The mysteries surrounding the Antarctic are many, answers are few, but theories abound which connect Operations Paperclip and High-Jump, to secret hidden facilities and ancient technologies, human experimentation and discovered hidden entrances, in a region that may hold the true secrets to mankind's past and present, and which could determine our future.
While the mainstream news recently reported on further explorations in the Antarctica which they claim "holds the key" to mankind's future", what they do not do is connect the many dots which build a picture that appears to blur the lines between conspiracy and reality.
There are claims that as early as the 1930's the German Nazis built self-sufficient underground research factories in the Antarctic, with some believing those "bases" were already built, found by the Nazis, who then utilized the ancient technologies to experiment with UFOs and other scientific experiments using advanced tech that mankind simply wasn't capable of creating at the time.
More can be seen on that in the documentary below, but first it is imperative to know about Operation Paperclip, where1,500 German scientists, technicians, and engineers from Nazi Germany and other foreign countries were brought to the United States for employment in the aftermath of World War II and intergrated into the US military. Many of who it is believed by some, continued their work with those ancient technologies for the US government.
Below the documentary we will explore Operation High-Jump and it's connection to those secret facilities, Admiral Richard B. Byrd's explorations and secret diary, and the Hollow Earth theory.
In 1947 Secretary of the Navy James Forrestal sent a naval task force to Antarctic including Admiral Nimitz, Admiral Krusen and Admiral Byrd, called "Operation Highjump". It was touted to be an expedition to find "coal deposits" and other valuable resources, but in actuality they were trying to find the underground base of the nazis (aryans) in Neuschwabenlandt. The nazis had done a very detailed study of Antarctic and were alleged to have built an underground base there.
In this regard however, the aryans have had an underground habitation in Antarctic for more than a million years.
The task force of OVER 40 SHIPS, included the flagship "Mount Olympus", the aircraft carrier "Philipine Sea", the seaplane tender "Pine Sea", the submarine "Senate", the destroyer "Bronson", the ice breaker "Northwind", and other tanker and supply ships. An armed contingent of 1400 sailors, and three dog sled teams were also on board.
Before delving into what is claimed to be the secret diary of Admiral Byrd, it is noteworthy that this was not some crackpot but was a medal of honor recipient which is the highest honor for heroism given by the United States.
In a log entry titled "Flight Log: Base Camp Artic - 2/19/1947 (Full entry found here) the following portion was made at 1130 HOURS - 1145 HOURS:
1130 HOURS- Countryside below is more level and normal (if I may use that word). Ahead we spot what seems to be a city! This is impossible! Aircraft seems light and oddly buoyant. The controls refuse to respond! My GOD! Off our port and star board wings are a strange type of aircraft. They are closing rapidly alongside! They are disc-shaped and have a radiant quality to them. They are close enough now to see the markings on them. It is a type of Swastika!!! This is fantastic. Where are we! What has happened. I tug at the controls again. They will not respond! We are caught in an invisible vice grip of some type!
1135 HOURS- Our radio crackles and a voice comes through in English with what perhaps is a slight Nordic or Germanic accent! The message is: "Welcome, Admiral, to our domain. We shall land you in exactly seven minutes! Relax, Admiral, you are in good hands." I note the engines of our plane have stopped running! The aircraft is under some strange control and is now turning itself. The controls are useless.
1140 HOURS- Another radio message received. We begin the landing process now, and in moments the plane shudders slightly, and begins a descent as though caught in some great unseen elevator! The downward motion is negligible, and we touch down with only a slight jolt!
1145 HOURS- I am making a hasty last entry in the flight log. Several men are approaching on foot toward our aircraft. They are tall with blond hair. In the distance is a large shimmering city pulsating with rainbow hues of color. I do not know what is going to happen now, but I see no signs of weapons on those approaching. I hear now a voice ordering me by name to open the cargo door. I comply. END LOG
Admiral Byrd's description of what he experienced between 1145 HOURS and when the official flight log started again at 220 HOURS is described in his diary entry as defying "the imagination and would seem all but madness if it had not happened," as he goes on to explain his visit to "the domain of the Arianni, the Inner World of the Earth."
Below are a number of videos, including Admiral Byrd's Hollow Earth video interview and Hollow Earth - The Biggest Cover Up- Full Documentary.
Before watching them it is also noteworthy to mention the reports of a discovery made in 2013, using Google Earth, which purports to show and previously undiscovered hidden entrance to a secret underground base in the Antarctica.
After clicking through to all of the links provided above and watching the videos, interviews and documentaries, it is easy to understand why the Antarctica is perhaps the largest missing piece of history and how it could affect everything we have been taught about history and determine our very future should the hidden secrets of the Antarctica ever truly be revealed.
We will end with what is purported to be Admiral Byrd's final entry into his diary, dated 30/12/56, which states the following:
These last few years elapsed since 1947 have not been kind...I now make my final entry in this singular diary. In closing, I must state that I have faithfully kept this matter secret as directed all these years. It has been completely against my values of moral right. Now, I seem to sense the long night coming on and this secret will not die with me, but as all truth shall, it will triumph and so it shall.
This can be the only hope for mankind. I have seen the truth and it has quickened my spirit and has set me free! I have done my duty toward the monstrous military industrial complex. Now, the long night begins to approach, but there shall be no end. Just as the long night of the Arctic ends, the brilliant sunshine of Truth shall come again....and those who are of darkness shall fall in it's Light. FOR I HAVE SEEN THAT LAND BEYOND THE POLE, THAT CENTER OF THE GREAT UNKNOWN.