Susan warned us 'our days are numbered' as websites across the country lead their sheep into virtual FEMA camps and we also now see Hitlery and the globalists plans unfolding in a different avenue on websites such as the Daily Mail where pro-Hitlery and anti-Trump comments on political stories have been receiving a huge amount of obviously 'fake' upvotes.
Several days ago while reading a story on the Daily Mail I noticed a pro-Hitlery comment on a story that had just appeared upon their website suddenly had a huge number of upvotes, literally thousands of upvotes, while not one other pro-Hitlery comment even appeared upon that comment thread! How did a pro-Hitlery comment suddenly receive thousands of up votes when not one other comment on that story was pro-Hitlery, the majority calling for the evil war criminal and mass murderer to be put in prison?
However, we shouldn't be the least bit surprised about this 'Shillbot' invasion of America. All we need to do is take a look at the sizes of crowds showing up for Donald Trump rallies vs the sizes of the crowds showing up for Hitlery as seen in the 2nd video below to see that America is awakening, and fast, as time is clearly running out upon our Republic and a Hitlery presidency will without a doubt be the 'final nail in the coffin' for America and for Liberty.
We'll also take a look at a video below from Weaponized News from 3 months ago in which he warned us about the $1 million+ that Hitlery was investing in her paid army of trolls that are now spreading 'Hitlery-dung' across the internet. Attempting to make others believe the putrid filth that comes out of their computers and out of the mouth of lying-Hitlery, it's clear they're merely running cover for the murderer and war criminal who has American blood on her hands. How much blood does Trump have on his hands?
This is an outstanding thread from Above Top Secret that we will republish a small portion of below via screenshot. You can read the rest of it here. Below this screenshot is a list of some of the obvious Hitlery trolls that the ATS user exposed.
If Americans believe we have already seen 'the worst', we've got news for you. A Hitlery presidency will make an Obama presidency seem like a walk in the park. Will the most America-hating president in history soon be 'stolen' into office or will the American people rise up and take down Hitlery and her army of paid trolls? Only 80+ days remain until we find out the answer to that question.