Then a mighty angel picked up a boulder the size of a large millstone and threw it into the sea, and said: "With such violence the great city of Babylon will be thrown down, never to be found again." Revelation 18:21
The eye-opening map seen above was emailed to ANP from our reader 'Proud' who painstakingly put it together showing's population forecast for the year 2024 in colors broken down into countries forecast to lose more than 20% of their population in less than 8 years compared to the countries forecast to gain at least 5% of their current population. The countries shown in white did not have a noticeable enough change to their population to chart.
As you can see, the large majority of the countries forecast to lose 20% or more of their population by 2024, represented in two shades of red, are in the Northern hemisphere with the exception of Australia and New Zealand, and as Proud points out, the majority of them surround the Northern Atlantic Ocean basin. In contrast, the large majority of those being forecast to gain population by 2024 are in the Southern hemisphere.
In this story we explore several different theories for what the Deagel map seen above might mean and as Proud mentions, bringing this information to the attention of others will hopefully open it up for further discussion. We're all ears here at ANP and would love to read your ideas in the comment section below. And if enough and 'the right' people are asking questions, maybe we can get some more solid information from Deagel on what these numbers really mean.
Another startling fact that immediately emerges from this map is that nearly all of the countries shown in red are countries from Western civilizations. Does this map forecast the end of Western civilization as has long been warned? Some of the population numbers we see forecast for 2024 are absolutely startling and appear to show either a 'Biblical event', 'intentional population destruction' or Western nations gone sterile.
For those who haven't been following our previous Deagel stories on ANP, the sources of Deagel's information reads like a 'who's who' of the 'deep state' and the 'new world order' and includes the CIA, US Department of Defense, US Department of State, the World Bank and the European Union. What might they know that we don't know?
As Proud mentioned, most of the countries forecast to lose a huge percentage of their population are surrounding the Northern Atlantic Ocean. And while some countries right next to other countries aren't showing nearly as much of a population drop, he believes that could be due to topography if an 'ele level' asteroid strike in the Northern Atlantic happened, sending massive waves from one side of the ocean to the other. From 'Proud'.:
It was somewhat confusing. I began to realize that, some areas were affected differently right next to each other due to topography, and delineating between biblical and SUPER biblical seemed pointless.
Well, there was a devastating pattern. As you can see, something horrific is predicted in the north Atlantic (well skip Australia for now).
I went through events like. Pole shift..nope, only part of the northern hemisphere is affected and the equator seems status quo.
A warit doesnt make sense that China and Russia remain as Status Quo, along with the Middle East. Maybe Ice age? No, it isnt affecting Japan or any of the Pacific Ocean countries similarly. After thinking through scenario after scenario, the only explanation is an event like a meteor striking the earth somewhere up near Iceland.
Even as far away as Puerto Rico is, the Puerto Rican trench, running east and west of the islands north side, would amplify the wave immensely. U.S. coastal cities would be wiped off the map as well. I also added, in light blue, the areas of increased population, as though people are forced to migrate too and its amazing.
As Proud mentioned, a meteor strike in the Northern Atlantic ocean might not explain the massive population drop forecast for Australia and New Zealand of more than 10 million living there now who are not forecast to be living there in 2024 which makes us think that an 'event' geared towards Western civilization might be more likely but he does share with us these ideas.
Now to Australia if you look at the damage in Australia and New Zealand along with no damage JUST NORTH of it, it would dictate a second strike near its southern coastallowing Australia to protect everything JUST NORTH of it..yet, you can see damage from Pacific waves arriving in south Korea etc. I noticed that many of the countries, that survive the massive depopulation, have HIGH cliffs along their coastlines and some countries like Brazil, have high elevation for people to escape to, if given warning.
It does APPEAR to be based on SOME KIND of data being given to them. Down right curious. God help us all.
While we are not in the position at this moment to prove why Deagel's numbers show such a huge drop off for America and most of Western civilization, we welcome Deagel to contact us at [email protected] for an interview.
We are not alone in wondering the real reasons why Deagel so strongly believes that there will be so many fewer people here in 2024 and why they expect our economy to be in such a mess by that time. Certainly if the numbers seen for America in the screenshot from Deagel below are correct, Americans deserve to know 'all hell is ahead' in our futures. And while the 'Watchmen' and 'preppers' have long seen the warning signs in the road ahead, most of the US population remains completely and totally clueless.
While we'd hope that such evil would never exist on our planet Earth to do such a thing, we also know better. In the first video below our videographer breaks down for us another movie that's being pushed into our faces by the illuminati called 'The Thinning'. Showing a future America devoid of natural recources, who lives and who dies is dictated by a high school test and as our videographer shares, more predictive programming is being carried out before our eyes.