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Whatfinger: Frontpage For Conservative News Founded By Veterans

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January 12, 2016


The price we pay, could be OUR LIVES!!!


By: Undrtaker.. All News Pipeline


I picked these two pictures above to show something to you all. Not that this will be a big breaking revelation to any of you, but simply to prove a point, before I start this article.

Take the first picture, EVERYTHING in us, knows for sure that that picture of a bicycle is simply that, a picture of a bicycle. It is only colors on a page. It is a flat sheet of paper, that someone took the time to fill certain areas different colors. There is no way that it is three dimensional, for it is simply lines, and colors, on a flat piece of paper.

So, why do the wheels appear to move? Better question, why when you look at one wheel, the OTHER ones appears to move?

Take the bottom picture. There is nobody that will argue that on the left is a picture of a woman. On the right, is a picture of a man. I dont think anyone here will argue that it is very distinct, we are not dealing with Bruce Jenner dressed up in to different outfits, one being male, and one being female, but both being the same person.

We are dealing with two DIFFERENT people. One is male and one is female.

So, why when you look at that cross in the middle, do they start to blend together after a little bit and why do they become the same after a minute?
Because that is the GOAL!!!

In both of these instances, the people who created both images did not want your focal point to be on the bicycle, or the two separate people. They only did it to confuse you and make you wonder how that could be. To distract you

And, it worked

I did an article a while back, Are we witnessing the ULTIMATE DECEPTION?

In that article I asked you all if all of these many things that are happening in so many different ways, could be distracting us all from something so massive, that it would literally take worldwide chaos to take our attention from where it should be.

Since then, we have had so many things happen. Think about it for a second, how much has changed since that article not too long ago?

We have thousands of women getting raped in Europe over the holidays, and seemingly, NOBODY does anything.


We Have North Korea saying it tested a Hydrogen Bomb.


We have Southern California under an absolutely horrible Methane Gas leak. This could set off something so horrible, we cant even comprehend.

ut4.png ut5.png

We have watched the sodomite leader of this nation weep false tears in an effort to further take away the freedoms and liberties of this nation

We are watching stock markets around the world collapse, all by design

In the last year, we have witnessed the US military position unprecedented amounts of equipment throughout our nation.


Are we really FREE? How long has it truly been since we have had these LIBERTIES we so often talk about?

The answer to that question.1868

Some of you will not believe this, and some of you will not understand, but, the Treaty of Peace was NEVER signed after the Civil War so what that means for all of us is this

We have NOT had a Constitution since 1868.

I am now going to insert a comment from one of our regular people here on ANP, it is important that anyone who does not know this, or does not believe this, do a little research to find out for yourself that what he says is true and that we have all been lied to for over 150 years. The information is all out there, it is truly a thing of IF you actually WANT to know the truth. If you dont, then you will never understand and you will never get it. Simple as that.

This comment was put up by Bruce commenting about another article.

Dear People,
This is so bloody tiring, yet daily how many of of you repeat the same mindless statements as if somehow you're going to make it all go away by ignoring the TRUTH of the matter.

In 1861 what was called: The United States for America died, it was buried in 1871, and a NEW platform of what is called: { THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, Inc. }

Not one single person alive today has ever known what was first started in the late 1700's. Its been dead for over 150 years.

What you think is a republic is not, it has been a form of first off "mild Socialism" from 1871 up until - 1913 it became a stronger level of Socialism.

Followed up in mid 1930's to a Even stronger level of Socialism, and since 1947 we have had a "Fascist" Corporation running the show.

This is all so well documented I am speechless that any of you repeat the mindless bovine waste daily.

You have had a Dictator now since 1947, you have never had a POTUS, you have at best a CEO, who is not bound to your wish's, nor your desires.

If it was true that voting made any difference, it would be outlawed in less time than it takes you to open a door.

Again in 1863 Military Law was imposed, it was NEVER rescinded, as in ever, and if you can show me the document where it was, then please do have at it. As I will be long dead and you still will be looking for it, in fact you to will be long dead and others working in your place, and no a single one of you will ever find it. WHY?

There is no such document.

This Zionist from the CNN is what again?

Until you really break off with the stupid, sadly this ship is going to sink with all hands aboard, all the while your waving a flag that displays just where your at, the Star's with BARS, and where do you find Bars that hold people in?

Can anyone say Jail's / Prisons?

Thus 50 states have in fact placed their populations in Jail's we call states.

Nothing is hidden from you, its you all that allow this platform of utter ignorance, of what is to supplant what you wish something was, or is.

That way of thinking will never make anything change.

The only way to effect change is to stop the stupid, and get off the dam ride.

So, where's that leave us?

Well your emotions are ramped up daily by utter ignorance, incredible stupidity, as well closed minded idiocy.

Do you want real change, then stop supporting the Zionist movement. If you don't, then the change you are about to get you deserve.

One last note, what are the levels of Military law ?

Are they not: Code Yellow, Code Orange, Code RED.

Where are these same color codes found again? In any major city, airports, bus stations, Docks, in plain words where ever travel or groups in mass takes place.

Also is it not rather odd that United Airlines, is now expressing that they are members of the "New World Order."

But I digress, yet how many of you still think that its coming at some point in the future?

People, its here, its been here, and its not going anywhere until you just say NO MORE!

Peace be with you

Once you find out that what Bruce has said here, and others who have tried tirelessly to make people understand that these facts are indeed true, you will start to understand HOW they have gotten away with everything that has happened. People always ask, how can this happen, it is NOT allowed in the Constitution? It is simple really, it is happening, because this corporation that is the United States Corporation, does NOT follow that piece of paper any longer, and has NOT followed it for over 150 years.

So.. Now let me take you where my main point of all this is building up to.

As many of you know, I have written one article on this Burns, Oregon situation with the Hammond family and all that is occurring with the men who have taken up residence in the wildlife refuge about thirty miles outside of Burns.

Do any of you find it odd that the sodomite in charge of this country says NOTHING about this?

Do any of you find it odd that it is happening at the EXACT same time that he is trying to get his gun legislation through?

This president will jump on the anti-gun bandwagon with special speeches before the bodies stop twitching (if they were indeed real incidents, which, they are not) during any other event.

But, he says NOTHING regarding these patriots that have taken over a refuge?
As many of you know, I have really struggled with what my role should be with supporting these men that are making what would appear as a stand against a completely corrupt Federal Government, and the BLM. I have probably watched more videos, and read more information about all of these people than most have. The narrative changes so often, and new information comes out on some of these people so often, that it is literally impossible to know, what the real agenda is with all of this.

Part of me feels that the reason this country is in the condition it is in, is because men of this nation have sat on their collective asses for way too long and done nothing, and in doing so, deserve what is happening. I find it sickening, that if this is real, there are only a few hundred men that are there actually doing something.

The other part of me, has been listening to what some of you, and others have been telling me, and I have done all the research that I can possibly do on this, and sadly, it is starting to appear that this might be an orchestrated event, all done on purpose, to bring the hammer down on each and every one of us patriotic Americans.

So.. It has been a week of very little sleep, watching and reading until I fall asleep at my desk and waking a couple hours later, to start all over again.
Here is a warning to all of us by Christian Yingling, he is the head of a large patriot organization in the United States.

Ok ...Everybody... please gather around and listen to what I am about to say..Then either shut your mouth, or share this far and wide. If you have ANY faith in me as a leader you will heed what I am about to say. If not..I want nothing to do with you. simple as that.

The key to victory in any battle is the ability to remain calm in any given situation. What we are seeing right now is a whole bunch of people acting based solely on raw emotion. This is very bad and I'm about to explain exactly why. I am not letting my emotions make my decisions for me, but instead, looking at this from a calm, level headed, common sense approach.

What you are all witnessing right now right now in Oregon has the makings of a full on false flag event. And I will prove that to you to the absolute best of my ability. Should you choose to look at this from a logical perspective you will see I am 100% correct. Some of what I will tell you is speculation based on my own experience and experiences of others I have talked to throughout this ordeal, but most of what I am going to tell you is documented verifiable fact.
Back during the Bundy situation, Ryan Payne declared himself the unofficial "leader" of the militias present at the Bundy ranch. Nothing could have been further from the truth. In fact, none of the militias listened to him at all. The ONLY ones who listened to him were the Bundy's, Blaine Cooper, who Payne claimed was a "professional security consultant', who turned out to be nothing more than an ex con, and buddah bear (nice name) who he also claimed was a "professional security consultant", but was later discovered to be nothing more than a tattoo artist thug. The militias ignoring these three, is precisely why that situation didnt turn into a blood bath. (strangely enough all three are present at the refuge)

I and Scott Woods were asked on one occasion, by Payne to go and destroy BLM equipment in the middle of the night. We refused, stating that that's not why we were there. We were there solely to defend the family. That very same night he rushed off in a car with a loaded AR to START a violent altercation with LEOs who supposedly had pulled over members of the Armenian Militia off exit 10 near the ranch. This report was never vetted nor was it looked into before he rushed off. It is also well documented that Payne had tried to incite other militia members to start violent altercations with the authorities who were present there. all of which were refused by militia members..all for the same reason...we were NOT there to start a fight...but to DEFEND the family. When people refused, Payne, Cooper, and Buddah ostracized them and ran them off the ranch. This is why most militias left the ranch when they did. One other point worth mentioning was there were militia members present with long range 50 cal sniper rifles... but instead of positioning them on the hilltops surrounding the ranch, Payne had them stationed down in a valley where they were effectively useless...does that sound like the makings of a solid leader to you? And also Payne was always sure to make certain that there was ONE completely UNDEFENDED access point to the ranch.. I brought this up to him asking why he would leave our back door completely open and undefended... and he completely blew me off... What he was doing in fact, was leaving an access point open for authorities to bum rush the ranch if that's what they felt needed to be done. And I have the witnesses to prove it.

Now throughout the situation Payne made repeated threats to law enforcement on NATIONAL media. There's VIDEO of him doing this..its not hard to find. Yet oddly enough with all that evidence he was never charged with anything during or after the standoff. Does that seem ODD to anyone but me? (not if you're a paid provocateur) Now in this situation at the refuge, he has publicly stated to a reporter that he has snipers set up to kill any federal official who approaches the refuge. Yet still.. no charges are being filed against him. making threats like that, you'd think they'd swoop in and scoop him up... but noooo.. because they're giving patriots time to get there... Don't think for one second that with a couple of phone calls to the proper alphabet agencies, those shmucks wont be SORELY outnumbered. Tell you what... if you think LEO's don't take threats against them seriously... go find the nearest cop and walk up to him and tell him you plan to kill police officers and see what happens to you.. See how long it takes for you to end up in prison.. yet Payne roams does Cooper. Better yet go ask Schuyler Barbeau what happens when you threaten a public official... oh can't... hes in prison... because of a facebook post. Funny how that works huh? Also... has anyone else noticed that until this situation popped up Payne was damned near SILENT on social media? Wonder why that is... Hell, Most of you don't even know who he is... He also claimed to be an Army Ranger, But when we had someone at the Ranger School check their records... they said NO Ryan Payne had EVER attended that school... whoda thunk it?

Myself and Scott begged the Bundys, after we left (via phone) to stop listening to Payne..that he was a plant. But they refused to listen. Payne wouldn't let ANYONE talk to the Bundy's with out him being present..or close by. The Bundy's are good God fearing Christians but they are TERRIBLY naive. They truly believe Payne is one of the good guys. Which is why they are at the refuge now. Do you honestly think for one second it was AMMON's idea to take that building? If you do... you're a fool. They're not that type of people. Ammon has been suckered into this standoff by Payne and Cooper. He truly went up there with the intention of helping the Hammonds, and when they were refused, The Bundy's were made to believe that taking a stand against the BLM was the answer.
Nothing could be further from the truth. Now Cliven is on his way there.. and the govt is finally going to get their revenge on the Bundy's and in doing so gain the access they need to their land. All the major players in the operation of that Ranch will soon be together at the wildlife refuge... thats no coincidence. I assure you.
Payne, Cooper, Pete Santili... All well trained provocateurs who are doing everything in their power to lure patriots to the ranch.. Case in point...Santili just released a video try to say that the FBI was TRYING to shut him down.. Dont you think if that were the case...with ALL of the resources the FBI has, they would just go ahead and do you really think this shmuck is smart enough to outsmart the ENTIRE FBI? Think about it...

Let us continue on.. why the wild life refuge? how in the blue hell did they even know it existed if this wasn't PRE-PLANNED? And why were their trailers staged up there THURSDAY night if this was all "unplanned"? And if they wanted support so bad...why not let the Oregon 3%ers and militia in on this? I'll tell you why.. because they would have had no part in it and vehemently refused if they had known.... as was demonstrated by their response once they found out. SO..that being said.. why pick a place so remote.. I'll tell you why.. the same reason the Bundy ranch was picked.. it's remote... no civilian casualties. And if everyone out there is killed there's no witnesses allowing the govt to write the narrative of what happened afterwards..You can bet any reporters out there will be silenced should they actually get close enough to catch anything worth documenting unless of course they're willing to report what they're told to... the reason it failed at the Bundy ranch was because the community got so involved... NOT the case at the refuge.

Next.. why has a detachment of Delta Force been deployed to the area? (does anyone remember that Delta was ALSO at WACO?) 19 sets of orders were cut for operators to be at waco. Why in the Blue hell would they send Delta to squash a bunch of unorganized mostly unarmed protesters? I'll tell you why.. one of the things Delta specializes in is hostage rescue.. I.E. blow open a door rush in and shoot the bad guys but save the good guys.. I.E. embedded reporters from the national media who can later report the protesters fired first.

This is happening EXACTLY the same way WACO did... you know who else claimed, "We won't fire first but if attacked we'll fire back.."? David Koresh. Again well documented fact. This situation is going to turn out the exact same way. If these guys don't stand down now, while the sheriff is giving them an opportunity to, I promise you.. its going to turn out the exact same way. I'll bet my life on it.

Now lets look at poor John Ritzheimer. This guy is exhibiting all the classic signs of PTSD. It is my belief that he is not in on this plan but like the Bundy's... has been suckered into believing what he is doing is right. This poor bastard is still fighting the war in his head and Assholes like Payne and Cooper are feeding into his delusions that dying for this cause is what he needs to do. They are taking advantage of his big heart and his undying love for the country he fought for and twisting him into a suicidal maniac. Im sorry if that stings.. but I assure you its the cold hard truth. How could ANYONE in their right mind think that dying trying to fight the BLM of all things is going to "change the govt"? How ignorant do you have to be to think that fighting and dying out there is going to somehow make the BLM fold up shop and stop what they are doing.

Sorry kids... the ONLY people who can stop the BLM are in DC.. and I assure you, as long as People like Harry Reid and the like are around... the BLM is not going anywhere.. no matter how much we fight them and run them off. We ran them off at the Bundy ranch...and how much did that slow them down..? we ran them off at the sugar pine mine... how much did that slow them down...? What makes anyone think this will be any different? Mind boggling I tell you.
Now to those of you who are buying into this whole "this will galvanize the movement line of crap".. What this is REALLY going to do is crush the patriot movement. They are going to hit these people with such force with such blinding speed and a level of violence of action that most patriots are going to turn and look at their own children and go there's no way in HELL I want that to happen to MY family... thus the reason there are women and Children being taken to the refuge. The govt has already shown at WACO and Ruby Ridge just how willing they are to kill American Children. Don't think for a second they wont do it here as well.

All the classic signs of a psyop. They plan to frighten the people into not even daring to ever take a stand against them again.
So what then of the militias? We'll still be here but will be forced into hiding.. those who aren't will be scooped up and charged as Domestic Terrorists. Do you for even ONE second really believe that this happening at the same time as Obama prepares to announce a whole new slew of gun restrictions is really a coincidence? Its not.. Not at all. What this is going to be used for is an EXCUSE to show why we need to disarm the American people for their own safety.. or put into place such SEVERE restrictions on owning firearms that we will NEVER be able to properly defend ourselves against a tyrannical govt. Hitler did it... Stalin did it... Mao did it... now Obama's doing it. History is repeating itself in front of our own eyes and we're too blinded by raw emotion to recognize it.
If everyone picked up and left that refuge tomorrow, what do you think Payne and Cooper would do? They're so die hard...think they'd stay and fight? I mean that's what they're saying... they're not leaving right? Prepared to die for the cause....right?.... My ASS ! Nope... they'll slink back into the shadows and wait for the next opportunity to bamboozle good patriots into signing their own death warrants. And of course... once again.. neither will be charged with anything. And good peoples lives will be risked for nothing.
We're being goaded into a fight here NEED to see that. And every ONE of you who is advocating for this...Know this... if these people die... it will be YOUR fault. Not mine, nor will it be the fault of ANYONE in ANY unit I command. I simply wont allow it. THIS is the reason my troops follow me.. because I take the time to think these things look at them from ALL directions... not based on sheer emotion as so many of you are doing now.

It was stated, dare I say, TAUGHT to me today by a close friend who is an ex special forces operator, that wars are not won by people taking rash actions such as the ones that have been taken here. Wars are won with proper planning. That shit hit me like a brick.. And I Will NEVER forget those words as that is the smartest thing I have heard throughout this entire ordeal.
1. Plan
2. Equip

3. Rehearse

4. Execute
THAT'S how you win a battle. THAT'S how you minimize casualties.. THAT'S how you win a war. None of that was done here. Therefore, these guys are all as good as dead.. Why do you think the local sheriff there just said these guys need to leave WHILE THEY STILL CAN... Because he KNOWS whats going to happen to them! He's OFFERING them a way out and DAMNIT THEY NEED TO TAKE IT!

The first thing I teach my guys is when they make unexpected contact with the enemy is, the proper response is to fall back, reset and take back the initiative. That's what we need to do here. Will it look like a loss in the eyes of the people? Absolutely. But hey, you all had better get used to the fact that we are not going to win every battle.. BUT... in the eyes of those who put this whole bullshit plan together... this will be a CRUSHING defeat...Even though it will never be made public knowledge. We have let the enemy pick the time and place of our fight...and that is about to prove to be a fatal mistake. Mark my words.. But we can still snatch victory out of this whole screwed up mess...if ONLY you will listen to me. How do we win then? Well I'll tell you... We get those people out of there!!!!!

Anyone and everyone who has contact with the people there needs to PLEAD with them to get the hell out of there... Then, we regroup, and WE pick the time and place of our fight...not the enemy. WE make THEM react.. WE pick ground that is most sensible for a proper defense, not a building in the middle of a field that has absolutely NO defensible positions as in the case of the refuge. Then we properly equip, plan, rehearse, and execute. If you want to win a war...that's how you have to do it. Most importantly.. we expose frauds like Cooper and Payne for who they truly are. and drum them out of the movement before they really get someone killed.

So that my take on this mess... listen to me if you want, ignore me at your own peril... either way it is of no consequence to me. I will not debate this issue, and NO ONE will change my mind about this... I have done too much research into this situation to allow ANY armchair commando to dictate my actions for me. This is the war you all wanted so badly... now either lead follow or get the fuck out of the way. End of story.

(please note this post has been edited to provide more factual evidence to include mention of Delta at Waco.)
We have what one would call a generational war going on regarding Youtube right now. There are two groups of people making the videos regarding this ordeal in Burns.

We have a bunch of younger guys who are more technical and are digging into every aspect of this whole ordeal. And then we have the older guys, mostly all veterans, who are telling us, it is time to get off our ass and go and stand up for something.

This is one of those times, when BOTH groups are right.

And that my friends is where I have been struggling for the last couple weeks. One side of me searches for every single thing that I can find on this, for me, it is a 2100 mile trip to Burns, Oregon. So, it is not just jumping in the truck and going to the next state.

I tend to be more with the older guys, the veterans on this one for my main gut feeling on this It is time to make a stand. And, so what if it isnt perfect, it needs to be done at some point if we are ever to deserve any sort of freedom or liberty. However, since it is such a journey for me to make, I need to make sure that it is indeed a just cause, so, I have listened to everything I can find, and read as much as I can, and as much as I hate to say it, the younger guys bring up too many issues with what is going on in Burns to disregard.

I am not going to list a whole bunch of videos for you to watch on this Oregon topic, for a couple reasons.

First They seem to be disappearing at a way higher than normal rate That seems odd doesnt it?

Second This topic is getting very heartfelt and heated on both sides of the argument, on whether to go, or if it is a setup, and because of that, tempers are flaring and language is flaring along with it. So, If you want more than my input on this, which I would recommend if I was you, all you have to do is type it in and you are going to have so much information to watch and read, you will not know where to begin. And honestly, I have watched so many of them, I would have to spend two days going through the ones that are still up to find them all.

So, I am going to list out the things that I know FOR SURE are details regarding what is happening in Burns, Oregon.

Now, I am going to say this right off the bat. I do not want anyone thinking that I am hammering anyone from the information world here, what these people are doing right now, can get many people KILLED. So, I am going to put out information that anyone can verify in ten minutes This is NOT my opinion, these are facts. And, this situation is so crucial in the sense that real live Americans can be KILLED in this ordeal. So, I want people who are thinking of going out there, to know EXACTLY who they are going to be associated with if they do go.

Stanley Blaine Cooper Hicks (or whoever he is today)
Blaine Coopers real name is Stanley Blaine Hicks. Between those two names, he has at least 16 felony counts against him that have been mysteriously DROPPED. He LIED about being a Marine in his famous video about calling John McCain a traitor and that he should be arrested for treason, and then he had a perfect opportunity to clear the air when he did a big interview on RT. But, he never did. He continued the STOLEN VALOR until he was called out on it.

Ryan Payne - center
John Ritzheimer - left
Ryan Payne, first came on to the scene at the Bundy ranch deal a couple years ago, as stated very well in the warning letter by Yingling, he tried to provoke many to do ILLEGAL acts that would have been felonies. And, again, like his partner in crime Stanley Blaine Cooper Hicks. He showed up at the Bundy Ranch with a Army Ranger patch on his BDUs and told everyone he was a retired Ranger. Well, it just so happened that a real Ranger happened to be there, see that, and check with the Ranger school, and guess what.. It was a LIE.

Pete Santilli
Pete Santilli..I dont even know where to begin.. I suggest, type in Santilli, and check this guy out. It is going to blow your mind on the fact that this man (if you can say that) has gotten away with so much, had so many charges disappear, that it at least raises a massive eyebrow as to why so many charges are dismissed, disappear, or are sealed. This man seems to be in the middle of pretty much everything regarding this sort of thing, but also seems to slip out right before anything bad ever happens to him. I have been utilizing him for his live feeds out of there, as he is really the only one that has been doing it on a regular basis. But, you make up your own mind on this guy.

I have listened to him tell the men at the refuge that he supports them and what they are doing, then the next night he tells the reporters or police that he does not support what the men at the refuge are doing, but is only there to report it. And, when I question what I just heard on the video and participate in the live messaging that is happening during the live feeds, I am blocked by the owner or moderator and can not post. All for asking, what the heck did he just say???

And now, he has been made an honorary member of one of the latest Three percenter organizations who have shown up to provide security???

So, when it comes to Pete, you all make up your own mind, there is plenty of information out there to make a pretty informed decision all on your own.

Now lets go to John Ritzheimer, I sort of agree with Yinglings assessment that Ritzheimer is NOT one of the main instigators in this. However, I disagree with him that he is just a poor Marine vet with PTSD. He is indeed in way over his head, but, he is an adult, and if nothing else, after what he has been through, I would think that guy (since he is actually a real veteran) would know beyond a doubt, what a value it is for the safety of your life, to KNOW who the people around you are. I believe he is on his own free will taking part in something that he might think is justified, but, he knows that the people he is with are NOT who they are telling the people they are. And, he is doing it anyway. This guy has put out a video, that you would think was a farewell to his wife and daughters and that he was going to take his own life ten minutes later Definitely unstable, to say the least.

So, here is my opinion of what the entire Burns, Oregon ordeal is.


First, the Hammond family are indeed victims to a sickening and corrupt Federal Govt, along with a completely corrupt BLM. And, our prayers should be with them all.


Ammon Bundy

I believe that Ammon Bundy is a very good man, who indeed has this in his soul that he should be making this stand against the corrupt and disgusting Federal Govt, and BLM. But, I agree with Yingling, he does NOT know who is surrounding him, and sadly, he is going to pay a very horrible price for it.

Lastly, I think that there is a reason that the sodomite in chief has not mentioned this at all. I think that this is a complete and total setup, and they are maintaining silence on this for one reason and one reason only. To LURE in as many patriots as they possibly can, so that they can bring the hammer down, just as Yingling describes in what will be a MASSACRE of epic proportion.

This is going to not only paint EVERY patriot organization as TERRORISTS, it is going to get the sleeping masses of this country to agree with them.

So, I can not in good conscience go to Oregon. I in some ways wish this was the thing that would make a difference that if enough of us went, it could possibly have a chance of making change. But, it wont. This ordeal will only have a horrible ending. If it was a good and pure thing that is happening, three of the main characters involved with it, would not have such shady (to say the least) records.

I simply do NOT believe in coincidences any longer in this nation. And, there is NO way that all three of them have these completely false and fake pasts that are all based on lies. And, that they are the MAIN people besides Ammon Bundy.

So. Why could this all be happening???

I have to go back to that article that I wrote about it all being a distraction. I cant help but feel, when I look at all that is happening around the world, and right here in this country, that we are having all this happen so we keep our eyes off of what is about to hit us right between the eyes.

The following pictures were sent to me by an ANP reader from Canada just a couple days ago. These were not something that she found on the internet, these were not something that she found anywhere, these were pictures that when God spoke to her a couple of mornings ago, and told her to get out of bed and grab her camera and go to a certain spot. She took herself.
ut17.png ut18.png
Now, these pictures were taken about five minutes apart from each other. It is getting to the point that if you still think all of this is BS, I would really like to hear an explanation of what this is.

I have had numerous people ask me to do a new article on the situation in Oregon, and I have had numerous people asking me to do another article of Planet X.. And, I cant help but start to wonder if they are not somehow connected???

I listed above numerous things, that even the greatest skeptic can not dispute are happening right before our eyes. And, I keep coming to the same conclusion, that everything is NOT as it seems. And, that everything IS connected

Now, again, I am not going to list a whole bunch of videos on Planet X, as all you have to do is type it in, and there is going to be so much information and so many pictures, that you will not know where to start. I will however link the following video by John Moore, retired military intelligence. He takes a different approach than Gill Broussard and others. Moore takes an approach from the information that he received by the United States Navy, and what the Navy has told its officers since the late 70s.

So, look at this video by Moore, and then go watch them from the others. And, one of the main, if not THE main guy to seek, is Gill Broussard. There is one thing that BOTH sides of the research agree on.

That the year it happens is 2016

So people, I have tried to cover this all the best I can. I wanted to do two different articles, but, the more I look at everything happening, the more I think and feel it is all tied together.

If you have never watched dutchsinse on youtube, go to his channel and watch what is happening around the world in regards to earthquakes and volcanoes. It will literally blow your mind. Things happening that are throwing those who specialize in that, on their collective heads, not knowing what the heck is taking place. And, what could cause that? And, why would the governments of the world want to hide that?

The fact that the Permafrost areas of Northern Canada, and areas of Siberia that are normally right now -40 to -50 degrees F. And right now they are 75 to 80 degrees above that?

That compasses around the world are off up to 45 degrees???

People often ask me, if this is all happening, why does the govt do this, or that? Why do they pass things like the TPP, or the NDAA or whatever it might be. My answer to them is pretty simple really. I dont think that these laws or treaties are being passed and put into place for right now.
It is kind of like the Georgia Guidestones.

The number one commandment on the Georgia Guidestones says to maintain humanity at 500 million in perpetual balance with nature. Up until recently, I always looked at this as them having to kill off about six billion people to make that happen. Look at the Deagle report that states the population of the US goes from 330 million, to 65 million in the next nine years
We have all seen that many times.

So, for all you naysayers out there who think ole Undrtaker is nuts, and cant wrap your head around this vision that I am trying to put out there for you all to see This vision that honestly, is CRYSTAL CLEAR in my head.

If I am nuts, Why does Deagle say that in less than 9 years, about 260 million Americans are going to be dead?

And, I will leave you all with this thought.

If NOTHING is as it seems.

And, everything we have been told is pretty much all a lie.

What if that number one commandment on the Georgia Guidestones isnt one of plotting the killing of 6 billion people throughout the world.

What if..
That Number one commandment is the soon to be task that we all need to work hard to accomplish?
To KEEP 500 million of us ALIVE???

The information is all out there.. But, you have to want to know the truth
My rant for the day


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