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August 2, 2019
An Epidemic Of Attacks Against Trump Supporters Is Completely Ignored By The MSM - Is It Any Wonder They Are Hemorrhaging Viewers, Readers And Employees?
The liberal establishment media is fast to false scream "racism" every time the President highlights what Democrat policies have done to American cities suffering from drug infestation, crime ridden and explosions of homelessness, just as they are quick to declare anyone that supports the President must be a white supremacist, racist, but there is a true epidemic happening, to which the establishment media simply refuses to report on.
An epidemic of violent attacks against Trump supporters, harassment against them, and hate hoaxes perpetrated against them to support their running 'racism' myth.
If I were kinder I would say that Americans could be excused for not knowing about this epidemic of violence and harassment of Trump supporters, but I find no sympathy for those that are willingly blind, those that have been lied to by the liberal establishment media for years and still depend on them to be "informed," rather than doing their own research.
(Jahangir "John" Turan attacked in NYC for wearing a MAGA hat)
Local news stations do cover these attacks against MAGA supporters, while their national outlets ignore them, resulting in individual cities or states seeing coverage of a specific attack but not the larger picture of the epidemic of attacks happening across the country.
The most recent example is the man shown in the image above, Mr.Jahangir "John" Turan, a NYC art gallery owner, a President Trump supporter, who was viciously attacked on Tuesday for wearing a MAGA hat he recently purchased, by a group of "kids" he described as being 18 to 20 year olds.
With a swollen face, bruises and black eye Jahangir John Turan -- owner of the David Parker Gallery which sells art work by Andy Warhol, Salvador Dal and Joan Mir, among other celebrated artists -- says he was on his way to a meeting with a client after buying a MAGA hat when he came across a group of kids," who he described as being 18 to 20 years old, while walking on Canal Street toward West Broadway.
He says he was passing the group when a girl in the group flipped his hat onto the street. Allegedly, when he bent down to get it, the rest of the group started pounding on him, grabbed his head and hit it against a pole.
The injuries are described by another local affiliate, Fox 5 NY:
He says the group of about 15 "kids" yelled "F*** Trump" and stomped on him. One of them smashed his head into a scaffold. Turan says he suffered a fracture in his cheek and a badly swollen eye. He's awaiting an eye specialist to determine if there is any permanent damage to his sight.
Had this been a minority or immigrant that was attacked by a Trump supporter, the national liberal establishment news would be all over it, wall-to-wall coverage for weeks on end, just think back to the Covington Catholic school students and how many weeks the media attempted to destroy a group of teenagers lives over a viral "fake news" narrative.
This attack? Nothing. NewsBusters reports "Instead of reporting on the possible politically motivated attack in their own backyards, the flagship evening newscasts of ABC, CBS, and NBC were too busy suggesting Trump supporters at a rally in Cincinnati, Ohio that night were going to chant racist slogans."
A Google search, and I specifically used Google for this because their algorithms favor coverage from liberal establishment media such as Washington Post, NYT, CNN, ABC News, CBS News and NBC News, to be listed on their first page of search results, and we found coverage of this latest attack against a Trump supporter from the local networks listed above, and The Hill, NYDaily News tabloid, a site called Omny.fm, Twitter, Facebook, Washington Examiner and Law & Crime."
The silence from the national establishment media is deafening.
They haven't updated it since, but their tally was 639 from September 2015 to November 5, 2018, but the violence hasn't stopped, and in fact there have been dozens more attacks, hate hoaxes and harassment against Trump supporters since.
We won't be going over those older documented attacks because the Breitbart writer, John Nolte, put a lot of work into documenting them, so click on over to see them.
A website called 'Attacks on Trump Supporters.com,' has continued to document the "Incidents of Hate against Trump supporters," and the "Fake Hate Crimes / Fake Trump Effect Narrative," stories since that date. We at ANP tracked back the links to the original sources for verification and those links are provided below.
While their list hasn't been updated since early June, we have noted that Ted Cruz was harassed at an airport recently, and the establishment media has been on a "Trump/Trump supporter" bashing rampage over the last couple of weeks, which always incites lunatic liberals to attack more Trump supporters.
Given that the majority of these attacks were never reported, or they were buried and downplayed, by the major liberal establishment media, is it any wonder they are bleeding readers, viewers and employees?
MSNBC and CNN took a dramatic hit in ratings after the Robert Mueller report failed to confirm their incessant reporting about the Russia Collusion hoax, and in 2018, over a quarter of large U.S. newspapers were forced to lay off staff. That followed reports that a third of U.S. newspapers suffered layoffs between January 2017 and April 2018.
That is the bottom line..... Americans no longer trust the MSM to inform them of the news, without their own liberal opinion and bias being shoved down their throats.
The only ones that actually still trust the MSM, are those that are so liberal they prefer to see news that tells them what they want to hear, rather than the truth.
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