The stories from ENENews keep coming in, day after day after day. Very rarely does a national, mainstream media outlet pick up any stories from Fukushima or what's happening along the West Coast of America nowadays - do they hope the problems we read about every day will simply 'go away'? Do they hope that by not doing their 'due dilligence' on the matter, Americans won't learn about the'never seen before'parasites washing up on the West coast or that, according to one nuclear expert,the US West coast is being continuously exposed to Fukushima's radiation releaseswarning "it's an ongoing tragedy?"
We also learn from the National Geospatial Intelligence Agency via the Nuke Professional blog and this story at that underground anti-neutrino detectors have revealed rapidly decaying fission products inside nuclear reactors that we can actually see in these 'nice charts' that:show some very non-nice inconvenient truths about nuke plants emissions. It is really kind of sad when you look at it, these plants show up like an evil beacon of light in these maps. There is A LOT more on these websites. Did the national, mainstream media even care when they learned about real-life stories of 'piles of dead lambs, with 2 heads or no legs" in our OWN backyard here in America, just downwind from a Nevada nuclear test site or of 'crooked calves' downwind from a nuclear plant in Washington state back in a bygone year?
We learned that in the late 1940's and early 1950's, "farmer's couldn't understand why all of the animals were dying for no reason" just downwind from the Hanford, Washington nuclear plant. What they experienced there back in those years is now being repeated up and down the West coast and in the Pacific Ocean as sea life, birds and mammal life are being wiped out at astounding rates.
In the first video below we take a look at the full History Channel documentary called "Nuclear Meltdown Disaster" for a minute by minute account of the Fukushima disaster, some of which you've probably already heard of and more of what we can almost guarantee you haven't. More videos below include a video put out by the Vancouver Aquarium with one theory about what all of this radiation means to our oceans.
Beginning at the 1 hour 2 minute 15 second mark of the next video below we learn from theVancouver Aquariumabout radiation in our oceans and we learn all of our experts agree on at least one thing, the levels of cesium isotopes in waters along the coast and offshore.:
There have been ongoing releases beingmaintained at higher levelsThe groundwater is almostimpossible to stop, sothat will continue for decadesvery hard to contain. Ice dams, things you can engineer to stop them, have never been done on this scale before, soits hard to predict whats going to happen.
We also take a look here at a video fromCitizen of Gothamwho takes a look at several new stories from Fukushima Update about what's happening now in Fukushima. All stories he speaks of linked below video.
ENE NEWS: Yahoo News: Giant mutant fish caught off Japan causes concern about effects of Fukushima NY Daily News: Monster catch raises questions about ecological impact of nuclear disaster We wonder if its the radiation that caused the fish to grow this big (PHOTOS)
ENE NEWS: NBC: Radioactive debris on beach at California nuclear plant Magazine: Bombshell report reveals radiation cover-up Experts: Unbelievable what theyre doing there We still dont know how high those levels were (VIDEO)
ENE NEWS:TV: Experts conclude no nuclear fuel left inside Fukushima reactor Total meltdown highly likely Conducting more tests to determine how far down corium has penetrated (PHOTOS & VIDEO)
ENE NEWS: Interviews near US nuclear sites: Piles of dead lambs, with 2 heads, or no legs just piles of dead baby lambs Lambs born without eyes or mouths legs grotesquely grown together, others had no legs Farmers couldnt understand why all the animals were dying all the dogs and cats too (VIDEOS)
ENE NEWS: PHOTOS: Mutations found in sea life along US West Coast Deformed spines, brains, hearts, eyes reported by officials Malformations include extra brain lobes, hunchbacks, parts of face missing, unusual limbs
COG - Prophetic and Subliminal Messaging of the NWO, Satan, and Jesus (The False Savior) in "I, Pet Goat II by Heliofant http://citizenofgothamopines.blogspot...