Author's Note - While I do not agree with all of what Glenn Beck says, in fact, I probably disagree with him as often if not more often than I agree, the video below is a must-see..... listen closely because what he describes is the end of America as we know it.
We have heard warnings time and again about the militarization of law enforcement across the country, how protests and riots we have witnessed over the past few years have each been used by the US government to bring us one step closer to full government control, turning America in a police state. We have seen calls for more "gun control," seen demands that we federalize the local and state police forces, military and battlefield assets being used here on US soil, seen the Obama administration label veterans, Christians, constitutionalists, survivalists, preppers and others as "threats," or "extremists," all in preparation for this government takeover so that these patriotic Americans can be treated as enemy combatants when the time arrives to implement the end game agenda.
This is perhaps one of the best, most important monologues to date, on what is happening in America. Please listen.
Partial Transcript:
You have to know whats really going on. Because nobody is going to tell you. Next week, were going to show you, the stuff I found with Al Sharpton yesterday, Im telling you, thats right. With Al Sharpton saying, we fought against states rights in the 60s so we had the right to vote, and in this century, we have to fight states rights, its time for the Department of Justice to take over policing in America. Thats whats happening. Thats why theyre sending all the MRAPs and everything else to these cities because the intent is that the government when the bottom rises up, the people will cry out for help. And the government will come top-down, and theyll control your policing. Thats whats happening. And local police departments, police officers, please, please, learn this. Please.
Next week, well show you all the connections. Well show you once you tie it all together in your head, youll go, oh, my gosh, thats exactly whats happening. And only an understanding of this and then a peaceful informed public can stop it. Otherwise, were going to be played. I mean, this is the biggest show ever. Thats all thats happening right now. This is a show. Were watching a script and a play play out in front of us. None of this stuff is real.
Those riots in Baltimore. That wasnt real. How many times do we have to be told, most of the people are from out of town. All they need is one thing to get it started, thats real: The shooting. Then all the people come from out of town, and they manipulate it and they wind everybody up and they get it rolling. Then they leave town and they go to the next one. And they go to the next one. And they go to the next one. And before long, it will all be over. And nothing will truly be solved. Is Ferguson solved? Has there been reconciliation in Ferguson? The answer is no. And because no reconciliation, there is a wound on both sides. Same thing in Baltimore. Is anything going to be solved in Baltimore? No. It will just calm down a bit. But there will be wounds on both sides. At some point, there will be a straw that breaks the camels back, and it will set the whole country on fire. And what happens? We will cry out for police help.
The police will be overwhelmed. The DOJ will say, were going to take over policing. Well coordinate it from here. And youre done. Its lights out, Republic.