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October 17, 2014

Is This Proof Ebolas All Staged? Protocol Broken Again! Or Was It?

By Live Free or Die

Social media and much of America are going crazy over clipboard man, whose now viral romp with Ebola patient Amber Jay Vinson being flown to Georgia is getting picked up across the internet and mainstream media. Is this mystery man w/o a biohazard suit PROOF that all of Ebola-hype in America is being staged and a way to get Americans to beg for vaccines and submit ourselves to martial law so we can be protected?

Videographer NicholasPOGM brings up some excellent points in the 1st video, including clipboard man being handed materials by the men wearing the biohazard suits, while also showing us what PROPER biohazard protocol looks like, a FAR CRY from what we see clipboard man doing in this video.

Are the conspiracy theorists CLAIMING that this is all a big act correct afterall? If not, why is this guy so close to the patient and why is he even thinking about taking materials from the others wearing biohazard suits that could potentially be contaminated with the Ebola virus, totally against correct Ebola protocol as shared in the 2nd video from NextNewsNetwork? Coincidentally, or not, Phoenix Air also has a military contracting division, known as Phoenix Force, and evacuated the prior US Ebola patients from Africa.


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