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January 9, 2015

Hawk: "Gates Of Hell Opening - Winged Humanoid Creatures Coming Through!"


By Live Free Or Die - All News Pipeline

All News Pipeline - All Original Stories All The Time

In this brand new episode of Hawk's radio show he gives us shattering information from his 'deep background source' about 'an unusual set of circumstances' going on right now up in Canada where he shares that 'winged creatures' are coming through 'portals' and warns that the "gats of hell" have been opened. Hawk tells us: "It's fixing to get mad-dog mean; it's fixing to get scary; it's fixing to get where people's heads are being cut-off by moon-God children with a demonic gleem in their eyes..."

Whether these 'winged creatures' are fallen angels or something else entirely demonic Hawk cannot confirm, but shares that both US military and Canadian military have been dispatched to Manitoba, Canada to confront these creatures.

Hawk begins today's show by sharing more information on the elitist's war upon humanity by the US govt outlawing wood burning stoves, potentially sending millions of Americans into a 'deep chill' this winter while even the state of Florida is now banning 'off the grid' living. At the 5 minute 50 second mark, Hawk begins sharing the mind-blowing information from his deep background source that has been going on for a while he tells us, "large winged humanoids" have been coming through an 'interdimensional portal or rift' in a story that, while sounding completely crazy to some, matches up perfectly with both Biblical prophecy unfolding, recent sasquatch sightings, and the pure evil being unleashed upon America.

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