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August 29, 2014

In-Your-Face Warning! Banks To Seize Your Money To Recapitalize Themselves! Another Sign ‘The End Is Near?’

By Live Free or Die

In another shocking warning straight from the Federal Reserve’s Vice Chairman Stanley Fischer we learn that the Federal Reserve and banks across the country now have plans in place to take away OUR $$$ to pay THEIR bills, a warning that can be confirmed right here on the Federal Reserve’s own website.

With banks across the country now preparing for economic calamity, is this warning another sign that Americans should have LONG AGO withdrawn all of their money and savings from the failing banking institutions? Is this another sign that we have reached the globalists ‘end game’ as the days and hours of this system are counted down? The videos below examine what this latest revelation means to all of us.

Recent comments delivered by Federal Reserve Vice Chairman Stanley Fischer suggest that not only are global and domestic economies still struggling, but the U.S. government itself is preparing financial contingency plans in anticipation of another widespread economic event.

However, this time around, according to Fischer, the government won’t be bailing out financial institutions in need of cash. Instead, failing banks will turn directly to their unsecured creditors when they need money. And within this context, that means you.


Originally published at BIN 

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