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January 6, 2020

The Left Has Cheered Our Enemies And Trashed America One Too Many Times: Signs 'Everyday Americans' Are Ready For A Fight!

- 'Speaking up and telling the truth is like a muscle - use it or lose it'


By Karen Kataline for All News Pipeline


Hollywood Director Terry Gilliam recently had the temerity to say "hes tired of white men being blamed for everything that is wrong in the worldas heard in the 2nd video at the bottom of this story.

Predictable gasps are still being heard from Hollywood, Washington, and the Leftist Media establishment as they plot to destroy his career, his reputation and his life.

Weve watched this pattern again and again. The more breathlessly the sanctimonious Left claims offense, the more likely they are guilty of precisely that offense.

On the heels of the Gilliam moment, there has also been Gervais moment. Ricky Gervais is currently the toast of flyover country for his scathing rebuke of Hollywood hypocrisy at The Golden Globe Awards.

Many of us had stopped watching those self-congratulatory lecture-fests a long time ago, but the video of his opening monologue is everywhere. If you havent seen it yet, take a look. Its a delicious, belated Christmas present. (ANP: We've embedded this delight as the 1st video at the bottom of this story!)

(ANP EMERGENCY FUNDRAISER! Following Susan Duclos' recent heart attacks and hospitalization, All News Pipeline will need some financial help in the days and weeks ahead. So if you like stories like this, please consider donating to ANP to help keep us in this 'Info-war' for America at a time of systematic censorship and widespread corruption.)


In a country that has stood as a beacon to the rights and traditions of free expression, it has been heartbreaking to see how much courage is required by an individual to simply tell the truth as he or she sees it. Of course, thats only if it doesnt comport with Leftist orthodoxy. If you tout hate for history, for Donald Trump, for Conservatives (you know the list) or for America, you get free reigneven to the point of pummeling a 14-year-old kid wearing a MAGA hat on a subway train.

How did we get here? While we were doing other things, America became the land of the freely offended and the home of the brave new worldwhere the same creatives who formerly prided themselves on thinking outside the box are now the first ones to try to put you in it.

With the New Year, it looks like that caldron of hypocrisy has finally begun to boil over. In preparation for a raucus and rowdy election year, Americans are itching for a major comeuppance. A comeuppance from Barr, and from Durham, from McConnell and from Nunes, and of course, from one of the all-time greatest in the comeuppance business, Donald Trump.

The Left has cheered our enemies and trashed our country one too many times and it looks like everyday Americans are ready for the fight.

Is this the beginning of a trend? If it isnt, we can help make it one. Lets congratulate Gilliam and Gervais and start telling our own truth louder and more often than ever. As we grow the numbers of those who defy the speech bullies we will get that pendulum swinging back faster toward freedom and the Rule of Law.

Just like those gym commercials that are so abundant this time of year. Speaking up and telling the truth is like a muscle. Use it or lose it.

Please visit Karen Kataline's blog here. Karen Kataline is a commentator, columnist & talk show host. She holds a Masters Degree from Columbia University and is a frequent guest host on AM Talk Radio.

Katalines style has been described as funny, feisty, but fair. She is the producer and host of Spouting Off, a live, Internet call-in talk show covering politics, pop culture and social psychology. She has an active blog and her Op Eds can be seen online at Fox News, Investors Business Daily, Western Journal, Town Hall, The Daily Caller, FrontPage Mag, and The American Thinker.

A proud Colorado native, her first career as an actress/singer took her on tour around the country and to New York City, where she eventually discovered that she preferred expressing herself in her own words rather than memorizing somebody elses. She still lends her operatic voice to fundraisers and community events. She has sung the National Anthem and God Bless America in numerous venues from State Legislatures to the New Jersey Nets.

Ms. Kataline has practiced as a clinician and consultant in the mental health field. Her expertise has earned her consulting contracts with physicians groups, nursing organizations and home health care companies.

 She has been a corporate trainer for business executives and an adjunct professor in communications and public speaking for institutions like the New School for Social Research and Parsons School of Design in New York and New Jerseys Montclair State College and Fairleigh Dickenson University.

ANP EMERGENCY FUNDRAISER: With non-stop censorship and 'big tech' attacks upon independent media, donations from readers are absolutely critical in keeping All News Pipeline online. So if you like stories like this, please consider donating to ANP.

All donations are greatly appreciated and will absolutely be used to keep us in this fight for the future of America.

Thank you and God Bless. Susan and Stefan.


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