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January 22, 2015
Heads Up! This Could Get Very Ugly...... Again
By Susan Duclos
The deliberate fomenting of "racial divisions" during the 2007-2008 presidential campaign season, where anyone that dared to criticize Barack Obama's qualifications were called "racist," or those who disagreed with Obama's ideology were called "racist," etc..... was bad, but since his 2008 election, things have gotten much worse and it is about to hit a fevered pitch.
According to a Bloomberg Politics Poll in early December, 53 percent believe that racial divisions have gotten worse during the Obama presidential term. This is due in large part from Barack Obama himself. Remember Trayvon Martin? Barack Obama claimed Trayvon could have been "his son," which set off a firestorm of criticism and accusations that Obama himself was pouring fuel on the fire at a time when protests and riots were occurring.
Before jumping to present day events, let me be clear, racism still exists in America, as does anti-semitism and an all-out war on religion, the difference is, Jews aren't out there executing police officers, Christians and other religious groups aren't looting and rioting with every news story that hits the MSM.
Officer Rafael Ramos and Officer Wenjian Liu died side-by-side after being shot point-blank in the head by a gunman who hours earlier had railed online about wanting to take two cops lives in revenge for the police-involved deaths of Eric Garner in Staten Island and Michael Brown in Ferguson, Mo.
Make no mistake, these protests, riots and executions were instigated deliberately by the MSM, by the same people that scream racism at every turn, by Barack Obama's administration as well as AG Eric Holder..... and it is beginning again.
NPR's first paragraph: "The Justice Department is poised to declare that former police officer Darren Wilson should not face civil rights charges over the death of Michael Brown, law enforcement sources tell NPR. Wilson, who is white, shot and killed Brown, who was black, in August. Brown was not armed."
Further down in the article, we see this: "While it seems that the investigation of whether Wilson violated Brown's civil rights may soon be over, another federal investigation is ongoing. That effort focuses on whether the Ferguson Police Department might itself be guilty of discrimination."
That is right, the Obama administration is still fomenting the racial divisions, because (GASP) "Ferguson police stopped black motorists more often than white ones."
Note -Blacks make up 67 percent of the city's population. Is it really surprising that more blacks would be stopped, arrested, charged in a city where 2/3's of the population is black?
I heard it said recently that we are in the "pre-anarchy" stages here in America and watching the headlines, the incitement for more violence, rioting, and protests, seems indicative that the PTB won't be happy until we hit the "full anarchy" mode, so those militarized police forces have justification to use their battlefield equipment and the US goverment has an excuse to lock down whole large cities and declare martial law.
Yet it is religious groups, preppers, survivalists, gun-owners are are being labeled potential terrorists?
There is something seriously wrong with this picture.
Heads up folks, this could get very ugly again and Americans better wake up to see this is deliberate.