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June 23, 2015

Are The Elite Preparing Us For The 'Zombie' Apocalypse? - We Are The 'Walking Dead' To Them And They Are Mocking Us!


By Susan Duclos - All News PipeLine

Many say that the Illuminati, via Hollywood, telegraph the intentions of the elite, programming people through music, movies, television and even real life events, to accept the immoral, unethical, the supernatural and even the unbelievable, as the normal course of events.

Examples can be seen from televisions shows glorifying witchcraft, vampirism, ghosts and demons and the latest example is Fox's most recent controversial scheduled series "Lucifer", even glorifying the Devil.


Recently Stefan Stanford wrote about the elite calling humanity "the walking dead," which brings up the genre which has been made so popular by Hollywood, being "zombies."

Metaphorically, many are the walking dead, believing everything they are fed through the mainstream media, becoming "zombies" that no longer recognize the weird and unusual, can no longer tell right from wrong, believe that outrageous decisions being made are part and parcel and "just the natural progression" of things..... as we watch the decay of the very fabric of our societies.

The elite are mocking us and using the very methods they have always used to do so.


The question above is not a joke although many will clearly mock it, but "zombies" and cannibalism have a real life basis in history, from Haitian folklore wherean animated corpse raised by magical means, withmodern depictions of zombies invoking other methods such as a virus to create a world of "zombies."

Cannibalism also dates back to ancient references in both Native American myths and legends and biblical references, with specific mention to "Cannibal Giants," in some accounts.

It isn't only Hollywood, televisions shows such as "The Walking Dead," and movies such as "Resident Evil," that we are seeing a culture of seemingly preparing us for zombies and cannibalism, but actual news events over the past few years show that references to "zombies" have become the norm rather than the exception.


Consider the CDC's bizarre "Zombie Preparedness|Are We Prepared?" campaign which they now describe as "a tongue in cheek campaign to engage new audiences with preparedness messages," saying it turned into an "effective campaign."

Even more disturbing are the Department of Homeland Security drills conducted where they practiced mowing down civilian "zombies" during an anti-terror drill, shown in the video below from 2012.

(More after the video)

DHS isn't the only taxpayer funded agency preparing for the type of event..... in 2012 it was reported thatexercises for the US Marines and Navy special-operations were training for a Zombie Apocalypse. (Source - CS Monitor) Separate city and states agencies have their own specific Zombie training drills as we,, as seen here, here and here, just to show a few.

How about the actual, real, Pentagon plan to "stop the Zombie Apocalypse," reported on by ForeignPolicy in 2014.

From responses to natural disasters to a catastrophic attack on the homeland, the U.S. military has a plan of action ready to go if either incident occurs.

It has also devised an elaborate plan should a zombie apocalypse befall the country, according to a Defense Department document obtained by CNN.

In an unclassified document titled "CONOP 8888," officials from U.S. Strategic Command used the specter of a planet-wide attack by the walking dead as a training template for how to plan for real-life, large-scale operations, emergencies and catastrophes.

Are all these "tongue-in-cheek as the CDC calls it?


There are a couple must read PDF's linked over at Steve Quayles website on the page titled "Zombies - Calling Forth Of The Damned." Part one can be found HERE and part two can be found HERE.

It was at the beginning of part two of the aforemetioned PDFs that we see a reference to a Cracked Article from October 2007, titled "5 Scientific Reasons a Zombie Apocalypse Could Actually Happen."

Our culture is full of tales of the undead walking the Earth, from our religions to our comic books. But, some sort of zombie apocalypse isn't actually possible, right?Right?Guys?

Actually, yes. It's quite possible. Here's five ways it could happen, according to science.

The articles goes into detail explaining what each are, so I will just list those ways here and let readers click to read the descriptions.

#1 Nanobots - #2 Neurogenesis - #3 The Real Rage Virus - #4 Neurotoxins and - #5 Brain Parasites


While that article was written in 2007 and the PDFs created in 2011, as of the 2012 news cycle we can another to the list above.... bath salts evidently turn people into cannibals as multiple cases were reported where users became "flesh-hungry monsters" referred to by RT as a "zombie drug."

Last month, however, the now infamous encounter between a homeless man and a suspected bath salt user reignited discussion of the drug. On May 26, a 31-year-old man stripped a homeless person naked under a highway overpass and attempted to eat his victims face for minutes until police shot the suspect dead but not before he devoured three-fourths of his fleshy feast. Officers investigating the Miami, Florida incident say that they believe bath salt use could have played a role, and less than a month after that episode, similar accounts have been reported: police say that, across the US, there have been no fewer than three incidents since late May where persons high on bath salts tried to literally eat other humans.

In March 2015, Natural News reported "Urban Death Project seeks to compost dead humans to feed the crops," where they report the following:

A Seattle architect named Katrina Spade has proposed a new solution for urban food production: convert the recently deceased into nutritious compost to feed the food crops.

April 2015, Natural News again "Major food corporations use tissue from aborted babies to manufacture flavor additives in processed foods."

Every time you purchase mass-produced processed "food" from the likes of Kraft, PepsiCo, or Nestle, you're choosing, whether you realize it or not, to feed your family not only genetically engineered poisons and chemical additives, but also various flavoring agents manufactured using the tissue of aborted human babies.

It's true: A company based out of California, known as Senomyx, is in the business of using aborted embryonic cells to test fake flavoring chemicals, both savory and sweet, which are then added to things like soft drinks, candy and cookies. And Senomyx has admittedly partnered with a number of major food manufacturers to lace its cannibalistic additives into all sorts of factory foods scarfed down by millions of American consumers every single day.


From the elite blatantly calling us "the walking dead" to Hollywood pushing the zombie storyline, to the US Pentagon/Military and the CDC actively preparing for the "Zombie Apocalypse," along with organizations and corporations feeding humans dead aborted baby tissue and using the dead to make compost, we are steadily being programmed to consider the abnormal to be normal, the unacceptable to be accepted.

Like many reading, I find it almost impossible to believe that movies, news, the CDC and the military are preparing us for a world of "zombie" eating people, then again, I never thought when I saw Soylent Green, where food was created by using humans as a source, it would be a something we are seeing reported on now as if it was the normal state of affairs.


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