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July 30, 2015

We've Become The Disintegrating Dis-United States Of America - And All The Exit Doors Are Closing


By Stefan Stanford - All News Pipeline

The story today from The Washington Standard tells us about 72 different kinds of Americans who the government has now labeled 'potential terrorists' and who may soon lose the right to travel out of the country if a new bill being debated in Congress is passed and signed by Barack Obama. The FTO Passport Revocation Act Of 2015 would strip law-abiding Americans of their ability to leave the country and as shared by this story on Infowars.:

"The Secretary of State may refuse to issue a passport to any individual whom the Secretary has determined has aided, assisted, abetted, or otherwise helped an organization the Secretary has designated as a foreign terrorist organization, the text states. The Secretary of State may revoke a passport previously issued to any individual whom Secretary of State John Kerry, or future administrations that could be even more radical, unilaterally decides may have done any of those things. The terms are left undefined, opening up widespread potential for abuse, and there is no appeals process outlined in the legislation.

Anyone who has been 'wrongly' caught up in this 'web' will have no recourse to appeal nor trial to determine if this legislation is 'just' and seeing that the House of Representatives has already passed (after less than 15 minutes of debate!) HR 237, only this bill passing in the Senate and Obama's signature stands between Americans and the next stage of tyranny; Americans completely locked in 'police state' America - with all of the exit doors closing.


With people such as John Kerry or Hillary Clinton having a role in deciding who might be put on this passport revocation list, we quickly see what seems a well-coordinated plan to lock Americans in as shared by Susan Duclos in this story called "Americans Being Locked In To Be Locked Down Before The Government Declares War On Its Own Citizens". With China and America's other creditors likely soon coming to collect upon the millions owed them, is our govt trying to turn us all into lifelong debt slaves in penal colony America? As mentioned by Susan.:

A number of events have occurred that when reported on separately are concerning, but when seen all together, lead to some seriously disturbing questions and could be considered indicative of a nation expecting a major event and literally locking people in before locking them down.

While at one point in time, the word 'terrorist' was used very narrowly and described people such as Tennessee killer Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez or Nidal Hasan, who shot up Ft. Hood, Texas and considered himself a 'Soldier of Allah', there is now a much wider net cast according to the Washington Standard story which tells us that according to official government documents, Christians, gun owners, libertarians, conservatives and just about EVERYBODY reading this story is now a potential terrorist in our government's eyes.

The mindblowing list of possible terrorists according to our government, published in full below videos with reference links, likely would prevent the large majority of Americans from ever leaving the country again and as we see millions of peaceful, law-abiding Americans across the board being ruthlessly demonized by our own government, we have to ask why true terrorists such as Abdulazeez and Hasan ARE NOT being called terrorists by Washington DC while our own law-abiding, Constitution supporting and Bible carrying grandmothers and grandfathers are now labeled potential threats and 'enemies of the state'.

In the videos below, you can hear Texas Congressman Ted Poe himself talking about this very dangerous legislation in the 2nd video while in the 1st video, Realist News takes a look at HR 2899, the 'Countering Violent Extremism Act Of 2015' that some have called the 'FEMA Camp Roundup Legislation' that is also before Congress right now and could be used to help fill up all of the potential FEMA camp/malls that are now going up across the country, complete with guard towers pre-built in. Our videographer tells us that not only are they hoping to round-up violent extremists such as ISIS but also law-abiding American citizens who would dare inform others that ISIS was indeed a creation of our own government, originally created to overthrow Syrian president Assad.


This extensive list was originally published by Michael Snyder at The Truth Wins.:

Below is a list of 72 types of Americans that are considered to be extremists and potential terrorists in official U.S. government documents. To see the original source document for each point, just click on the link. As you can see, this list covers most of the country

1.Those that talk about individual liberties

2.Those that advocate for states rights

3.Those that want to make the world a better place

4.The colonists who sought to free themselves from British rule

5.Those that are interested in defeating the Communists

6.Those that believe that the interests of ones own nation are separate from the interests of other nations or the common interest of all nations

7.Anyone that holds a political ideology that considers the state to be unnecessary, harmful,or undesirable

8.Anyone that possesses an intolerance toward other religions

9.Those that take action to fight against the exploitation of the environment and/or animals




13.The Patriot Movement

14.Opposition to equal rights for gays and lesbians

15.Members of the Family Research Council

16.Members of the American Family Association

17.Those that believe that Mexico, Canada and the United States are secretly planning to merge into a European Union-like entity that will be known as the North American Union'

18.Members of the American Border Patrol/American Patrol

19.Members of the Federation for American Immigration Reform

20.Members of the Tennessee Freedom Coalition

21.Members of the Christian Action Network

22.Anyone that is opposed to the New World Order

23.Anyone that is engaged in conspiracy theorizing

24.Anyone that is opposed to Agenda 21

25.Anyone that is concerned about FEMA camps

26.Anyone that fears impending gun control or weapons confiscations

27.The militia movement

28.The sovereign citizen movement

29.Those that dont think they should have to pay taxes

30.Anyone that complains about bias

31.Anyone that believes in government conspiracies to the point of paranoia

32.Anyone that is frustrated with mainstream ideologies

33.Anyone that visits extremist websites/blogs

34.Anyone that establishes website/blog to display extremist views

35.Anyone that attends rallies for extremist causes

36.Anyone that exhibits extreme religious intolerance

37.Anyone that is personally connected with a grievance

38.Anyone that suddenly acquires weapons

39.Anyone that organizes protests inspired by extremist ideology

40.Militia or unorganized militia

41.General right-wing extremist

42.Citizens that have bumper stickers that are patriotic or anti-U.N.

43.Those that refer to an Army of God

44.Those that are fiercely nationalistic (as opposed to universal and international in orientation)

45.Those that are anti-global

46.Those that are suspicious of centralized federal authority

47.Those that are reverent of individual liberty

48.Those that believe in conspiracy theories

49.Those that have a belief that ones personal and/or national way of life is under attack

50.Those that possess a belief in the need to be prepared for an attack either by participating in paramilitary preparations and training or survivalism

51.Those that would impose strict religious tenets or laws on society (fundamentalists)

52.Those that would insert religion into the political sphere

53.Anyone that would seek to politicize religion

54.Those that have supported political movements for autonomy

55.Anyone that is anti-abortion

56.Anyone that is anti-Catholic

57.Anyone that is anti-nuclear

58.Rightwing extremists

59.Returning veterans

60.Those concerned about illegal immigration

61.Those that believe in the right to bear arms

62.Anyone that is engaged in ammunition stockpiling

63.Anyone that exhibits fear of Communist regimes

64.Anti-abortion activists

65.Those that are against illegal immigration

66.Those that talk about the New World Order in a derogatory manner

67.Those that have a negative view of the United Nations

68.Those that are opposed to the collection of federal income taxes

69.Those that supported former presidential candidates Ron Paul, Chuck Baldwin and Bob Barr

70.Those that display the Gadsden Flag (Dont Tread On Me)

71. Those that believe in end times prophecies

72.Evangelical Christians

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