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July 25, 2019

Exclusive Photos From Readers Across The Country: Food Shortages Are Here Now And The Media Is Downplaying The Dangers - 'Signs Of The Times' Part Two

(Boxed food product shelves at Walmart)

By Susan Duclos - All News PipeLine

On July 23, 2019, Stefan Stanford, in an article titled "If These Are The New 'Signs Of The Times' And Not An Aberration, We May Be Closing In Upon A Living Hell," with the sub-header of "Grocery Store Customers Shocked By Empty Shelves Best Prepare Now While They Still Can," he discussed the growing number of people noticing signs in their local stores regarding shortages of canned vegetable items, "Due to a poor harvest season."

After the devastating mid-West flooding that has caused crop failures as well as a massive loss of our nation's ranchers and farmers' live stock, many warned that the brutal effects wouldn't be felt for months, but the increasing number of examples and evidence via images, and first person accounts, shows that it has already begun.

In Stefan's article he said "If any ANP reader see any such signs in grocery stores near you or lots of empty shelves where food normally is and you get a photograph of them, please email the photos to [email protected] and we'll use them in a follow up story."

Well, ANP readers starting sending images that day and those exclusive photos as well as the informative notes attached, will be posted below, along with the locations of these stores and images, which readers kindly referenced in their emails.

Interestingly, on social media, one person did say, "I've been in four different grocery stores over the past week and I've seen no shortages on anyting [sic]," which instantly made me wonder if these shortages are, for whatever reason, only occurring in certain areas, such as rural vs urban, which might account for why the establishment media hasn't been paying very much attention to this increase of notices about food shortages.

We'll explore that line of thought after the reader submissions.


The first images are from a Safeway in Arizona, the town wasn't named. The message that came with the images was "In Arizona we started having empty shelves in the grocery stores starting back in May. These are pictures from a local Safeway." These images were emailed to ANP on July 24, 2019.

(If you appreciate stories like this, please consider donating to ANP to help keep us in this battle for the future of America.)

(AZ Safeway empty shelves)

(AZ Safeway empty shelves)

The next images come from Ft. Collins CO., from a Walmart. The note attached states "These signs are also at our local Walmart in Fort Collins, Co. Aside from these, there are numerous "out of stock" tags where the price tags would be. A lot of rice (basmati, jasmine, etc.) missing as well... Pics were taken a few days ago." The images were emailed to ANP on July 23, 2019, and were dated July 19, 2019.

(Walmart, Ft. Collins, CO.)

(Walmart, Ft. Collins, CO.)

The next set of images also comes from a Walmart, located in Northwest New Jersey. These images were emailed to ANP on July 24, 2019.

(Walmart in New Jersey)

(Walmart in New Jersey)

The next image came with just a subject line stating "Shortage - Payson AZ Walmart." The image was emailed to ANP on July 23, 2019.

(Payson Arizona, Walmart)

The next image came with a subject line "Food shortage sign Milledgeville, Ga." The image was emailed to ANP on July 23, 2019.

(Milledgeville, Ga, Walmart)

The next two images weretaken on July 16 at Walmart in Poteau Oklahoma. The note that accompanied the photos said "When I went to check out I asked the clerk when the signs went up and she was totally surprised about it. So they put up the signs but didn't let their employees know. Haven't found any of the other goods in shortage yet. The other store (Price Cutter ) still has vegetables but are doing one heck of a job at keeping those shelves faced. I looked behind the front cans and found some empty space but nothing alarming as of July 23. Clerk there hadn't heard anything about shortages from their company."

(Poteau, Oklahoma, Walmart)
(Poteau, Oklahoma, Walmart)

ANP would like to thank our readers for sending these images, and first hand accounts of what they are seeing in their area. Other emails came in response with no images, but wanting to inform us of what they have been seeing.

If any ANP reader see any such signs in grocery stores near you or lots of empty shelves where food normally is and you get a photograph of them, please email the photos to [email protected] and we'll use them, as we plan to keep a close eye on these food shortages.

Email fromCoeur d"Alene, Id., states "ANP: I WILL get you pictures and send them, but in the meantime: Our local Wally World, here in Coeur d"Alene, Id., has these signs in front of several empty spaces in the veggie section of the store. I have heard and will check and see, photograph if possible, that Costco has similar signs! Personal experience: Shortly after the disastrous floods in the mid west, chicken scratch/food went up to $10.48, a $2.00 jump, literally over night! We are on a very slippery slope!"

From another reader in the comment section, Susie says "Update :-). So I "toured" 3 grocery stores while I was out and about this morning - 2 outside of my little town. Giant Eagle and Marc's (outside) had canned veggies, but they were low in quantity and all front-lined on the shelves - no shortage signs. My Dollar General (inside) carries very little in that category anyway, but, no signs and seemed like they had their normal supply ??? Along with everything else I was doing, I wore myself out :-), but it seems that our Wally World (outside) is the only place, that I checked, that has an inventory problem ????? It may not be important, but it is good for ME to know :-)."

From some of our regular readers over on Stefan Stanford's July 23rd piece, we see a number of people mentioning that along with the cross country issues with many Walmarts having shortages, that some Kroger stores seem to have similar signs hanging.

Others noted that in many stores around them, while there were no signs, they did have empty space behind the canned goods that were there. Readers can read through the comment section of that article, for tips, ideas, and first hand accounts of what ANP readers are seeing across the country.

In other areas, at least one of our readers found all stores surrounding him, fully stocked, no signs.

Via an SQ alert, from someone that Steve Quayle says is "one of the most informed people on the planet," the latest from UN Documents: (Note- As of August 1, 2019, the SQ Alerts will become part of Quayle's Q-File.TV program, so we suggest folks sign up for the subscription at this link)

After going through 1000 pages of documents released from the UN last week on food control, the bottom line on food is this:

They are going to break food down a calorie level, but not a calories as you and I know. It will be:

Dietary energy supply (DES) Food available for human consumption, expressed in kilocalories per person per day (kcal/person/day). That is one thousandth of a current calorie minus the below:

At the country level, it is calculated as the food remaining for human use after deduction of all non-food utilization's:

production costs
stock withdrawals
industrial use
animal feed

wastage includes loss of usable products occurring along distribution chains from farm gate (or port of import) up to retail level. I did an article several years ago where the UN floated that a person would get 30 grams of food which included all your protein, carbs, sugars once every three weeks. It was the equivalent of 3/4 of an energy bar once every three weeks. The rest of your food energy would be veg and insects, but since there will be no production of veg due to climate chaos, that leaves insects and lab food or synthetic biology for all ones food.

This is the state of our food situation.


While the vast majority of emails, those with and without images, were noting shortages of a variety of items, the fact that even a couple have not noticed them made me wonder if it is a rural vs urban issue. It is not geographical in nature because between the cited source in Stefan's article and the locations listed in the emails sent to us, this spans from New Jersey, all the way to Colorado and Arizona, and even some parts of California.

This is "evidence" of nothing but my own curiosity, but from the towns listed, we note the following about the specified areas, when they were specified.

Poteau, OK: Population (2017) 8,866
Payson, Arizona: Population (2017) 15,520
Milledgeville, GA: Population (2017) 18,575
Fort Collins, CO: Population (2017) 165,080

Ft. Collins, CO., appears to be the largest area that we have heard from residents, and it is an Old Town historic district with houses from the 1800s, but doesn't appear to be exactly what one would call an "Urban area."

We would need a far larger sample, and accounts with specified locations to be able to answer the question with any degree of confidence if these shortages are just hitting rural areas ahead of what could be coming to urban areas, but the responses so far from readers across the country, just two days after the original article came out, tells us this is much larger an issue than what the the media has informed the public about to date.

By the time they get to "reporting" on it, it may be too late for many, as even emergency supply food companies could start seeing the same type of problems obtaining food.


Many of our readers are people that believe in being as prepared as possible and as prepared as finances allow, so they are a great source of links, ideas, tips, suggestions, but for today, I will highlight a piece of advice from James Grubbs:

Thanks to sites like ANP, people have been made aware of the need to prepare for tougher days. To those who thought this was all fear mongering, It's not too late, get to prepping. Food, water and toilet paper to start. Stock up if possible on an alternative heat source if you rely heavily on electricity. ANP has put out plenty of articles on what you absolutely must pay attention to before times of crisis. BTW, this shortage will not only be vegetables. Remember, livestock has to be fed and maintained and it will be coming at a premium that will be passed to the consumer. Trucking will be effected and will cause many smaller outfits to close their doors making shipping costs rise and JIT (Just In Time) shippments will not always be on time. Be wise like the ant or live like a cockroach. It's your choice to go on vacations and buy toys or prepare for what is obvious.

Another bit of wisdom comes from another reader, via email, where HRT states "Storing of food is good for not only the coming food shortage but anytime there can be a situation causing isolation. It could be natural or unnatural disasters, political containment or governmental restrictions as in martial law, epidemic or in my case illness where one could not go out and shop."


Bottom line is short.....Prepare now.

As Stefan highlighted just a couple days ago, "for those who feel they don't have the time to grow your own food before SHTF, long term survival food is as close by as an internet order, some of which can be delivered to your doorstep the very next day. "

Augason Farms 6-Month 1-Person Emergency Food Supply | Shelter-in-Place Kit | 60 Large Cans | Up to 30 Year Shelf Life 5-07011

3 Month Long Term Emergency Food Supply Kit - Eden Valley Farms

Wise Emergency Survival Food - Freeze Dried Meat & Rice Bucket (240 Count)

NuManna INT-NMFP 144 Meals, Emergency Survival Food Storage Kit, Separate Rations, in a Bucket, 25 Plus Year Shelf Life, GMO-Free

Freeze-dried Meat by Nutristore | Assorted Premium Pack (Beef Dices, Chicken Dices, Ground Beef and Sausage Crumbles) | 80 Large Servings | Survival Food | Amazing Taste | Perfect for Camping

Augason Farms Breakfast Emergency Food Supply 11 lbs 1.8 oz 4 Gallon Pail

Wise Foods Gluten Free Freeze Dried Fruit 156 Servings

Crystal Geyser Pallet Of 84 Cases, Of Alpine 100% Natural Spring Water, 24 16.9oz bottlesper Case, Bottled at The Source

Mightie Company Worlds #1 Water Purification Tablets

EMERGENCY FUNDRAISER: Despite generous donations, the still dwindling advertising revenue over the course of the last two years has forced us to completely deplete all our savings just to survive and continue to keep All News PipeLine online.

So due to continuous attacks upon us and ongoing censorship, ANP is extending our emergency fundraiser through September.


One time donations or monthly, via Paypal or Credit Card:



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Checks or money orders made payable to Stefan Stanford or Susan Duclos can be sent to:

P.O. Box 575
McHenry, MD. 21541


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