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January 25, 2015
Davos Elite Openly Push NWO And "One World" Agenda - Transhumanism, World Governance, Depopulation & More
By Susan Duclos
Those that have been watching the World Economic Forum being held in Davos-Klosters, Switzerland, where the global elite gather to determine the the world's future and how they plan to shape it in a manner they want it shaped, specific groups, panels and discussions, should be very concerned as we see an open push for a New World Order and "One World" agenda.
Today we are going to focus on a the "global shift shaping the new context," series of videos, with a link in the title which leads to a page titled "Global Strategic Foresight Community Members Perspectives on Global Shifts," where a list of members pictures are shown, each image leading to a page which explains their concept of how the future, our future, should be shaped.
The description on the page includes the following: "The purpose of the Global Strategic Foresight Community is to provide a peer network to compare and contrast insights as well as to positively shape future-related industry, regional and global agendas."
Key word there, "positively." Positive for who? Definitely positive for the global elite that are no longer hiding their desire for a One World government, religion, a depopulation and Eugenics agenda, and replacing humans with machines, with a set of rules that would bypass all rights guaranteed to Americans by their Constitution.
We are moving from the Information Age into the Conscious-Technology Age, which will force us to confront fundamental questions about life as a new kind of civilization emerges from the convergence of two mega-trends. First, humans will become cyborgs, as our biology becomes integrated with technology. Second, our built environment will incorporate more artificial intelligence. Conscious-technology raises profound dangers, including artificial intelligence rapidly outstripping human intelligence when it becomes able to rewrite its own code, and individuals becoming able to make and deploy weapons of mass destruction. Minimizing these dangers and maximizing opportunities such as improving governance with the use of collective intelligence systems, making it easier to prevent and detect crime and matching needs and resources more efficiently will require that we actively shape the evolution of conscious-technology.
Technological innovation in recent years has enabled machines to enter the realm once thought to belong exclusively to humans: cognition. Unlike previous technological shifts, this one will affect workers across the entire employment spectrum, from those in low-skilled jobs to those in white-collar jobs. At times, it may seem as if technology is a force greater than humans, forcing workers and businesses to adapt − or perish. Yet governments play a key role in shaping how technology advances. They therefore need to think deeply about how to mitigate the risks and facilitate the opportunities. The sooner governments, in partnership with the rest of society, examine the future impact of this shift, the sooner they can act to ensure the shift benefits society.
Now a reminder of the Depopulation and Eugenics agenda from the ANP piece linked above:
Eugenics: is a social philosophy advocating the improvement of human genetic traits through the promotion of higher reproduction of people with desired traits [positive eugenics], and reduced reproduction of people with less-desired or undesired traits [negative eugenics]. (Source)
Depopulation Agenda: is an imminent plan to reduce population using an overpopulation crisis as the pretext, or a secret eugenics plan cover-up. The elite thus need to kill off the "useless eaters" so, in the first case, they survive the crisis and, in the second, they can create either enough robots to replace them, or a new race of obedient super-humans. (Source)
The world is moving surprisingly quickly towards a multipolar devolution of geopolitical power. This is not inherently less stable than having a single, dominant global superpower that depends on the actions of the currently established powers. There are three options. First, the West could recognize the rapidly dwindling opportunity to initiate pre-emptive reform of global governance institutions while it still has enough influence to set the rules. This seems unlikely. Second, the United States and others could continue holding out in the hope that something will happen to restore Western hegemony. This is the current path. Third, there could be an insurrection from within Germany, for example, could build an alliance across current global divides for reforming global governance institutions. This could be the best prospect for restoring respect for global governance institutions and international law.
Take a good long look at the portion in bold, THAT is their goal, a One World government that would supercede any country's individual set of laws and governance, a world where men are turned into monsters and a world where human beings are replaced by automatons.
This and much more are the stated plans of the global elite aka the Davos Devils.