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December 12, 2020

Get Ready To Fight For Your Freedom: The 'Butcher Of Albany,' Andrew 'COVID Killer' Cuomo, On Short List For Biden's Attorney General

- Proof That Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely

By Susan Duclos - All News PipeLine

With the Supreme Court tossing the election lawsuit led by Texas and with 20 other states joining, that is one less option for Americans that want election integrity restored after massive irregularities were found, reported, and documented, and we are already beginning to see the deadly path that Joe Biden wants to take us down, even before he takes office.

We already know a number of things regarding what is looking to be a likely Biden presidency.

We already know Biden anti-Second Amendment and a proponent of "gun control." 

We also know his party, the Democrats, have been hijacked by self-identified socialists. (They are already trying to push him over the socialism cliff)

We know that Biden has tapped former Obama lackey, Susan Rice, as a domestic advisor. Rice is well known for going out on public television and lying to the American people about the deaths of Americans in Benghazi by claiming, over and over and over again, that the "protest" that cost those lives were over some idiotic "video."

Others things already known are Biden's plans for an Obamacare resurgence, his plans for another disastrous Middle East policy (After trump has made more headway than any other President in history), his tyrannical leanings when it comes to COVID-19, and a whole host of other issues that shows Biden's ideology to be far left of the middle.


The most egregious recent news is that New York governor, Andrew 'COVID Killer' Cuomo, is on the short list as Biden's choice for U.S. Attorney General.

AG is the top cop, so to speak, for the nation, and just taking a look at the devastating results of Cuomo's COVID policies in New York, makes it very clear that Americans had better get ready to fight for their freedom and lives against total tyrannical control.

That is not hyperbole, as just looking at the type of tyranny Cuomo has perpetrated against his own constituents in New York, clearly spells out what to expect nationwide if Cuomo is named Attorney General.

I'll start with his actions that saw him dubbed the "butcher of Albany."

Nursing Home Massacres: (Massacre - an indiscriminate and brutal slaughter of people) 

Over 6,000 elderly nursing home residents died as a direct result of Cuomo's order forcing nursing homes to take in recovering coronavirus patients.

Via New York Post: (From July 2020)

New York dispatched more than 6,300 recovering coronavirus patients into vulnerable nursing homes during the height of the pandemic, officials said this week.

The transfers were made under a now-scrapped, highly criticized policy that barred nursing homes from refusing to take in COVID-19 patients — a directive from the Cuomo administration intending to free up hospital beds for the sickest patients.

New York is now home to one of the highest nursing home death tolls in the nation, with more than 6,400 deaths in homes and long-term care facilities tied to the virus.

The most vulnerable of all Americans, with no recourse, died because of that policy, a policy we might add that Cuomo changed after it was blamed for such massive amounts of COVID deaths.

This is what happens when you give a dictatorial man more power. 

While that was a medical issues, imagine that happening a national level, not just a state level.

Related: How Andrew Cuomo's Executive Order Trapped My 89-Year-Old Mother in COVID Limbo for Weeks

Granted Cuomo will not be the top health official in a Biden admin, but I wanted to start with his lack of reasoning capabilities shown by his bad decisions in NY that cost so many elderly lives.

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We have seen some unbelievably restrictive and outright tyrannical decisions by governors from one end of the nation to the other, but since Cuomo is the only one of those governors being considered highly for the AG position, we will focus on him and what an AG Cuomo would mean for America.

Cuomo, who said nothing about leftist protesters not wearing masks, nor social distancing, has encouraged New Yorkers to snitch on their friends neighbors or anyone they saw that wasn't properly social distancing.

Cuomo also ordered that bars, restaurants and gyms be under a curfew at 10:00 pm, despite the fact that experts have made it clear these places are not contributing to the spread of COVID. 

One has to wonder about these governors, Cuomo of NY and Newsom of CA, who seems to think this virus spreads more at night than in the day?

The curfews don't make any sense, unless the entire thing is about power. Then the pictures starts getting clearer.   

Cuomo has limited the number of people that can be "together," as he has violated New Yorkers' first amendment rights, by shutting down houses of worship. Note: The U.S. Supreme Court ruled against Cuomo's attack on religious institutions. 

Via The Hill on MSN:

"Gov. Cuomo announces new restrictions as cases in NY surge," Carter tweeted. "It's interesting that #Cuomo doesn't mention the #Biden celebrations over the weekend, but has no problem singling out the Jewish community... speaks volumes, doesn't it?"

Cuomo and the state's orthodox Jewish community have been at odds over coronavirus restrictions, particularly those that limiting the number of people gathering in places of worship.

Large celebrations spontaneously gathered across the U.S. on Saturday after President-elect Joe Biden and his running mate Vice President-elect Kamala Harris were projected the winners of the presidential election.

In March Cuomo signed one of his many decrees aka executive orders, which forced all but 'essential' business to reduce their workforce density by 50%.

Cuomo, like many others, also arbitrarily determined what businesses were essential, forcing the total closure of businesses he deemed "non-essential," giving no thought to the fact that every job is "essential" to those trying to feed their families.

Related, September 2020It’s past time to pull the plug on Andrew Cuomo’s dictatorial pandemic powers

Cuomo also decided to decree what people could do in their own homes, limited the number of people home owners could have over for Thanksgiving.

Tell the guests that Thanksgiving dinner is canceled.

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D) announced orders Wednesday slapping a ten-person cap on gatherings in private residences, including apartments and houses. That means that a lot of family plans for even small Thanksgiving dinners will have to be canceled or risk moving ahead in violation of state law.

Cuomo's tyrannical tendencies have gotten so bad that NY sheriffs publicly stated that they would not enforce Cuomo's Thanksgiving mandates because they are unconstitutional.

“With regard to the Thanksgiving Executive Order, the Fulton County Sheriff's Office will NOT be enforcing it against our County residents,” said Fulton County Sheriff Richard Giardino in a Facebook post. “Frankly, I am not sure it could sustain a Constitutional challenge in Court for several reasons including your house is your castle. And as a Sheriff with a law degree I couldn't in good faith attempt to defend it Court, so I won't.”

“Who and how many people you invite in to your home is your business, unlike outdoor gatherings which may receive a police response if disorderly or other violations of public nuisance laws occur,” the statement continued.

Once again, Cuomo is shutting down indoor dining in New York, refusing to acknowledge it didn't work last time, or they wouldn't be doing it again.


There is much more, but I think the point has been made.

The Butcher Of Albany, Andrew 'COVID Killer' Cuomo is proof of the saying "Absolute power corrupts absolutely.

And Biden wants this little dictator to be America's Attorney General.

Get ready to fight for your freedom folks.


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Thank you and God Bless. Susan and Stefan.


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