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September 17, 2014

ISIS Targets Obama And US Troops In "Flames Of War"

By Susan Duclos


Once again showing an unbelieavble amount of Internet and social media savvy as well as funding, far beyond what a group that barely anyone sitting at home watching the news had even heard of a year ago should have the capability of, ISIS once again produces and releases what they are calling a "trailer" for a film entitled "Flames of War," which seemingly threatens Obama, the White House and appears to be daring US troops to come after them.

The trailer was released Tuesday, almost immediately after the US defense chief's suggestion that the US military would join Iraq forces in fighting the terror group. Flames of War was released by Alhayat Media Center, with scenes of war and American troops being injured, Barack Obama stating that combat troops would not be returning to fight in Iraq, along with images of the White House which appear to have been taken from a moving car showing that supporters and/or ISIS fighters are already on American soil and ending with armed men standing behind victims on their knees, all before the "Flames of War" text with a subheader of "fighting has just begun."

This group appears to be even more organized and funded that al-Qaeda was and better versed in Psychological warfare, enough so that we have to ask who is backing them? Training them? Funding them? These questions lead to the obvious questions of how many are already here and when and where they will make their move?

[UPDATE] It also seems that ISIS members or supporters are slamming YouTube with this video before creating more accounts to add more because by the time I hit publish the original video was gone with a note that the "user" account had been terminated.



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