Former British Prime Minister Winston Churchill once observed "the farther backwards you can look, the farther forward you are likely to see" and for those of us who ARE looking backwards at the histories of many fallen empires through time, it's inevitable that we can come to only one conclusion: the United States has entered the end stages all empires go through.
In the brand new video below fromE. A. Mournwe take a look at the 9 key warning signs that signal the fall of nations and can clearly see that, as most Christians understand, we have entered a time in history when our world has degraded to an evil place and we're advised to heed the word of Paul in Philippians 4:13 who said "I can do all things through Christ who strengtheneth me."
We see that America has now achieved all 9 key warning signs that signal our fall including: 1) The deterioration of our nation's moral core; 2) Invasion from within; 3) Extreme dependence upon the government; 4) The demise of a once powerful military; 5) Economic collapse; 6) The state's manipulation of religions; 7) Excessive taxation; 8) Extreme deviance and 9) Rampant government corruption.
This video takes a look at each of the 9 warning signs and shows where America falls within each and concludes that 'the fall of our nation is going to be the fall of a lifetime. The inhabitants of the United States are unprepared; our army weakened; our borders decimated. Our leaders are no help as they invited the turmoil as a way to grab power.' There is no escape from this evil on our own, we are told, and there is only one way to be saved.
"The world is self-destructing and time is short...don't one is promised tomorrow."