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August 28, 2014

Guillotines And Convert Or Die Coming Soon? Insane Rant Drops Sharia Bombshell In America’s Lap!

By Live Free or Die

Will Americans across the country and people across the world soon have to convert to Islam or die? Is Sharia law REALLY coming to the ENTIRE WORLD, including big cities and small towns near you, as argued by London Imam Anjem Choudary in this newly released video with Sean Hannity? Was Barack Obama really ‘enthroned’ here in America to allow the ‘Sharia overthrow’ of our Republic as argued in the 2nd video below from Jason A ? Is this why they allegedly ordered all of the guillotines, as argued in the 3rd video below, to execute Christians?

The 1st video below is an epic shouting match between Sean Hannity and London Imam in this video from TheRedEye that should put an end to all of the talk about what they have planned for America; if they have their way, Sharia law will soon be here. Hannity grilled Choudary over whether he believes in a “convert or die” philosophy. Why does Choudary keep turning this around? Read between the lines!!!


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