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September 10, 2019

US Assistant Attorney Murdered In 2003 Allegedly Sex Trafficked For Jeffrey Epstein According To Former Epstein Victim

- Stabbed 36 Times, Jonathan Luna's Death Was Originally Ruled A 'Suicide'


By Stefan Stanford - All News Pipeline - Live Free Or Die

Prosecutors, judges, police detectives and attorney's often talk about 'the case that haunts me' and as someone who has been a 'researcher' of many things for decades, there has always been one particular 'case' that has 'haunted me', the 2003 unsolved murder/suicide of former US Assistant State's Attorney Jonathan Luna who was found stabbed to death in Pennsylvania after taking a mysterious midnight ride through 4 states after leaving his Baltimore, Maryland prosecutor's office at close to midnight years ago.

Why do we bring up such an old and still unsolved case, you might ask? In the video that we've embedded directly below this first section of the story, an alleged Jeffrey Epstein victim by the name of Jessica Collins claims that while she was a student at The Catholic University in Washington DC back in 2002, she was forced into having sex with Joe Biden, John McCain and many other DC politicians after being drugged and abducted by Deborah Jean Palfrey, long known as the DC Madam, who allegedly trafficked her for sex.

While the mainstream media won't give Jessica Collins's claims even a moment of attention despite giving countless hours to the baseless accusations made by Christine Blasey Ford during the Justice Kavanaugh Supreme Court confirmation hearings, the website DC Clothesline picked up the Collins video you'll see below as reported in this September 8th story. And while it is really up to each of us as individuals to decide whether we want to believe what Collins says in this video, several things which she says absolutely froze me in my tracks due to the hundreds of hours of prior research I did over 15 years ago into the still unsolved murder/suicide that has baffled the Washington DC/Maryland area for nearly 16 years now.

As Collins claims in this video, after being drugged by Palfrey, (who several years later 'committed suicide'despite having said she'd never do so), she claims she was picked up by 'Jonathan Luna' who drove her to the Bethesda Marriott hotel were she claims Jeffrey Epstein and Andrew Windsor allegedly had raped her. Collins also claimed that after being held at the Marriott and raped for some time, she was later picked up and moved out of Washington DC by 'Ed Norris', who she states in the video was then the Maryland State Police Superintendent...and this is where it gets very, very, very strange.

For those who aren't aware, as mentioned in our opening paragraph, all the way back on December 4th of 2003, 'Jonathan Luna', who was then the Assistant US State's Attorney out of Baltimore, Maryland, was found stabbed to death in Pennsylvania after he had made a very mysterious 'midnight ride' through 4 different states, Maryland, Delaware, New Jersey and then Pennsylvania.

Luna's body, which was found dead in a shallow creek, had been stabbed 36 times, one time for each of the $36,000 missing from a Baltimore court room safe according to this wikipedia entry and, not surprisingly, his death was originally ruled a suicide by the FBI investigating it. Remember those bankers who shot themselves in the back of the heads being ruled 'suicide'?

Of course, a 'quickly rising prosecutorial superstar', how many described Luna, would 'off himself' by stabbing himself 36 times, right? Despite a massive pool of blood found on the back floor of his car, Luna had allegedly used his own penknife to take his life. Anybody else buying that?

Well now that we hear Luna's name back in the news, and allegedly tied to Jeffrey Epstein, everything from 16 years ago is starting to make a little bit more sense. And possibly not coincidentally, Ed Norris was indicted and lost his job as the head of the Maryland State police just 6 days after Jonathan Luna's death.

And for what? Norris allegedly had used a Maryland State Police Charity Fund to pay for private travel, gifts and 'girlfriends'. Remember all of that when listening to Jessica Collins here with much more below including a look back at the mysterious disappearance of a Prosecutor from Pennsylvania just over a year after Luna's death; that prosecutor, Ray Gricar, had refused to prosecute former Penn State assistant head coach Jerry Sandusky for allegations of sexual abuse he was later imprisoned for.

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So after listening to Collins speaking, what do you think? While we can absolutely understand people doubting her 'testimony' seeing that she's just now coming out with it after more than 15 years, the fact that she mentions both Jonathan Luna and Ed Norris as having allegedly 'transported' her for sexual purposes, while mentioning Epstein as well, absolutely leads one to wonder what else is going on. And why haven't prosecutors from the DOJ contacted this woman for an interview? Her story absolutely deserves to be heard with the left more than happy to push Blasey Ford's lies in our faces for weeks and weeks.

And as we'll see within this story, after Luna's death, things went straight to hell as Luna's boss, Thomas Michael M. DiBiagio, was later fired in 2005 and after8 US Attorney's were fired by the Bush administration in 2006 for performance-related issues under a clause of the PATRIOT Act, DiBiagio stated in March 2007 that he was ousted because of political pressure over public corruption investigations into the administration of then-Gov. Robert L. Ehrlich Jr.

And after DiBiagio was ousted, guess who took over the US State's Attorney's Office for the District of Maryland? None other than Rod Rosenstein. DiBiagio had claimed that his heavy pursuit of members of the Ehrlich administration, including Ed Norris, had led to his ousterand the former U.S. Attorney for Maryland said he thinks public servants are being torn down just for doing their jobs. Such as prosecuting sex traffickers tied to Jeffrey Epstein? It was DiBiagio that took down Ed Norris.

Then we come to the 2005 disappearance of former Centre County, Pennsylvania district attorney Ray Gricar, with Gricar mysteriously vanishing, never to be seen again, the same year DiBiagio was fired. As this entry over at wikipedia reports, Gricar simply disappeared on April 15th of 2005, 8 months before he had planned to retire in December of 2005.

While Gricar had a girlfriend he lived with, he was well known as a 'lady's man' and the very day he disappeared, he had been spotted with a tall woman with long dark hair according to witnesses who had seen him. His car was later found abandoned in a store parking lot and month's later, his computer was found in a river without the hard drive. The hard drive was found in the same river soon after.

Andas wikipedia also reports, back in 1998, Gricar declined to press charges against longtime Penn State assistant football coach Jerry Sandusky following allegations of sexual abuse; Sandusky was charged and convicted of multiple counts of child sexual abuse thirteen years later. Oh what a tangled web they weave.

If you're curious to learn more about Jonathan Luna, please read the book: "The Midnight Ride Of Jonathan Luna"


While we'll be the very first to admit that we don't have all the answers to the questions in front of us, this September 8th story over at DC Dirty Laundry that Steve Quayle had linked to on his website Sunday reported Judge Jeanine Pirro had just dropped an 'Epstein Bombshell' on the Tucker Carlson show as heard in the 1st video at the bottom of this story, claiming there could be many 'elite' sweating it out right now with a countless number of the 'rich and famous' having not only 'used Epstein's services' but were allegedly blackmailed in the process.

And looking back to the DC Madam case that also haunted the Washington DC area finds the very same thing as this entry from May of 2007 at Indy Bay reports, 'hookergate' had expanded to include numerous 'DC elite' and not surprisingly, soon after the DC Madam threatened to expose those names, she 'took her own life'. Notice the pattern? Another 'escort to the elite' was also found dead in Maryland after 'hanging herself' with Brandi Britton allegedly killing herselfin 2007 after also threatening to expose her 'elite clientele'.

With the detective who led the Epstein investigation now dead after a brief illness at the age of 50 as News Target reported in this recent story and even CNN reporting on September 8th that hundreds of people could be implicated in a Jeffrey Epstein document dump, it's become quite obvious that the 'Epstein rabbit hole' goes incredibly deep and that mysterious deaths have apparently surrounded him and the 'Clinton crime family' for a very, very long time.

In the 2nd video below we hear a very good breakdown of the story of Jonathan Luna from videographer 'Lordan Arts' who walks us through nearly 40 minutes outlining the death of Luna and as he wisely tells us at the beginning of this video, he strongly gets the impression that the death of Luna is one case that the FBI and the Department of Justice just hope 'would go away'.

In the 3rd and final video below, videographer 'Trace Evidence Podcast' takes a look at the case of missing Penn State area prosecutor Ray Gricar and all of the bizarre circumstances surrounding the sudden vanishing of the prosecutor who had refused to prosecute Jerry Sandusky for all of his crimes in Centre County, PA.

So what do you think about all of this? Do you really believe that Jeffrey Epstein is even dead? Personally, I strongly believe that Epstein is still alive, having been whisked off to some private island somewhere, never to be seen again, for if he was dead, I believe his 'dead man's switch' would have come out naming a countless number of his 'global elite' pals and we still haven't seen that yet. So with these mysteries still unsolved, we'd love to read your thoughts about all of this in the comment section below.

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