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June 30, 2016

America Is A Huge Jihad Terror Training Camp - ISIS Plans Multiple Attacks In The U.S., Orlando Massacre Was Just The Beginning


By Susan Duclos - All News PipeLine

Before getting into recent events that paint a horrifying picture of what is being planned right now in America, it seems prudent to take a step back and look at some of themost important, key pieces of the puzzle, facts most Americans are completely unaware of, the biggest of which is that there are at least 22 terror camps in America, training jihadists in weapons and terror and the U.S. government is doing nothing to shut them down.


Video Flashback 2013, via the Clarion Project -Muslims of the Americas tape showing women at the "Islamberg"commune in Hancock, New York receiving guerilla warfare training.

Out of those 22 terror training camps allowed to operate within the U.S.,Clarion Project National Security Analyst Ryan Mauro spoke to Bill O'Reilly in January 2015, about five specific Islamist radical groups in America: Muslims of the Americas; Dar al-Hijrah Islamic Center; the Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA); Masjid at-Taqwa led by Siraj Wahhaj and the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR)

According to Mauro they are able to operate in the United States because the U.S. government refuses to list them as terrorist organizations, despite knowing they are practicingguerilla warfare training.

Who are they "training" to attack?

Another reminder from previous reports is that here are over 3,186 Mosques and Islamic schools in the U.S., and 75 percent are part of a "Jihad Network," yet the Obama administration does not allow investigations into them.


We also know that after the Paris simultaneous terror attacks, France raided Mosques and found terror training materials and munitions, among other thing.

Further reports show the perpetrators of the San Bernardino attack,Syed Rizwan Farook and Tashfeen Malik, which killed 14 people and injured 22 others, communicated with their cleric from theirSan Bernardino mosque,Roshan Zamir Abbassi over three dozen times in a two week period before the attack.

The FBI has questioned the cleric, Roshan Zamir Abbassi, about his phone communications with Farook including a flurry of at least 38 messages over a two-week span in June, coinciding with the deadly Muslim terrorist attack on two military sites in Chattanooga, Tenn.

Abbassi, a Pakistani, insists he had nothing to do with the shooting at a San Bernardino County government building five miles from the mosque. While he confirms the text messages with Farook, he claims they were merely discussing food donations for his Dar-al-Uloom al-Islamiya of America mosque.

Abbassi maintained at a press conference that he didnt know Farook any better than he knew the reporters in the room. But members of the mosque say Farook was a fixture there. He had been coming to pray and study at least three times a week for two years. In fact, he memorized the Koran there, something you cannot do without learning Arabic, a subject Abbassi teaches.


After the recent Orlando, Florida massascre at the Pulse gay nightclub , which killed 40 people and injured dozens of others, it was reported that records pertaining to the Islamic Center tied to the killer Omar Mateen, were ordered deleted by the Obama administration.

Interesting information has been revealed about Omar's ties to another Islamic group since the massacre, which we will detail a little later in this article.

It was reported the same day of the Orlando terrorist attack that anIndiana man,James Wesley Howell, was arrested with a cache of weapons, ammunition and explosive-making materials in his car and "after he was arrested that he wanted 'to harm Gay Pride event'."

What wasn't widely reported is that just one day later, a Muslim woman was arrested at theLos Angeles International Airport, after making terror threats, which independent journalistand cameraman Tony Vera, caught on camera.

Via DennisMichael Lynch:

Journalist and cameraman Tony Vera captured police questioning a Muslim woman at the airport and searching her luggage, but finding nothing wrong, they released her and let her continue on inside the airport.

Vera stopped her as she walked past him, and thats when she let lose again, with verbal terrorist threats against America. "F*** America," the woman said. "I will make sure we bomb America. You wait and see!"

She ranted on for several minutes, and eventually police arrested her again at the ticket counter, this time for real. The video has been turned over to the FBI.

After watching the video shown below, we note she also ranted about "gays and lesbians," in America as well.

It was also reported that just days before the Orlando massacre, a pro-ISIS organization released a new "hit list" with over 8,000 names on it, more than 600 of them resided in Florida.


FBI is short for theFederal Bureau of Investigation, but we note quite a few instances which make us ask if it should stand for "fumbling, bumbling idiots," or if there is a connection between these terror attacks, threats, and jihadi training camps within the U.S.?

The FBI about page lists their "mission" as "To protect the American people and uphold the Constitution of the United States," with their number one priority shown as "Protect the United States from terrorist attack."

They are not exactly doing a bang up job it as we note the reminder from above - The terror training camps functioning openly within the U.S. are doing so with nothing more than "FBI monitoring" as described by Fox Nation.

The FBI also was notified weeks before the Orlando attack, by a gun shop owner, to warn them that "Omar Mateen tried to buy bulk ammunition and heavy-duty body armor from his shop."

Robbie Abell, who co-owns Lotus Gunworks in South Florida, said Mateen was asking about the highest-level body armor.Abell said the salesman knew that this was "not a question that a normal civilian would ask."

That warning came to them about a man that the FBI has spent 10 months investigating Mateen in 2013:

Nevertheless, FBI investigators investigated Mateen, who was born in New York, for 10 months. They introduced him to confidential informants, spied on his communications and followed him. They also interviewed him twice.

They concluded the investigation after determining his claims were not credible. In July 2014, Mateens name surfaced again in connection with the first American to blow himself up in Syria, Moner Mohammad Abu-Salha.

Is it a coincidence that the FBI also allegedly approachedBoston Marathon bomber, Tamerlan Tsarnaev, to become and "informant?" A coincidence too, that an "Tsarnaev associate," by the name ofIbragim Todashev was shot and killed in Orlando a month after the Boston attack.

The FBI also failed to notify hundreds of Americans that they were listed on the ISIS kill list, with only two of 24 people contacted in Texas saying they had been contacted to tell them they were targeted. In some cases they FBI didn't even notify local authorities.

Via Circa:

Amelia, an Army wife who asked to use a pseudonym during her interview to protect her identity, only knew there was a credible threat on her life but was given no further details when Army officials contacted her May 12.

"I had no idea I was on an ISIS hit list until you called me," the woman said, referring to a telephone call Circa made in early June to her residence.

"It all made sense to me after you called. The Army didn't give me any detailed information. I didn't even get advice on how to protect myself but I took my own precautions, which included removing a lot of information from social media sites, changing my driving patterns and keeping my doors and windows locked," she explained.

The police department in Corpus Christi, where Amelia lives, also had no idea it had a citizen on the ISIS hit list until a call from Circa News prompted it to call the FBI.

"We were not contacted by the Army or the FBI referencing the threat to our citizen," Police spokesman Chris Hooper said.

Similarly, when Circa called a college professor in Austin whose name appeared on the list, the man called his local police. The University of Texas police department responded it had received no warnings from anyone in the U.S. government that a member of the college staff was being threatened by ISIS.


Omar Mateen, the shooter in the Orlando massacre, wasenrolled in theFundamental Islamic Knowledge Seminary, which has been renamedTimbuktu Seminary Online which just happens to be based in Orlando, Florida. ThisIslamic school was founded by a Muslim extremists named Marcus Dwayne Robertson, a man described as a "former U.S. Marine and FBI agent."

It is no coincidence that this happened in Orlando, said a law enforcement source familiar with Robertsons history of recruiting terrorists and inciting violence. Mateen was enrolled in [Robertsons online] Fundamental Islamic Knowledge Seminary.


Robertson's school may not have been the only source of Mateen's spiritual guidance. The gunman was at the Islamic Center of Fort Pierce with Imam Shafiq Rahman two days before the nightclub attack, according to The Washington Post. That mosque was frequented by American-born suicide bomber Monar abu Salha, who blew himself up in Syria in 2014, and the two knew each other, according to officials. Mateen's association with Salha led the FBI to interview him in 2014. Rep. Michael McCaul, chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee Mike McCaul told Fox News law enforcement determined at the time their contact was minimal. has reported extensively on Robertson, a former U.S. Marine who served as a bodyguard to the Blind Sheik involved in the 1993 World Trade Center Attack and led a gang of New York bank robbers called "Ali Baba and the 40 Thieves" before resurfacing in Orlando, where he started an Islamic seminary.

The school, recently renamed the Timbuktu Seminary, is operated by Robertson, a 47-year-old firebrand known to his thousands of followers as Abu Taubah.

Robertson, who recently spent four years in prison in Florida on illegal weapons and tax fraud charges before being released by a Florida judge one year ago, has openly and enthusiastically preached against homosexuality. The targets of Mateens bloody rampage were members of the gay community of Orlando, 120 miles from the 29-year-olds home in Fort Pierce.

Related:Marcus Dwayne Robertson, Omar Mateens Possible Teacher: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know


From the massive amount of Mosques and Islamic schools, to the known terrorist training camps located in America, to people likeMarcus Dwayne Robertson, referred to by prosecuters as the "Teacher of Terrorists," all known to the U.S. authorities but allowed to continue training jihadists on U.S. soil, America doesn't just have training sites for terrorists, America is a huge jihadi terror training camp.


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