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September 10, 2019

'Madness' - Modern Day Feminism Is Nothing More Than 'Female Chauvinism,' According To Traditional Feminist Democrat Scholar


By Susan Duclos - All News PipeLine

Modern day feminist have found a couple new reasons to be offended and outraged, from Apple's reprogramming their virtual assistant, Siri's, responses in relation to the word "feminism or feminist," to how men sit in airplanes, supposedly eating up a raging liberal feminist's "space, to the term "hey guys" suddenly being inappropriate terminology.

We also see that a traditional feminist Democrat scholar, who has spent decades speaking and lecturing at schools, so offends college "snowflakes" that they needed a safe space and a therapy dog, just to deal with her opinions on modern day feminism.


We'll start with our feminist Democrat scholar, Christina Hoff Sommers, who joinedReal Time With Bill Maher on Friday, to discuss modern day feminism to which she calls "madness," as she describes what traditional feminists like herself fought for over the decades in comparison to what the modern day movement has become.

In the 12 minute video clip of her interview with Maher, both address the topic, and Sommers asserts that the goal of the original wave of feminism was to "overcome male chauvinism," stating that "the answer is not female chauvinism," to which the movement has become.

Via Campus Reform:

"There are these professors and they pass along these messages that [women are] all traumatized, we're all fragile, we're diminished under this patriarchal oppressive system," Hoff Sommers said, while adding that "this is madness."

"American women, arguably, are among the freest, most self-determining in history," she continued. "And at the very moment where we have this opportunity for just profound equality with men, and to take on running of the world with men, at that very moment we start giving, especially undergraduate women at the more elite colleges, we start giving them the message that they're victims, they're fragile, they need not equality with men but protection from these toxic masculine hegemons."

In the video clip below, she also addresses the offense now taken by modern feminists to the term "you guys," as well as the constantly triggered mentality of students in today's colleges across the nation, where she has to have security, a full detail at times, to protect her from these crazed lunatics that need their safe spaces to avoid hearing anything she has to say on the topic.

After listening to the exchanges between Sommers and Maher, it is apparent that there is at least one sane Democrat feminist left in this world.

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After reading multiple articles over Apple's rewriting certain responses that are given by their virtual assistant Siri, specifically changes they made in response to questions about feminism or the term feminist, we note that liberal feminists are quite triggered because Apple has listed the terms as "controversial content," meaning they wrote the replies in a manner as to offend the least amount of people, as large businesses and corporations often set as a goal.... it is good for business to offend as few customers as possible.

That isn't how modern day feminists see it though, as we will show below.

Here is how the leftist website Salon's Nicole Karlis describes it:

As the Guardian reports, internal documentation for Apples voice assistant, Siri, was edited to make sure that Siri would avoid using the word feminism. The move was part of an internal project to rewrite how Siri handles sensitive topics. Siris responses would ensure that the voice assistant would say it supports equality, but never the word feminism, even when asked directly about the topic.

It is damning to think that the right has gained so much ground on the culture wars that it could paint a word like feminism a doctrine of equality of the sexes that has existed for hundreds of years as a sensitive topic.

Before moving along, lets address that for a moment. It wasn't the "right" that changed the feminist mandate from simply wanting "equality" into demands for more rights than men have. It isn't the "right" that has stopped trying to "empower" women and instead have started trying to convince them that being born a woman automatically makes them a "victim." It isn't the "right" that has went from traditional feminists wanting equality to man-hating Feminazis.

No, that was was the left, liberal women not happy that they obtained equality and are now demanding full and total control, especially of men and masculinity.

Moving along:

The guidelines for how to write Siris character emphasized that in nearly all cases, Siri doesnt have a point of view.

Such a guideline certainly perpetuates the gender bias that female assistants shouldnt have a point of view or believe in equality. To suggest that feminism is controversial is to suggest that human equality is, too. Believing that women are equal to men is not a controversial idea, but it is telling that Apple seems to think so or perhaps have been convinced so by the current discourse around gender equality, which has been thoroughly poisoned by the right.

It is a virtual assistant, an online bot, for heavens sake, not a real human female!! In Siri's own user guide they offer options where people can choose the accent and gender of the voice being heard, and guess what? The male voices will give the exact same answers, so acting all outraged that the "female" gender is being subjugated with their new responses, is utterly ridiculous.

Secondly, a service provided by a company such as Apple is supposed to "inform," and frankly isn't supposed to have a "point of view." It has nothing to do with feminism and everything to do with providing a service to the masses with the intent of appealing to the majority of people without offense. Period.



In 2015 the Millennials over at the leftist site Vox declared it was time to stop saying "hey guys," claiming it was sexist or something. I try not to read Vox because it is enough to feel your IQ lowering by a point or ten for each second on the site. (Here is Twitchy on that piece)

In 2018, it was The Atlantic that found the term problematic, and now, a website called "NowThis" News, decided to top both of those with a 4 1/2 minute video trying to claim the term is sexist.

I'll be honest, I only made it through the first minute before ripping off the headphones and backing away from the keyboard so I did not give in to the temptation to take a hammer to my brand new computer.

See how long you can watch it :)

Readers can see other social media reactions to that bit if idiocy over at Twitchy.



Last but not least, we again find at Twitchy, an feminist airline passenger from hell, you know, the type of person you never, ever, EVER, want to be seated next to. This woman seems to think that when sitting in those cramped little seats with barely any leg room, that any "man" that happens to encroach on her space, either 1) "Doesn't respect our space," or: 2) "Wants to be in it."

First tweet:

Men* taking my space on airplanes can GTFO
Yes, I will push your foot
Yes, I will ask you to move over
No, you cannot take the whole ass arm rest
No, you will not accidentally touch a side boob with your elbow, and if you do, you will absolutely regret it

*always men

Second tweet:

Look, I get that public spaces are cramped and some things are unavoidable, but cis men generally avoid touching other men at all costs

That so many dont go to the same lengths for non-men means they either:

1.Dont respect our space
2. Want to be in it

Simple as that

She continued on with three more tweets whining about the issue.

NewsFlash for the poor little snowflake, women do it as well. I say this as someone that spent years running industrial auctions and spent more time in airports, airplanes and hotels than in my own home.

Then again, to feminists, only men are bad!!!!!


Normal women need to take more of a stand against the feminist man-haters that make up today's modern feminism, as Ms. Sommers did on Maher's show, because as Apple's rewritten responses by Siri show, the term "feminism" and "feminist" have become "controversial," not because of the "right's" culture war against the left but because of the left's culture war against men and masculinity.

Below Candace Owens and other TPUSA members have a very interesting exchange with a feminist audience member on feminism and so-called "toxic masculinity," which shows a very clear example of the twisted thinking on the part of modern day feminists.

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