah Isgur Flores, Huber was tasked with this "in advance of the Nov. 13th letter" sentby Assistant Attorney General Stephen Boyd to the House Judiciary Committee, as reported by The Daily Beast.

It is also noteworthy that in the Sessions' letter, it specifies that Huber is working "in cooperation" with the DOJ's Office of Inspector General. The OIG, in their previous investigation in regards to FBI/DOJ actions taken in relation to the Hillary Clinton private server/classified email investigation, managed to uncover a number of issues that has caused the reassignment and demotions of a number of employees, uncovering damning texts by FBI special agents, and the termination of former FBI deputy director Andrew McCabe.

Many of the revelations we have noted over the past months in regards to the FISA abuses, were uncovered in the course of the IG's investigation into FBI/DOJ's actions in regards to the Clinton investigation.

During the course of the original investigation, the IG uncovered misconduct and possible criminal actions which was outside the scope of the original mandate, hence the March 28, 2018 release by the OIG, announcing a new review:

Department of Justice (DOJ) Inspector General Michael E. Horowitz announced today that, in response to requests from the Attorney General and Members of Congress, the Office of the Inspector General (OIG) will initiate a review that will examine the Justice Departments and the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) compliance with legal requirements, and with applicable DOJ and FBI policies and procedures, in applications filed with the U.S. Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) relating to a certain U.S. person. As part of this examination, the OIG also will review information that was known to the DOJ and the FBI at the time the applications were filed from or about an alleged FBI confidential source. Additionally, the OIG will review the DOJs and FBIs relationship and communications with the alleged source as they relate to the FISC applications.

The key here is that much of what is being hailed as a "new" review," includes information that is already publicly available after being exposed during the course of the previous investigation, so this OIG release, was nothing more than offering an "official mandate," after already exposing much of misconduct and possible criminal activity on the part of former Obama officials, and current FBI/DOJ employees.

The OIG cannot prosecute, but they can make criminal referrals, which is why Huber was assigned to work "in cooperation," with the Inspector General, because he can, and most likely already has, convened a Grand Jury, in order to prosecute the crimes the IG has already uncovered.

Another point that went largely ignored is that Huber is not the only prosecutor assigned to this, but is running a team of "senior prosecutors," with access to the the investigative arm of nearly 500 people that are employed by the Office of Inspector General, which has just been given a large increase in funding as part of the mammoth and unpopular omnibus bill.

George Washington University law professor Jonathan Turley calls this a "brilliant move," saying "What he did is he essentially combined the power of the Inspector General with the powers of an aligned prosecutor. So this prosecutor does have, not just the experience and training to look for a criminal case, he has the ability to move a case of that kind."

Turley asserts that people like Andrew McCabe and former FBI director James Comey, should be very concerned over this.

The fact that former FBI deputy director Andrew McCabe has already set up a GoFundMe account for legal fees, despite being worth millions already, tells us he understands that with the IG's newly revealed mandate, along with the powerful combination, as Turley explained above, of Huber working in cooperation with the IG, his goose, Comey's, and a number of others, may already be cooked.

What has largely been ignored is that Huber, along with the IG, has been working this case for over five months already, and amazingly, until Jeff Sessions named him in the letter to congress, nobody knew who he was, nor that he was working "in cooperation" with the IG.

The information that has been revealed over the last months regarding the IG's investigation, has not come from leaks, but from providing the public the reasoning for the reassignments, demotions and terminations of certain intelligence community employees.

The fact that Washington appears to have more leaks than a sinking ship, makes it utterly amazing that Huber's work has been conducted, up until now, entirely under the radar, as he has been building cases against members of multiple intelligence agencies.

It also appears that the deep state members understand that the boom has just been lowered on them as we now see reports that McCabe lied up to four times to the DOJ and the FBI, twice under oath, about leaking information to the press, and he is publicly throwing James Comey under the bus by claiming he has "Emails between the two clearly show that Mr. McCabe advised Director Comey that he was working with colleagues at the FBI to correct inaccuracies before the stories were published, and that they remained in contact through the weekend while the interactions with the reporter continued," according to a statement issued by McCabe's attorney.

Via American Thinker:

Speaking this morning on Fox & Friends, Sara Carter said that IG has already made criminal referrals on FISA abuses, according to her DOJ sources. These presumably would have been referred to Huber.


The OIG's March 28, 2018 release is being treated by the media as a "new" investigation, but the fact that Huber has been working with the IG for more than five months, tasked with issues related to FISA abuse and other concerns of congressional oversight committees, including issues related to the Uranium One bribery scandal, means the announcement, along with Sessions' revealing who is in charge of the team of prosecutors, is indicative of dotting his i's and crossing his t's before the IG report and findings are revealed.

With Andrew McCabe now throwing James Comey under the bus, the rats of the deep state are scurrying for cover.

NOTE TO READERS:With digital media revenue spiraling downward, especially hitting those in Independent Media, where attacks from every direction continue to hit, from the 'adpocalyspe' via YouTube, Google and other advertising services, to the MSM attacks against any outlet that doesn't toe the "official narrative," to social media shadow-banning and blocking anything from going viral if it questions that same official narrative, it has become apparent that traditional advertising simply isn't going to fully cover the costs and expenses for many smaller independent websites.Any extra readers may be able to spare for donations is greatly appreciated.


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