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Whatfinger: Frontpage For Conservative News Founded By Veterans

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October 22, 2014

Fireman Speaks Out! 300 Body Bags And Ebola HAZMAT Suits Whats Coming Our Way? Louisiana Governor Signs Ebola Executive Order!

By Live Free or Die

The video below featuring a public service person from the Denham Springs, Louisiana fire department is mind-blowing and gives the public a taste of whats going on behind the scenes and uncensored. In this video just released by Michael DiBari we learn that this particular SMALL fire department will be receiving 300 body bags and Ebola HAZMAT suitswhat this person tells our videographer at 3 minutes 30 seconds into the video about a certified NSA letter received by the fire department will send chills up your spines. Coincidentally, or not, Lousiana Governor Bobby Jindal just signed an Ebola executive order for the state of Louisiana.


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