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August 27, 2017

Explosive 'Conspiracy Theories' Confirmed By Whistleblower Shatter Matrix And Prove Something Is Very Wrong In America

- With Globalists Dark Agenda Now Public, They're Unleashing The Full Fury Of Their Satanic Plans For America

By Stefan Stanford - All News Pipeline - Live Free Or Die

While back on November 8th of 2016, a hugely 'awakened' America voted for 'change' and 'America 1st' by electing Donald Trump as President, as tens of millions of Americans have found out since then as was perfectly described in the words of Steve Bannon, the "Trump presidency we voted for is over". And while President Trump is still in office and fighting for America, his agenda has been stifledwith a very real coup attempt taking place before our eyes being carried out by the same 'political entity' that lost the election, a 'beast' with tentacles stretching back many, many years in Washington DC and around the world.

With the never-ending attacks upon President Trump and his America-1st agenda being carried out by not only the political establishment, both left and right, but the 'media establishment' as well, we take a look within this story at numerous bombshell conspiracy theories that have now been confirmed with the attempted 'take down' of this presidency.

We also break down the 2nd video belowfrom this new story from Dane Wigington over at his Geoengineering Watch Blog within which we hear from a former CIA employee, whistleblower Kevin Shipp, who quite literally has put his life on the line to expose the shadow government. Shipp explains for us the pertinent differences between the 'shadow government' and the 'deep state' and helps us to understand why, despite Trump being in office, very little has changed in America and in fact, the globalist agenda has accelerated.

In the first video below we hear from Greg Hunter's USA Watchdog guest Steve Quayle that it's become completely clear that America is in a spiritual war between good and evil and as we see outlined within this story, if we don't stand up strongly to help awaken the masses to truth, we may soon witness the total overthrow of all we hold dear in America.


As Shipp tells us, most Americans get the feeling that something isn't quite right with our government and as he confirms for us, the two very separate entities 'shadow govt' and 'deep state' have been controlling our elected government in Washington DC for quite some time, functioning secretly and outside of the US Constitution. "We are a Constitutional government that has been superseeded...we are now in a 'post-Constitutional government'.

Shipp reminds us that proof of that comes to us from the fact that if we were still living in a Constitutional Republic, everyone in Washington DC who has been desecrating the US Constitution, creating laws that make it null and void, would be locked away for many years for committing felonies against the American people yet there they sit in their high places, further ripping down America and getting paid very well to destroy it. The enemies of America within.

As we learn in Wigington's video from Shipp as most ANP and independent news readers know, America under Barack Obama and the Clinton and Bush administrations took huge strides towards tyranny. And while the election of President Trump clearly threw a monkey wrench in the plans of those who've long been working to take down America, their agenda has been kicked into overdrive as perfectly exemplified in the takedowns of long-standing war monumentswhich are now being called symbols of hatred despite simply being memories of a history we hope we never revisit yet are being pushed towards right now by the msm.


Shipp confirms that what we're witnessing is very real - the dark agendas of the global power structure, carried out criminally and against the US Constitution by 'globalist enemies of America within', have taken precedent over President Trump's agenda, proving to us what has been long warned of, the 'America' we grew up in is gone.

Shipp explains for us the difference between the 'shadow government', which he says includes the CIA, the NSA and many of the other 'alphabet soup agencies' and is run by fear and intimidation, and the 'deep state', which he says is run by power, money and greed and includes the military industrial complex and is 'below' the 'shadow government' but functions within the same matrix. Intimately connected and manipulating our 'government' behind the scenes, Shipp warns us that if the government violates the Constitution, they have committed a felony yet they do so over and over and over again with no fear of reprisal, helping to prove that America already exists under 'tyranny'.

As we learn, with the globalists long-held plans to take down America kicked into overdrive proving yet another 'conspiracy theory' as true, tremendous dangers lay ahead for all Americans if we allow them to complete the destruction of our nation.From Wigington:

Kevin Shipp (author of "From The Company Of Shadows") was a decorated CIA officer who refused to look the other way in regard to government criminality and cover-up. At a very important public awareness event, held by in Northern California, on July 28th, 2017, Mr. Shipp presented a shocking and compelling presentation on numerous, horrific and ongoing government crimes. The total persecution of anyone who dares to tell the truth about rampant government tyranny is also fully exposed. The paradigm we have all known has been built on deception and the dark agendas of the global power structure. The courage Kevin Shipp has shown by doing his best to expose government criminality and tyranny serves as a stellar example to us all.

We desperately need other individuals in government agencies and the US military to follow Kevin's lead. All of us are essential in the battle to help wake the masses to the truth so that the whistleblowers have the support they need to come forward. If we have any chance of stopping the completely out of control criminal cabal that currently runs our country and much of the world, we must all make our voices heard, we must all join the fight for the greater good. DW


With this new story over at Zero Hedge reporting that Sears death spiral is accelerating just the latest piece of the 'retail collapse puzzle' showing America falling apart at the seams, we hope that everybody is prepared for the dangers ahead as we expect even more efforts to destroy America being made as the globalists dark agenda is now out in the open, they no longer need to move slowly and stealthfully but can unleash the full fury of their satanic plans for America.

As Steve Quayle recently mentioned in this new story over at Greg Hunter's USA Watchdog, we are now witnessing the attempted overthrow of America and our legally elected government by a conglomerate of deep state and shadow government, Hillary Clinton-supporting losers whose long held agenda to take down the United States and bring us under the control of a satanic, dictatorial global govt is moving closer to completion every day.

With a 'takedown' of President Trump providing us with absolute proof that our nation is simply another low-lying fruit in an increasingly tyrannical global dictatorship, is there any way that America can take back our country from the globalists dark agenda that has been working to take down our nation for many, many years? In the 1st video below we hear from Steve Quayle along with Greg Hunter that it has never been more clear that America is in a spiritual war between good and evil. We'll close with this excerpt from USA Watchdogas heard in the 1st video below.:

You have to understand, we are not just facing turmoil, we are facing the dedicated and very well positioned and financed overthrow of the United States government by former federal officers and by those in the military. I want to read the 13th rule of Saul Alinskys Rules for Radicals. They are doing this to President Trump. Its character assassination. This is what people have to understand. The 13th rule is what Hillary Clinton, the Marxists and what all of the Obama Administration believe in, and they are following this blueprint. Saul Alinsky dedicated his book Rules for Radicals to Lucifer. He said at least he got his own kingdom. . . .

So, here it is: Pick the target (President Trump). Freeze it. Personalize it. Polarize it. Cut out the support network, and isolate the target from sympathy. Go after the people and any of the support, any of the institutions that support him. The point being is that is what we are watching. And this is the killer statement: People hurt faster than institutions. The fact that these monsters, and thats what they are, these media monsters, those mongrels from hell . . . going after the Presidents son and going after his wife. . . . I am concerned with the treason, the treachery and total assault upon the military. When you see these people turning their backs on the President, former NSA, CIA, DIA, military commanders . . . kick their sorry butts out. I would also say this to anybody that has political clout. Call President Trump and tell him to bring back the commanders that Obama fired. Then, fire the ones that are there now.

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