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August 7, 2014 "Final War For Humanity" - Paul Craig RobertsBy Susan Duclos An excellent article written by Paul Craig Roberts is over at InfoWars, where he explains that Russia holds all the cards in the war against the US and Europe, if only he would play them..... in other words play hardball, because as Roberts states at the beginning of his article "More evidence, about which I hope to write at length, is piling up that Europe has acquiesced to Washington’s drive to war with Russia, a war that is likely to be the final war for humanity." The "cards" Roberts speaks of that Russian President Vladimir Putin holds, all comes down to energy and his ability, if he so chooses, to simply shut down Europe's energy, in order to make the costs of war, very very clear to the Europeans. As explained, it wouldn't even have to be shut down for long to make his point. Roberts concludes: If Putin does not put his foot down hard and make clear to the Europeans what the stakes are, Washington will succeed in its determination to drive the world to war, and “exceptional and indispensable” Americans will die along with all the rest. More commentary below on this senseless drive to into a war that can have no winners. ![]() |

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