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June 16, 2016

2018 FEMA Project Deadline Moved Up To June 30th, 2016 - Why? Do They Know Something That We Don't Know? 'It Can All Come Crashing Down Again, And It Will - Everyone Can Feel It'


By Stefan Stanford - All News Pipeline - Live Free Or Die

Beginning shortly after the 23 minute mark of the 1st video below from Dave over at the X22Report, he shares with us the contents of an email that he recently received from a friend who has been working upon a FEMA government project that originally had a 'due date' of June 30th, 2018. According to Dave's source, the notice, which he received back at the beginning of May, informed him that their contract with the government had its due date moved up to June 30th of 2016 - 2 full years prior to the original contract fullfillment date and only two weeks from now.

While we are unable to confirm that the information that Dave shares with us here is fact, it aligns almost perfectly with several other reports that we have been receiving recently, including the email seen below 1st video that recently went out from NECHAMA, a volunteer organization in the Minnesota area that responds to disasters nationwide, who has warned that it appears that FEMA is activating their highly secretive 'civilian corps' in the Atlanta, Georgia area.

We also look at recent record setting gun sales across America, massive military movements nationwide and recent reports from special forces agent Tim Kennedy and others of potential mass unrest and riots this summer in protests at the Democratic and Republican National Conventions as more signs that the information contained in this X22Report video is legitimate preparation for a huge event, possibly an event that will dwarf anything America has seen before in our history. The exact phrasing from Dave for those who are unable to listen to the video:

"We are expecting a major event and the office of the governor is preparing all emergency planning by the ELT committee to make sure that all checks are in place. We should expect electricity, gas and water could be shut down. Food supplies will be hard to get. What this exactly is, we don't know but we know that things are happening very, very quickly in the United States. This doesn't mean that something is going to happen on this date, it just means they moved the deadline up which means there could be another deadline date that is closing in very, very fast" Dave warns us.

At ANP, we frown upon putting exact dates upon possible future events. 'No one knows the hour nor the day'. However, as Dave emphasizes here, if we're well prepared for anything that could possibly come our way, we stand a much better chance of surviving whatever it is than most of the clueless sheep who haven't prepared, likely have less than 3 days of food on hand and will be quickly hearded into the FEMA camps that the White House recently launched an 'App' for.

One group that clearly won't be headed to the FEMA camps is NECHAMA, and they'll be going around the country offering themselves through their 'acts of goodness' to help others. NECHAMA also recently sent out the rather alarming email seen below detailing what they believe to be the activation of FEMA's 'hush hush' Civilian Corps. First, a little about NECHAMA from their own website and then the email that they recently sent out.:

NECHAMA is a voluntary organization that provides natural disaster preparedness, response, and recovery services nationwide. Through the years we have brought comfort to disaster survivors by training and mobilizing thousands of volunteers to help communities after floods, tornadoes, and other natural disasters.

NECHAMA is registered with the IRS as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization and is based in the Twin Cities of Minnesota.

NECHAMA's work is rooted in the Jewish value of Tikkun Olam, Hebrew for repairing the world through acts of goodness. We offer help to all people affected by disaster on the basis of need regardless of religious affiliation.

We also welcome anyone willing to volunteer and serve others to join us. Our collective work is not done in an effort to proselytize; rather we train, equip, and lead volunteers that assist disaster survivors in the spirit of goodwill and creating mutual respect among all people. You can read the email below enlarged here.


Another sign that we recently got that all of this might be tied to total economic collapse comes to us in a story from SHTFPlan where they tell us that the global banksters are now threatening the BREXIT movement with 'chaos, fear and emergency measures' though the very real possibility of collapse already exists.From the SHTFPlan story we learn why there is now so much concern.:

It is quite unfortunate in the fallout of the 2008 economic crisis the degree to which the financial markets of each country were so intertwined, centralized at the top with a handful elite banks, and would together (rather than diffused) throughout all of society, and every major industry and institution in an astonishingly huge global footprint.

Derivatives represent a toxic multiplier that caused banks not only to fail, but to spread contagion rapidly.

The chaotic ball of string between corporate investors in Europe, major industrial holdings in China, pension funds for American retirees, zombie mortgages, wacky leveraged debt swaps and more put us all on a house of cards structure decades ago.

It can all come crashing down again, and it will. Everyone can feel it.

For a while now, the economic starvation and piling debt has already brought the world to the brink several times over. Jobs, currencies, loans have governments and individual households alike struggling to stay afloat.

And the bankers have already said that the next big crash is imminent. The banking crisis and the sovereign debt crisis in Europe were the first two hits according to Goldman Sachs, who warn that the Third Wave is upon us.

The eerie warnings and signs of danger have been absolutely piling up.

So, it is no surprise that major banking interests and global titans are pulling strings to block a successful Brexit vote, and using their media outlets to stir fear about the imminent collapse that can/will take place if it happens. Veiled thought it is, it is a clear threat from the banksters that economic penalties will result from the attempt to undermine elite control over Europe.


One last set of signs that we're now getting that all of this might be tied to financial collapse comes to us in this story from Michael Snyder over at the Economic Collapse Blog in which we're told "15 Facts About The Economy That The Mainstream Media Doesn't Want Us To See" that helps to prove we're almost out of time if we haven't taken preparation for what's coming. Two of the facts that we're given need to be given extra emphasis and include major job cuts just announced by two major stalwarts of the economy, Bank of America and Wal Mart. Do the leaders of those mega-corporations know something that most of the American people don't know?

Earlier today, we learned that two of our biggest corporations will be laying off even more workers. Bank of America, which is holding more of our money than any other bank in the country, has announced that it is going to be cuttingabout 8,000 more workers

Bank of America is expected to reducestaffing in its consumer banking division by as many as 8,000 more jobs.

The nations largest retail bank by deposits has already reduced the staffing in itsconsumer division from more than 100,000 in 2009 to about 68,400 as of the end of the first quarter of 2016, said Thong Nguyen, Bank of Americas president of retail banking and co-head of consumer banking at the Morgan Stanley Financials Conference Tuesday.

And Wal-Mart has announced that it is going to be eliminating back-office accounting jobsat approximately 500 locations

Walmart is going to cut some back-office accounting jobs at about 500 stores in a bid to become more efficient.

The job cuts will occur mostly at stores mostly in the Westand involve accounting and invoicing workers, says spokesman Kory Lundberg.Instead, bookkeeping functions will be switched to Walmarts home office in Bentonville, Ark. Cash at the stores will be counted by machine.

Is the warning given by Dave of X22Report in the 1st video below tied to the rest of these stories and events? While we don't have the answer, we pray that our readers here at ANP and all of the good people throughout the world are prepared for that time when everything changes. In the final video below,our videographer takes a look at the recent story reported above that FEMA has possibly activated its civilian corps and what that might mean.

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