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July 12, 2019

With 'Diversity' And 'Multiculturalism' The Weapons Being Used To Destroy Freedom And America, We Must Rise Up To Face The Challenge Or Western Civilization Comes Crashing Down

- 'Equipping A Warrior Class Of Christians For The Days Ahead'


By Stefan Stanford - All News Pipeline - Live Free Or Die

"Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you. For behold, darkness shall cover the earth, and thick darkness the peoples; but the Lord will arise upon you, and his glory will be seen upon you." Isaiah 60: 1-2

While many Democrats are still screaming out in insanity when Americans say that we need to restrict immigrants coming into America, claiming we are 'hateful' because we'd like to see some kind of 'law and order' surrounding who can come into this country and who cannot, none other than the Dalai Llama recently warned BBC in an interview that "Europe is for Europeans" while warning that if too many migrants are allowed to stay, the continent could become "Muslim" or "African". 

With the Dalai Llama's warning coming during the same time period that we have seen Western Civilization under complete attack, with Tommy Robinson a prime example of what happens when Islamo-fascist tyranny comes into an area with him now facing at least 9 months in prison (and possibly a death sentence for carrying out 'the crime of journalism') for simply reporting upon truthful stories such as Islamic child grooming gangs, the UK and much of Europe have become dead nations walking and a huge warning to America should Democrats have their way. Breitbart also recently reported on the Dalai Llama's comments.:

The Buddhist spiritual leader, who has been living as a refugee in India since fleeing Tibet in 1959, told the BBC that only a “limited number” of migrants should be permitted to reside in Europe.

The 83-year-old said Europe should take in refugees and offer them an education, but then send them back to their homelands.

“European countries should take these refugees and give them education and training, then the aim is return to their own land,” he said.

The BBC host asked what should happen if migrants want to stay in their adopted countries, to which the Dalai Lama replied: “A limited number is OK, but whole Europe eventually become Muslim country? Impossible. Or African country? Also impossible.”

Asked what was wrong with the scenario of Europe becoming Muslim or African, he said: “They themselves I think better to their own land. Keep Europe for Europeans.”

So we'll be taking a look within this ANP story at some of the latest signs of freedom and Western Civilization under attack with a huge focus on what we as awakened Americans can do to peacefully fight back against emerging tyranny via us taking a look at a new book written by Jamie Walden titled "Omega Dynamics", with Walden recently doing an outstanding interview in a video recently posted to Steve Quayle's youtube channel that we've embedded as the only video at the bottom of this story to talk about preparing for the battle that we are now facing. 

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As Paul Craig Roberts reported in this July 8th story titled "The Western World Is Finished: Over and Done With", the 'de-construction' of Western civilization has shifted into high gear with 'multiculturalism' having been given a free hand to  erase the history of Western civilization in the name of 'diversity'. With 'Russian Insider' Dmitry Orlov recently reporting "from European Russia and the rest of the Eurasian landmass, there is a distinct sense of sadness in watching Europe die", Orlov also explained that 'diversity' and 'multicultralism' were the 'weapons' used to destroy Europe, and without a very well awakened populace here, they will also be the weapons that are used to complete the takedown of America.

And as William Stoecker had reported here on ANP back on June 18th in this story titled "With The Perfect Storm Unleashed Upon America, Why Are Almost ALL Western Nations Succumbing To The Same Evil Madness?", the fact that nearly all Western nations have been going through the same thing hints there really is a 'New World Order global conspiracy' to enslave the entire planet!

And we see more proof of that out of the totally insane state of California where back on July 1st, the College Fix reported that a math teacher at a private school there had lost her job for speaking out in defense of Western civilization, even though her comments were made outside of her job and the classroom, and despite her being a teacher for over 20 years. 

Dr. Karen Siegemund, president of the Los Angeles-based American Freedom Alliance, gave a speech in May at the group’s “Long March Through the Institutions” conference, which “explored the Left’s ongoing multi-decade takeover attempt of numerous public and private institutions to effect a radical transformation of America.”

During her speech, she said “each of us here believes in the unparalleled force for good that is Western Civilization, that is our heritage, whether we were born here or not.”

Shortly thereafter she said she was informed that her teaching contract at Le Lycée Français de Los Angeles, a private K-12 school, would not be renewed.

“It’s kind of shocking, isn’t it,” Siegemund told Mike Huckabee in a recent interview about the experience, noting she has been a teacher for almost 20 years.

“Because of my outside activities, I was told my contract would not be renewed. I praised Western Civilization, and how it’s brought the greatest good to the most number of people, and we are all its beneficiaries, including those not even from here, and that was deemed hostile,” she said.

A perfect example at just how far to the left our school systems and Democratic politics have become, even BET founder and lifelong Democrat Bob Johnson recently told CNBC in an interview that Democrats have moved far too much to the left for his tastes and while he admits voting for Hillary Clinton in 2016, he has since praised the job President Trump is doing.

So why are Western Civilization and Christianity under all out attack? As we read in the description of Jamie Walden's book "Omega Dynamics" below, there is a very real war going on against us right now and most don't even see it. 

We are at war! It is a savage campaign being waged against the hearts, minds, and souls of mankind, as laid out from Genesis to Revelation, and it is rapidly approaching its prophesied convergent zenith. Standing on the front lines amid the fray of battle are the Redeemed sons and daughters in Jesus Christ. As such, our True and Better Commander in Chief, the Lord Almighty, has sounded the battle cry that a Warrior Class of Christians arise. They are among those who intimately know the Captain of their Salvation and who advance His Kingdom in valorous Omega Dynamics: the powerful and effectual actions of the Redeemed of the Lord victoriously going forth in the End of the Age.

Yet as we hear within this video from Jamie, we are by no means 'powerless' in this battle and in fact, we must rise up and face this challenge or Western civilization and Christianity are heading towards extinction. 


Before reading a book, I love to read some of the book's reviews and as we'll see in a few excerpted below, readers were not disappointed.

5 out of 5 stars - Long Overdue! AAA+ January 1, 2019

Omega Dynamics is not a casual read. Jamie Walden’s unequivocal, candid exposition brings about a Spirit led paradigm shift that calls the Warrior Class to “Make Ready” and get in the fight. He exhorts us to rid ourselves of our lackadaisical “Churchianity” and gird up our loins for war. This book has been a blessing and I look forward to Jamie’s study guide coming out soon! 

5 out of 5 stars - Hard Hitting for All-In Christians February 21, 2019

Great book, loaded with scripture to back up our need to not be lulled in to gnosticism or new age movements being foisted on us unknowingly by our communities. Great to evaluate and protect yourself in this subversive attempt of the enemy to lull you asleep. Read this book and WAKE UP! -

5 out of 5 stars - Outstanding! April 1, 2019

If you want to know how to survive and win in the trenches and on the battlefield, you need to learn this from someone whose done it. Whether physical, mental, emotional, and especially spiritual--especially these days--Jamie Walden takes you there. It's spiritual boot camp on every page. Think I'm kidding? Check his bio--wow!--and then some. His message is imperative for times such as these.

Jamie Walden's autobiography:

Jamie Walden was born and raised in the Quad Cities (Moline, IL) along the Mississippi River. His father (A Firefighter/ Paramedic) and mother (homemaker/ college administrator) raised Jamie and his two siblings in an authentic, biblically rich home. Through harrowing trials and tribulations within the Walden family, Jamie was presented the steadfast, eternally-true power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the faithfulness of the Word of the Lord.

Imbued with matchless passion for all things “adventurous” and “fun”, Jamie’s teen years were filled with significant tumult (injuries, arrests, and choices of near life-long consequence). However, amid the rebellion and ruckus, Jamie continually endeavored to one day earn the title, “U.S. Marine”. After being nominated to attend the National Youth Leadership Forum on Defense, Intelligence, and Diplomacy in Washington, D.C., where he subsequently secured a nomination to the US Naval Academy, Jamie made the determination to simply enlist in the Marine Corps Infantry and achieve his childhood dream.

Jamie’s Marine Corps career was pivotal in his development both as a leader, and what would later be refined into unfettered zeal for the Kingdom of God. Intensive training across a wide spectrum of disciplines served to equip Jamie and his unit to achieve overwhelming victory on the March to Baghdad during Operation Iraqi Freedom in 2003.

After leaving the Marines Corps, Jamie obtained a double major B.S. in Law Enforcement and History. However, it was also during this same period of time that the Holy Spirit began a radical unveiling of both Jamie’s contemptuous standing before the Holy Lord and the New Life offered for the forgiveness of sins in His Son, Jesus Christ. In unconditional surrender, a concept all but inconceivable to Jamie, he forever yielded his will to the Mission and leading of his Savior.

Shortly thereafter (2007), Jamie met and married the companion and love of his life, Virginia, and went on to have three wonderful children. Pursuing a career in Federal Law Enforcement, Jamie was selected as an Intern for the United States Marshals Service, and subsequent recruitment to a “Three Letter” agency. It was then, when Jamie received “the call”, that the Lord began testing and affirming the genuineness of his faith. In what began with “DO NOT TAKE THAT JOB,” the Lord initiated a succession of intimate, often painful, promptings that directed Jamie’s steps to life of service to the Kingdom. Much faith would be required.

From there Jamie entered a time of reduction and refinement at the hands of the Lord. Over the next 10 years he became a Police Officer, returned to school to acquire licensure as a Paramedic Specialists, thereby later shifting his career into the Fire Service/Paramedic/Technical Rescue. His unique “behind the curtain” involvements led to an insatiable appetite for the Truth contained within the Word of the Lord and its prophetic significance in this day and time.

After again returning to Iraq in 2014 to serve the Christians suffering under the savage campaign of ISIS, Jamie and Virginia were compelled to surrender their paradigm and follow the Lord into full-time ministry. They and their 3 children were on mission in the Dominican Republic serving at a Therapeutic Boarding School for two years before returning to the Unites States.

Jamie’s experiences, tenacious pursuit of Truth, and zeal for Christ Jesus have forged powerfully refreshing insights for today’s Christian Church. Impassioned by both a love for the freedom offered through Christ and convergent biblical prophecy, Jamie endeavors tirelessly to strengthen, equip, and challenge a “Warrior Class” of Christians to arise and take their places as Victors in this generation!

So we prepare ourselves for the battle of our lifetime's in the days ahead, heeding the wise advice of a 'warrior Christian' who has been in battle and who advises us to seek truth with an unbridled passion while knowing that we have the ultimate 'power' backing us in this pursuit that we need not go meekly into, but full of confidence and faith.

 EMERGENCY FUNDRAISER: Despite generous donations, the still dwindling advertising revenue over the course of the last two years has forced us to completely deplete all our savings just to survive and continue to keep All News PipeLine online.

So ANP is accepting emergency reader donations during the month of July.  


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