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August 7, 2018

Antifa Mob Attack Against Black Conservative Woman At Philly Restaurant Ignored By Liberal Media That Was Outraged Over Starbucks Incident

- 'This is Maxine Waters America,' With Conservatives Being Attacked While Eating Out.

(TPUSA founder and communications director attacked by Antifa at Philly diner)

By Susan Duclos - All News PipeLine

Turning Point USAs Charlie Kirk and Candace Owens were having a quiet, peaceful breakfast in Philadelphia on Monday, when a mob of approximately 25-30 people gathered with megaphones and chased them out of the coffee shop, then proceeded too attack them, throwing water and an egg at Kirk, who is white, and screaming vile, racist attacks against Owens, who is an African American woman.

Early on Monday, Candace Owens sent a message out via Twitter with a video that captured the incident, showing the police, largely made up of black and Hispanic officers, also being verbally attacked by the group as they stood in front of Owens and Kirk to protect them.

Her message was "Charlie Kirk and I just got ATTACKED and protested by ANTIFA for eating breakfast. They are currently following us through Philly. ALL BLACK AND HISPANIC police force protecting us as they scream 'f*ck the racist police'."

Both Kirk and Owens joined Sean Hannity to describe what took place.

Water thrown on myself, they threw an egg at me. Heres the interesting part, Candace and I were just minding our own business. We were just having a quiet breakfast and they mobilized within 20 or 30 minutes, at least 50 of them, came into the restaurant and started calling Candace a Nazi, which I cant figure out how on earth they would come to that conclusion, Kirk stated.

They drove us out of the restaurant and Candace and I said lets just stand here for a couple minutes and show them that we are not going to back down. Very peacefully we are not going to retaliate if things get thrown at us. Little did we know wed actually have stuff thrown at us, he continued. We dont want to play the victim card here, thats what the left does all the time. This is whats called on by Maxine Waters.

The reference to Maxine Waters is about her statements to supporters that Trump administration officials should be confronted by mobs of liberals at gas stations, grocery stores and restaurants.

Owens then added "This is Maxine Waters America. We thought it was an important moment to show America exactly what we are fighting because not many people understand this is real.Theyve grown increasingly violent because theyre losing."

In the clip below, Hannity shows a small portion of the video that Owens put into her message earlier that day, with the cursing bleeped out.

In the interviews we see Kirk and Owens describe the harassment, with short clips shown of the incident, but the video directly below is what they went through on Monday after leaving the restaurant, to capture the unhinged nature of these mobs.


Anyone remember the media frenzy over the Starbucks incident where two black men refused to order anything, and were removed by police when they refused to leave the establishment. Starbucks had a policy that only paying customers could use the restrooms, and take up table space, but because the two men in question were African American, the media outrage machine went nuts. Starbucks' CEO ended up apologizing, then closed down 8,000 stores for a day for "racial bias training," for nothing more than an employee enforcing the company's official store policy.

In a Google search from April 14, 2018, when the Starbucks incident occurred, to April 15, we found that Washington Post, Huffington Post, CNN, Snopes, Vox, New York Times, CBS News, ABC News, and NPR, had all had lengthy reports written about the incident. (Those were all on the first page of the Google search)

All outraged that two "black men" were arrested for trespassing, calling it racist on the part of the employee that followed the company's official policy.

Now we have a conservative black woman, Candace Owens, forced out of a restaurant by a white Antifa mob, calling her a white supremacist, and a whole host of other names, while screaming in her face and ear with a megaphone, harassing her, stalking her simply because she is theTPUSA Communications Director, which is a conservative group that travels to colleges to "identify, educate, train, and organize students to promote the principles of freedom, free markets, and limited government," and the media yawns.

Doing the same 24 hour search for Candace Owens, we see only two liberal media outlets that reported on the attack against Owens and Kirk, the Washington Post and Newsweek, with all the rest being conservative outlets.


Washington Post doesn't even mention racism, nor that Ms. Owens is an African American. Wapo starts their piece by writing "Charlie Kirk and Candace Owens are outspoken leaders of the pro-Trump organization Turning Point USA. Kirk, the founder, has been called a conservative provocateur with the ear of the president. Owens, the spokeswoman, has received tweet-based praise from Kanye West and together Kirk and Owens say they are culture warriors trying to save Western Civilization from liberals."

The headline of the Wapo piece is "Maxine Waters America: Protesters swarm pro-Trump organizations leaders at a restaurant.' ( link here)

Turning Point USA is a conservative organization, so yes they support President Trump, but to call them a "pro-Trump organization" is quite misleading as the group was founded in 2012, years before President Trump even announced his candidacy, which Wapo could have easily found out on their About page.

Turning Point USA is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization founded on June 5, 2012 by Charlie Kirk. The organizations mission is to identify, educate, train, and organize students to promote the principles of freedom, free markets, and limited government.

Since the founding, Turning Point USA has embarked on a mission to build the most organized, active, and powerful conservative grassroots activist network on college campuses across the country. With a presence on over 1,300 college campuses and high schools across the country, Turning Point USA is the largest and fastest growing youth organization in America.

The only other liberal media outlet addressing this issue, Newsweek, again not focusing on how a black woman was accosted, as the liberal media highlighted the race of the men in the Starbucks' incident to claim it was a racist attack, but instead start their piece by questioning if the Kirk/Owens attack was "planned" by Kirk and Owens.

The entire piece focused on that spin, until the last paragraph which basically negates their entire premise of the headlined question of "Was Antifa Restaurant Confrontation Planned By Charlie Kirk And Candace Owns? Pundits Ask."

Here is the concluding paragraph:

Antifa Philadelphia shared an image on social media of one of its protestors throwing water on Kirk, writing that "Charlie Kirk's disgusting homophobic, racist, bigoted presence [was] met by some proper Philadelphia hostility."

So Newsweek, at the time of publishing, already knew the answer to their headline question, knew that Antifa members had already admitted it was one of their group members that threw liquid on Kirk, yet still published the piece, so the headline alone would cast doubt on the incident being real.

If that isn't misleading, I don't know what is.


What happened to Owens and Kirk on Monday is completely unacceptable, but has become normal behavior for liberals and Antifa thugs. The lack of outrage from the liberal media that apparently is outraged about everything these days, unless it is a conservative being targeted and accosted, just highlights their double standards, hypocrisy and bias.

The liberal media have two different set of standards in reporting incidents that involve African Americans, where everything that happens to a person of color is considered a racist event unless it happens to a conservative black woman, then race isn't even mentioned and it isn't about "race" or racism, but is about the politics of those harassed, as if that justifies the attacks.

The media also refuses to call out the thuggish and terrorist tactics of Antifa, forming mobs to attack a white man and black woman that were doing nothing but having some breakfast.

Candace Owens gets a little more in-depth about the incident below, followed by a great discussion about how things are getting worse, leading to the violence from the left, against conservatives, we have been documenting over the past two years.


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