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February 8, 2017

DHS Highlights A Pizza Parlor In Human Trafficking Video 'Take A Second Look' - Are They About To Blow PedoGate Wide Open?

(Screen shot - DHS Human Trafficking video from January 3, 2017)

By Susan Duclos - All News PipeLine

There has been so much misinformation and disinformation surrounding the #PizzaGate scandal, that the verifiable, real news of a major pedophile ring, has gotten lost in the chaos. In my opinion that has been deliberate, where instigators have deliberately introduced "fake news" into the mix so that the mainstream media could label all news related to the issue as "conspiracy."

In December 2016, in an article detailing the very real numbers involved in child sex trafficking in the U.S., I headlined it as an issue that was bigger and uglier than PizzaGate, but for the purpose of this article, let me remind you how I described the PedoGate itself:

While many have heard the term "Pizzagate," so accurately dubbed "Pedo-Gate" by Steve Quayle, which began with claims that information found on Anthony Weiner's lap top revealed the existence of a pedophilia ring. From there it snowballed after Wikileaks released the Podesta emails, where references to food, such as "Hot Dogs," Pizza," "Cheese," and others were claimed to have been "keyword" references to children and sex.

That article focused on the very real, documented and verifiable numbers of the human trafficking problem, not only in all 50 states and Washington DC, but across the globe, while this one is going to focusing on some very unusual events, specifically highlighting the timing of said events.


PizzaGate aka PedoGate started creating buzz around the Internet at the end of October, via a tweet rumors about Huma Abedin emails obtained from Anthony Weiner's laptop, supposedly implicated Bill and Hillary Clinton with an "international child enslavement ring."


Throughout November and December 2016, after Wikileaks released the Podesta emails, #PizzaGate exploded across the Internet. There are multiple reports out there attempting to explain #PizzaGate, (here, here, here and here) but we find the timing of a Department of Homeland Security (DHS) human trafficking video, specifically highlighting a Pizza Parlor at the beginning of their "Take a Second Look" video release on January 3, 2017, to be extremely strange.

The video above was released on the DHS official YouTube channel on January 3, 2017. This was after the PizzaGate "conspiracy theory" made MSM headlines, when an armed man walked into aD.C. pizzeria, implicated by Internet sleuths as part of the pedophilia ring, and fired shots. It was national news, headlines everywhere blaming conspiracy theorists for inciting the man to "self-investigate," the pizzeria

Think about the the timing of the DHS human trafficking video, where towards the beginning the narrator says "the signs are everywhere," while specifically highlighting a Pizza Parlor, following a month of every major news outlet and paper highlighting a Pizza related "conspiracy" inciting a gunman.

Anyone else think that decision was a little strange?

Continuing with our timeline of events, ANP recently reported on the mysterious disappearance of Ben Swann in mid-January 2017, immediately following his #PizzaGate story on CBS46 mainstream media news (Swann's coverage video at the link above), then his cryptic messages informing his audience on social media that those pages would be "going dark," upon his return, which they did, along with his website and all his PedeoGate aka PizzaGate content.

His disappearance, his return and the fact that everything did, indeed, go dark, was also covered by ANP, shown in both the videos below:

By the end of January 2017, it was announced by the Los Angeles County Sheriffs Department, that474 arrests were made during their January 26-28, 2017 Operation Reclaim and Rebuild, with "with 28 commercially, sexually-exploited children and 27 adult victims being recovered."

Given the nationwide statistics on human trafficking and sexual slavery within the U.S., imagine how many would have been caught, and how many victims saved if that was a nationwide operation?

As was pointed out recently in our comment section, pedophilia rings, and governmental involvement in child pornography was exposed in 2011, before it was swept under the rug, where hundreds ofemployees and top aides for defense and security agencies where caught viewing child porn, yet it went un-investigated.

Via SHTF Plan in December 2016:

While the mainstream media has been leading an effort to silence and shut down those who would dare to report on a dangerous fake news scandal surrounding what has become known as Pizzagate, it seems that illegal sexual conduct has been repeatedly tied back to Washington insiders and political operatives.

Just take a look at this report by CNNs Anderson Cooper from 2011 about a controversy surrounding child porn from inside the power structure.

Read the entire article.


As the Cooper investigative video clip above shows conclusively, the U.S. government has been aware over issues involving children, pornography and pedophilia, which is defined as "sexual feelings directed toward children," for years, yet rarely is it reported on in the mainstream media, and when it is, rather than investigating some of the real concerns brought up by the "PizzaGate" scandal, they only highlight the "conspiracy" aspect in order to discredit and conflate the real and the "fake" news.

The timing of the DHS video, specifically highlighting a pizza parlor, along with Ben Swann "going dark," and not once covering a story that brought about his previous best ratings, since his return, brings up some interesting questions.

Was Ben Swann silenced by government officials because #PizzaGate exploded to the point where government agencies are now forced to actively investigate the allegations and his report might jeopardize those investigations? Was the use of a pizza joint in the DHS video, while stating "The signs are everywhere," some type of warning or indicator that the claim that pizza references being "code words" might have some validity?

There is just something very strange about the DHS decision to highlight a pizza place in the "Take a Second Look" video on human trafficking, in light of the major MSM coverage after the armed gunman shot up a pizza place because of the PizzaGate chatter.

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