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January 6, 2015

Expert Warns! Cash Confiscation Coming Soon! USA Watchdog Greg Hunter With Rob Kirby

By Live Free Or Die - Co-Owner All News Pipeline


Financial expert Rob Kirby of Kirby Analytics joins USA Watchdog Greg Hunter in this newly released video report to warn us that he strongly believes cash confiscations coming from our savings and pension accounts here in America will begin soon! Warning us that falling oil prices are NO ACCIDENT, Kirby shares that the 'elite' are using 'financial trickery' while most of America sits idly by, completely unaware that what they've been saving up for years and even decades will likely soon be taken away from them as the US economy prepares to enter the terminal stage.

I look at what is transpiring in the crude oil market as yet another engineered or financial trickery on the part of the financial elites. . . . What this breakdown in the crude oil price is going to spawn another financial crisis. It will be tied to the junk debt that has been issued to finance the shale oil plays in North America. It is reported to be in the area of half a trillion dollars worth of junk debt that is held largely on the books of large financial institutions in the western world. When these bonds start to fail, they will jeopardize the future of these financial institutions. I do believe that will be the signal for the Fed to come riding to the rescue with QE4. I also think QE4 is likely going to be accompanied by bank bail-ins because we all know all western world countries have adopted bail-in legislation in their most recent budgets. The financial elites are engineering the excuse for their next round of money printing . . . and they will be confiscating money out of savings accounts and pension accounts. Thats what I think is coming in the very near future.

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