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Whatfinger: Frontpage For Conservative News Founded By Veterans

"The Best Mix Of Hard-Hitting REAL News & Cutting-Edge Alternative News On The Web"

December 19, 2014

"Enemy At The Gates" Now - Hawk With Greg Evensen

By Susan Duclos


Greg Evensen joins Hawk on his Thursday night show to share with us information he has been given from his military and law enforcement sources which point to internal divisions within the military and law enforcement across the US and what dangers lies ahead.

Evensen is former military himself as well as having been in law enforcement and at the 2:35 minute mark Hawk informs us that the "sword is coming," before introducing Evensen who tells us that the time is now and the "enemy is at the gates."

We are also informed it is not the enemy coming towards the gates that is the most dangerous, but rather the enemy "within" that opens those gates for the enemies outside and allows them in. We're informed that this is what we are seeing RIGHT NOW in the United States!

Evensen joins at the 3:38 minute mark to share the most current information he has been receiving from his sources and proceeds to drop bombshell after bombshell.

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